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Everything posted by Anth

  1. Merged another bug report.
  2. Where precision control is the most obvious for me is when using RCS. RCS gets used at a lesser degree for finer control. And it is buggy right now which gives inconsistent results.
  3. Merged another report. These are all the same issue. Caused by time warping with 0 EC. The colour saturating is part of the problem for some reason. The other thing that happens is that the craft is at times transported into the parent body of the SOI. Kerbin SOI = Kerbin. Solar Orbit = Kerbol etc.
  4. @EphraimptgtMerging with this Bug report.
  5. KSP2 Version: KSP2 Version: KSP2 Version: Operating System: Windows 10 CPU+GPU+RAM: i9 9900K+3070ti+32GB Mods Used: None Priority: Low Note: All versions do this. (Only tested on the Spherical Tank for the other 2 versions) I didn't test every tank of each category but multiple of each seems to indicate this is true. Spherical Tank with 0t Fuel: Spherical Tank with 5t Fuel: Empty RCS Tank Drop from VAB's Maximum Height:
  6. Confirmed: Also confirmed:
  7. My guess was the same. Why they are going in the opposite direction makes no sense to me.
  8. @SomeoneAlive Merged your bug report into this one.
  9. @Jaypeg Merged your bug report into this one.
  10. @Filed.Teeth I have merged your bug report with this one.
  11. @Davidian1024 and @Twich222 I merged your bug reports with this one + changed the title to describe the problem better.
  12. Merged with this bug report. The bug is spamming autosaves thinking any little movement counts as a landing. Bigger the autosave the more obvious it is.
  13. Moving to Archive because this bug was actually caused by part clipping.
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