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James Kerman

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Posts posted by James Kerman

  1. 5 hours ago, stripeyfox said:

    I assume that I can't just keep stacking taller and taller rockets

    You can use autostrut to make your rocket more rigid (you will need to enable advanced tweekables and have unlocked the normal strut if you are playing career) and you also have the option of building stages outward instead of upwards - known as pancake rocket design (although this method introduces more drag):

  2. I'm glad you are feeling a little better, @The_Cat_In_Space. As a youngster I used to suffer from anxiety attacks and can sympathise with the feelings you are experiencing. The best advice I got was that the mind can make things seem much worse than they actually are and when you feel that dreadful sensation coming on, try to breathe normally, remember that you are not alone and remember that whatever is driving your thoughts during this difficult time is usually the worst your mind can make of things.

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