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Everything posted by Calvin_Maclure

  1. May I ask, is it much of an upgrade from 1.2.2 to 1.3 in terms of the required amount of work to be done for modders? If memory serves me right, going from 1.1.3 to 1.2.0 saw a significant rework for mod makers.
  2. @Nils277 What part of the part cfg must I remove in order to remove the animations of the K&K garage, garage front door? Reason being that Ubio's welding mod randomly welds some with open doors and some with closed.
  3. Question, is there any way to prevent parts with movable doors (or whatever) to stay closed when welding them together?? I set the range values to 0, but it seems to have randomly open some and not others... KSP 1.1.2
  4. Quick question, I recall reading in this forum that installing SSTU Labs removes all stock engines (and other stuff??) and that there was a way to prevent it from doing that if you still wanted stock items? Is this accurate or am I imagining things?? I'm in the process of updating KSP and I'm trying to keep track of some 80+ mods so... it gets to be a bit of a pain sometimes to try and read through everything on every mod... Cheers
  5. Well it says that it fixed an issue with IR joints not moving, but I also experienced an issue (with the reworks) where, after time warping, the joints would break and get skewed. Not sure if this is due to the same thing or not.
  6. A new version of Kerbal Joint Reinforcment has been released (v 3.3.2 for KSP 1.2.2). Does anybody now if this has addressed the previous issues encountered with IR (as per the above quoted post)? Cheers,
  7. Dont use AJE?!? Have you gone mad??! I'll figure something out. But abandon a realism mod??? NEVER!
  8. To all the FAR crew, well done!! Arguably one of the more complex and technical mods out there, and one of the best, imo! Glad to see it finally ready for 1.2.2!
  9. Welp... that would explain it! Any workaround?
  10. I've seen many people build boats/ships and power them using jet engines that run underwater. Does having AJE installed prevent this since I've tried many different ways of going about it but the engines always always overheat and explode...
  11. So... does this mean that those issues wont be fixed for 1.2.9?
  12. Thanks for your hard work. Great mod, cant play without it!
  13. KSP players are always like ''moar boosters!''. In reality, its really more like ''more RAM!'', at least, when you go full KSS it is.
  14. Well, I suppose as long as you dont go THROUGH the planet, you should be good!
  15. Stacking multiple JX2s will increase the range? Huh, I didnt know that (or didnt remember it). What's the rule? Is 2x antennae = 2x the range? Does RT antennae also do this??
  16. Just wanted to know one little thing. I know this mod had some issues (in previous game/mod versions) with Tweakscale. How's that working now in KSP 1.2.2? Oh, and if someone could tell me whether or not this is ship breaking to go from ksp v 1.1.2 to 1.2.2, I'd much appreciate it. I've not been able to find anything in the previous posts about that. Cheers!
  17. I've yet to download KW (still on KSP 1.1.2) so, for me there would be no craft breaking.
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