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Everything posted by sal_vager

  1. Anyone tested this plugin on stations with the docking bug yet?
  2. Well, there's no re-entry heat in the stock game as of yet, but there is the deadly re-entry addon until then, so feel free to try it I'm sure that when Squad add re-entry heating there will be options for protecting our craft and our experiments from harm, from thermal tiles for our pods and space shuttles to high temperature capable science return cannisters
  3. Welcome to the community XrayLima Have fun and any landing you can walk away from is a good one
  4. Should be easy enough to do, they are in the sub assemblies folder in your save folder, just copy them where you need them or pop another persons craft file into your sub assemblies folder
  5. KSP as Steam only isn't going to happen, KSP on Steam only happened because the members wanted it so much, Squad will continue running the store for the foreseeable future
  6. Guys, the servers are under heavy load, funny that....
  7. No SargeRho, it's not available that way so please don't ask, but if you have KSP on Steam or if you use the patcher, the download will be fairly small.
  8. Unless you have undelete software you may be out of luck, sorry.
  9. Oh dear gods no, never ever again, not in a million years, not after the last time We do have the public bug tracker, and it is looked at by the devs, so please continue to use that
  10. It would not be risked, the age of the hardware would make it's safety and status unknown, plus you'd have to specifically try to rendezvous with it, there'd be no accidental meet-up with the LM.
  11. I don't think we would need to worry much about the radiation to be honest, there was something I read recently about how well some plastics could block harmful radiation, and they had the advantage of being light weight
  12. sal_vager


    Hi LexiSilva, welcome to the community You don't need a big craft to get to Duna and back, as you can see with the craft here http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/33324-Kerbolar-Demo-Parts-Extravaganza!?p=442362&viewfull=1#post442362
  13. Can you imagine the inside of this thing?
  14. And this is not appropriate, we know it's not a spaceplane, sheesh! Old thread is old but if people are going to contribute tiny aircraft designs it can stay open for now
  15. If so we'd need an international flag, is there even a world flag? Maybe a pic of Earth?
  16. Fine control mode (capslock) will try to balance your RCS for you, it's not 100% though. Also, try more reaction wheels
  17. This is not a thread for the spacecraft exchange, and it's pushing it for addons too as there's no addons here. Plus you're giving out your email, do you want to be spammed with advertising? Email scrapers will find your email and pummel your inbox. Actually this thread is kinda useless, sorry, I better close it, please see rule 2.2 G
  18. On the first settings screen is the delta time slider, if you reduce the value of the delta time, KSP will slow instead of judder when under heavy physics load. Values below 0.03 are best avoided though as the lower the setting, the less accurate the physics can become.
  19. Welcome to the community Darkeldar Press Escape and return to the space center, you can end your flights from the tracking station screen, not sure about the pointer though, if you leave a craft at the space center you should be able to target it in the map screen, giving you a pink target marker on the navball. Most of us just get used to switching to the map with M and dead reckoning though There's a lot of addon parts, and if you don't find what you need then someone will probably make them if you ask. Good luck with your designs, and fly safe
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