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James Kerman

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Posts posted by James Kerman

  1. Welcome to the forum @Maggie.

    While it is true the game has a steep learning curve, you will find that our community is very helpful to newer players. If you need any help or advice don't hesitate to ask and I hope your KSP journey is as fulfilling as mine has been.

  2. Welcome to the forum @OM222O.

    I've moved your question to gameplay questions.

    For a craft to be controllable it needs at least a probe core and electrical supply. You should still be able to dock with it - get a vessel into orbit, click on the target and choose "select as target". 

    I would use the advanced grabbing unit with a probe core, RCS, enough batteries to last 1 hour or so (this depends on the altitude of your orbit) and solar panels.

  3. Welcome to the forum @mfgkra.

    The only thing I can think of is if you have set a vector with SAS (prograde, retro, ect) the RCS will assist in that. Try disabling SAS and see if it still happens. If it is still an issue, I would try cutting and pasting mechjeb out of the gamedata folder and see if the problem persists.

  4. The KSP Moderation Team is proud to present

    Threads of the Month Awards, for August 2019!


    This month has marked the 50th anniversary of the first manned Moon landing and what better way to start than @Munbro Kerman's 3 year mission to create a fantastic replica to share with us all and also to include a wonderful image gallery that would be worthy of its own thread of the month if it was a mission report.

    @Simog and Rob have created a stockalike Muun and a fantastic cinematic to showcase all the great work they have put into this mod.

    You will never need electric charge if you become part of @dnbattley's battery-less movement.

    @beik has been experimenting with reorganization of the tweekables menu with some very cool looking results.

    @DemonEin has created an impressive mod that adds advanced intra vehicular activity (IVA) to all the stock pods in the game. An excellent first mod for a new member.

    And finally, having just marked the anniversary of the magnificent achievement of the first man on the Moon we should take a moment to remember Chris Kraft, NASA's first flight director who was instrumental in creating the organization that led to Apollo 11 and the following missions. We thank @tater for his memorial thread to this giant in the history of manned spaceflight.


    Congratulations to all for your wonderful contributions and please remember to report a thread (add the comment 'totm') or PM a moderator if you feel it is worthy of thread of the month. Special thanks go to @qzgy, @Servo, @Poodmund, @fourfa, @Nigel J. Cardozo and @theJesuit for your nominations.

    All winners are free to add the Thread of the Month badge (created by our very own @adsii1970) to their posts, signatures or have a billboard erected on their property, so long as you use a reputable company and have permission from your local authority.

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