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Everything posted by qzgy

  1. Following @Azimech, I tried my hand at the ion challenge. Didn't work out great, but there was a 100% kerbal survival rate. Not necessarily recovery though... http://imgur.com/a/8tTBK (imgur album is broken for some reason.... huh.)
  2. Did (at time of writing) part of this weeks reddit challenge. Ion engines - Can squeeze out almost 30000 m/s of delta-V, but have to use hour+ long burns for interplanetary travel. Here, the Walkabout went to minmus and gilly. Burning to dres right now. Even with 4x physics warp, still takes a long time. Could have squeezed out more delta-v with a lawn chair, but I wanted all the flags. Not liking ion engines a lot.
  3. You know, I didn't realize that until you pointed it out! TBH, that thing that I wrote is kinda pertaining to the story...
  4. Hey @keptin - Not to pester or anything, but is there an ETA for all the craft reviews? Or will that come once all the entries are in?
  5. That's neat! I think you could have also offsetted an RCS port and radially attached antenna to better simulate the dish, but it looks great as is. I flew that sea-launched SSTO to minmus, only to discover that Edlorf couldn't EVA from the clipped lander can. I got unreasonably upset about that.
  6. No.... still english. Just in a code based on one from world war 1. aww. Oh, wait!
  7. Hmmm fun.I like this stuff. DONT YOU DARE OPEN THE SPOILER IF YOU WANT TO SOLVE IT. PS - Very nice message. Here's another code (just for fun): RGTGNNRT NNNGGRGNGT LGRRLLNN NGGRTNGN RRTTRG LNGTGTGNGRNNRT? Hint:
  8. Not speaking as OP, but probably lights, with the RGB values tweaked. Just point two of different colors and voila, color changing sails.
  9. Actually, @MiffedStarfish, I believe you'll find that it's a goliath engine stock onto the back. Not sure if it is tweakscaled.
  11. TL;DR of it - 1st one says "Go away" then " Killer Automaton Reaping Manned Aero-Stuff " Second one says "Was it an improvement? Well this isn't!" @DarkOwl57 - Was this the thing I lent you an aircraft for?
  12. And this is why I don't have LS... I'm guessing the rest was even more epic?
  13. YOU'VE JUST COPIED THE SAME THING MANY TIMES. 3/11 I am a hewman since I find solace in strong drinks. Water mainly.
  14. Very highly recommended. This flying brick took advantage of a per-kerbal bonus.
  15. After testing that seaplane ssto for @Speeding Mullet's reboot of the seaplane to orbit challenge, I found it was insufficient for a quick minmus hop. I had about 30 m/s of delta-v when landed. So I made the SeaDraaken 5. It launches from under the water. Vertically, but still technically a seaplane (AFAIK. Still testing, haven't made the full mission.) Takes off from water, and has wings. Can probably land on water too. Spoiler of testing runs. I'm also 90% sure it can go in orbit. No pics though.
  16. 2 kerbal pod ejected at 1100 m/s or so. Also, kudos on a fairly well designed challenge! Wait.... this is invalid (Kerbals must be in a command seat...)
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