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Everything posted by Calvin_Maclure

  1. That glow! I bask on the glowy glowing glowiness of the glowy glowing goodnesses.
  2. It drives it in the background, not while you're there with it (i.e.: active vessel)
  3. Alrighty then, so just to be extra sure (and clear up some confusion form your previous post: ''There's two versions on spacedock, the one labeled "new" is not compatible, the other one is.All future versions on GitHub are incompatible.'' 1- so is v1.0.1 compatible with crafts that were created in KSP 1.1.2? 2- are the version on Spacedock (v 1.0.1) and Github the same? 3- if not, what's the difference between the two?
  4. Help? Nah mate, got err done! Check out the link. Album is in there.
  5. @tg626 When upgrading from the TRAILS version for KSP 1.1.2 to this one, will there be any craft breaking? Thanks,
  6. Hey, @IgorZ, i read through the forum to see if anything was stated, forgive me if this was already clarified elsewhere, but Im assuming that EVS 1.2.0 is good for KSP 1.2.2? Thanks!
  7. Quick question: what sort of interaction with SCANSat will this mod have? I had this mod with KSP 1.1.2 but Im just wondering if with the changes applied to SCANSat for KSP 1.2.2, what role (if any) will this mod play? Thanks
  8. Hello, two quick questions: 1- I've been reading through the pages, but just wanted to confirm that this was good to go for KSP 1.2.2 2- Is OrbitalSurveyPlus needed with this mod now after the changes applied to ScanSat for KSP 1.2.2? Cheers!
  9. Hi, fantastic mod! I was wondering if there is a list of all compatible/incompatible mods for Kerbalism? If something about this has already been posted on this forum, please point me towards it. Cheers!
  10. Hey @Paul Kingtiger, long time user of this mod and I really love it! Two quick questions: 1- any compatibility with Kerbalism in the works for this mod? 2- is there any availble info on US2? Cheers!
  11. @tomek.piotrowski, hey, I was just wondering if you could comment on this. Thanks!
  12. That's what I figured (about the link). Thanks for your great work! Really lovin the mod! Had me some fun making Canadarm2 and Dextre:
  13. Ive been having the joint slip issue occuring. Just need to confirm if the items at this link are applicable to KSP 1.1.2 or if they're all for 1.2.2: Just triple checking... Thanks!
  14. Is this a known issue for the reworks? This parts were not skewed like this. For some reason, several joints are all out of place... (KSP 1.1.2)
  15. Mono tank looks nice. Is this replacing the one that had the black (or dark) cross hatch on it, à-la Vostok? Can only find one of the two Tantares versions on SpaceDock for 1.2.2, Tantares v 1.0.1.
  16. So what's the diff between the two? And what would this brave editing entail?
  17. Yeah that's nice. I really like the docking port in the middle question. On a different note, is the KSP 1.2.2 compatible version of Tantares craft breaking for KSP 1.1.2 versions? What about Trails? Good work mate! Cheers,
  18. I found out not too long ago that the OPM mod tweaks the antenna's power. Does this affect RT in any way or does RT override something like that? Cheers,
  19. Does the x4 antannae thing still happen with OPM when RT is used?
  20. Yes, I very much want RT (already using it). And yes, that 1000Gm dish does look damn fine. Still, even if 1000>850, if 850 already covers the deep, then...
  21. @Snark, cool work! But RT already has an 850Gm dish. Is this one still really necessary (yes, I use OPM) iyo?
  22. Bit of an off topic question here but, what language is used to make KSP mods?? C#? C++? Something else?
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