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Everything posted by sal_vager

  1. Oh yeah, KSP is good for that, thanks to KSP I now know how orbits work, and how objects move in space, it makes it a bit painful to watch most sci-fi now though! Enterprise, Y U NO ORBIT?
  2. Also, MechJeb is not a magic button, if your craft cannot make it there's nothing MechJeb can do about it, so craft design is still very important
  3. Sounds fun, and even though KSP's physics are actually a bit limited, it uses patched conic approximation, the same thing that was used during Apollo to put men on the moon
  4. Slow? More like immobile, lichins, moss and suchlike Completely sessile, moved with the wind and the tides.
  5. Welcome to the community Razor235 More and more we see KSP used in the classroom, so you might be interested to know that Squad will work with educators to get KSP into schools! Just think of how much work your class could get done if they had access to KSP! Thinking about it though, probably not much actual work
  6. KSP might be trying to save during launch, but it can't when in an atmosphere and the 5 second interval is not far off the ~4 seconds reported by people with the sound stutter issue. It'd be very interesting to see what changing this does for someone affected with stutters
  7. Probably the largest contributor to lag in KSP are the oceans, and you can only change those in the settings.cfg Open the settings.cfg and search for "ocean" and for each result, change the maxSubdivision to 3 or less. That should help a lot with lag
  8. Welcome to the community swedewolf There's many, many player made missions for KSP, just take a look at the Challenges section for a few. What you saw on youtube was most likely one of those Career mode is yet to come in KSP, and part costs will change as they are just placeholders for now
  9. Welcome to the community camylarde It's done by purchase date, not transfer date so don't worry, and I will be buying a second copy of the expansion(s) to go with my free copy anyway to help Squad out, as KSP is definitely worth it
  10. Welcome to the community Quorthon And thanks for helping out on the Steam community, people like you are brilliant
  11. Welcome to the community White Rider Space center, remember it, always click on space center as you can always remove a flight from the tracking station later when you aren't in a hurry
  12. There was a challenge a long time back, where players had to get as far as possible on as little fuel as possible, the trick was lots of wings. And I don't mean with the infinite glide bug either, seriously large wings were used and the craft were very slow, but man, they were frugal
  13. MechJeb is fine, it's one of the best made addons out there to be honest, and you can get it here. Instructions are here
  14. Do you have the rover there still? If so can you post the persistent.sfs for us?
  15. Yes, we can highlight "invisible text", lol And it's a nice pic, well done.
  16. Welcome to the community Daneel Wasn't that Giskard? Have fun on the forums and fly safe!
  17. Welcome to the community Rainbowtrout Good luck landing on the Mun, or Duna
  18. Welcome to the community Sax Man Have fun on the forums and in KSP, and fly safe
  19. Welcome to the community djblackliquor Good luck with your videos and have fun
  20. Welcome to the community Kamperfoelie The only real tips for aircraft I have are these, keep the center of mass in front of the center of lift, and make sure the intakes are near the back so their drag stabilises you
  21. Welcome to the community rdude71 It's always good to see new players, and if you can think of something insightful or sciency to post here that'll get people stuck into the conversation, than that'd be great
  22. Welcome to the community shadowsutekh Wow, landing structures on the Mun is not easy, so don't forget quicksave (F5) and quickload (hold F9) as it'll take more than one attempt while you get the hang of it! You will basically be landing a large vessel that may not be all that manoeuvrable so be careful
  23. Welcome to the community Diggydug The Windows Steam version checks for Steam when you start it, and it's easier to have several installs of KSP with the store version, but other than that they are the same. The full game might be laggier for you but then it has a few more graphical niceties now
  24. Welcome to the community MCTech This game and the community around it is great fun, I'm sure you'll enjoy it here
  25. Welcome to the community Maverick377 My best tip when docking is to take it slow, you'll have more time to think and will use less fuel, oh and practice with a small craft first, send up something that can undock then redock to it's own launcher.
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