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Everything posted by Calvin_Maclure

  1. Good day, quick question regarding what version is best to use with KSP 1.6.1. I've currently got v.1.1.2 (Construction) and it seems to be working fine, but wondering if I should bump up to the latest one or will there be any compatibility issues? (RP-1).
  2. Hi all, getting this rather persistent issue (at every launch). KSP v is 1.6.1 (RP-1 play through) and installed ELR is per CKAN, so I'm not sure if this is the issue (should it be v 1.6.0??): It's basically throwing a bunch of ''Exception: TypeLoadException: Could not load type 'ModuleDecouplerBase' from assembly 'EngineLightRelit'. Logs: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/fkrbiavx1c3g8u0/AABvgUGRlOCNWEzt5vZUNJ_4a?dl=0 Thanks!
  3. Hmm... both of my Solar Cycle and Orbit Decay icons are white (in KSC view and at the Tracking Station), so something seems wrong. KSP 1.6.1 / RP-1... Here are the logs: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/fkrbiavx1c3g8u0/AABvgUGRlOCNWEzt5vZUNJ_4a?dl=0 Thanks!
  4. Not getting a connection at KSC for some reason. Crafts in orbit are when in view of ground stations, but nothing at KSC... Also, having depleted batteries does not seem to affect connection. KSP 1.6.1 / RP-1 / RO... Logs: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/fkrbiavx1c3g8u0/AABvgUGRlOCNWEzt5vZUNJ_4a?dl=0 Thanks,
  5. Made the move from KSP 1.3.1 to 1.6.1 and now some crafts are broken. Getting this error message: [...] parts missing: ''KzProcFairingFuselage2'' (also getting this for ...Fuselage1). Installed via CKAN. How to fix? Thanks,
  6. Huh, ok. My only concern is your previous (if it still applies) comment regarding the Fuel Switching. Since I play RO/RSS/RP-1, I use Real Fuels (which uses SolverEngines which I believe is a Fuel Switching mod??). FireSpitter I know is used by several mods (though I could not tell you which ones...), so my main and only concern really is, if I can only use one Fuel Switching and not the others, then I have to get rid of several mods (potentially) and I don't know which ones use what... Makes sense?? Don't know what, if anything, can be done about this. Thanks so much for all your help and efforts.
  7. I was just... thinking if I'm on KSP 1.6.1, wouldn't the TS version work? The subsequent versions seem to be the ones where this Kraken issue began, no?
  8. Will the latest MLP v 2.0.1 (meant for KSP 1.7.3) work in KSP 1.6.1?? The dependencies mentioned are the correct ones that I have.
  9. Alright, so I read through several pages discussing versions for KSP 1.6.1, but I wanna make sure I don't goof and get the wrong thing. What versions do I need for KSP 1.6.1 in RSS? Many thanks! Mod looks awesome!
  10. Thanks for this very complete answer, I really do appreciate it, and your efforts to solve this issue. Modders don't get enough recognition. - Got the SXT link, downloaded and installed. Thanks. - RO -> so... for now, manually applying the ''%'' to all 300-and-change is the way to go? *sigh*! Ok! lol... - Regarding Fuel Switching, I'll keep FireSpitter as you suggested... but I have no idea what the other ones are that I should remove... (and I'm assuming I'll also have to get rid of the mods for whom those other Fuel Switch are dependencies?) Thanks,
  11. Added to DropBox. Here's the DB link: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/fkrbiavx1c3g8u0/AABvgUGRlOCNWEzt5vZUNJ_4a?dl=0
  12. Yep. Getting that ''Houston, we have a problem" error too! Playing RP-1/RO. Let me know if there's anything I can supply that would help.
  13. I'm assuming that if it's good to go for 1.7.x it should be fine for 1.6.1? Thanks
  14. Man... sorry to hear. For what it's worth, I much appreciate your stuff! Most people really do not realize how much work some of these mods take!
  15. What sort of issues have people been experiencing (if any) when using KCT and Crew R&R? Using KSP 1.2.2 for a RO/RP-0 Thanks,
  16. Good day, what version for RO/RP-0 KSP 1.2.2 should I be using for this awesome mod? Sorry if its already been said... its late and I'm tired... Reason I ask is that I know some mods work just fine when they're upgraded to KSP 1.3.0 and may even have further fixes than their KSP 1.2.2 counterparts. Thanks, CM
  17. You're correct, RO doesn't do anything to the tech tree. But, what I am trying to figure out is progression. In RP-0, as you progress you can research better performing parts, right? So a given engine will have multiple variants as you research them improving performance, and what not. Where or what should I be looking for to find this progression? That's where I'm stumped.
  18. Ah, yes, forgot to mention that... I'm using RO. Just not RP-0.
  19. Where, in the config files, does one find where the progression value(s) is(are) set, or what to look for? I've got a Science mode game going, and I cant seem to unlock the more advanced engines as I advance through the tech t ree, since, well, no progression... Thanks
  20. Where, in the config files, does one find where the progression value(s) is(are) set, or what to look for? I've got a Science mode game going, and I cant seem to unlock the more advanced engines as I advance through the tech t ree, since, well, no progression... Thanks
  21. It does, I wasn't expecting that! Great work! When using RO/RSS, what values should one use? My rockets always end up flying horizontal when reaching only about 3300m...
  22. @AndyMt, is there anything available for 1.2.2?? Playing with RO-RSS and... well... still on 1.2.2...
  23. Well I'll be a floatin' kerbal, AmpYear WAS the cause... huh! Thanks @Phineas Freak
  24. AmpYear??? Really?? AmpYear would be causing the Squad stuff not to load? What's the link?
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