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Everything posted by sal_vager

  1. Hi Aeroshell, there is a lot of info here that can help with orbits, for reaching the other planets, try changing Conic_Patch_Limit to 3 or 4 in settings.cfg, it'll help
  2. It should use the bottom tank first, but it can get confused if the upper tank was replaced at some point, or added as an after-thought after the bottom tank. Try removing the big RCS tank and chucking it back in the parts list, then add a new large RCS tank, that should change the build order so that the bottom tank is used first.
  3. The 3 Kerbal pod is made from all the child's dollies that survive plane crashes unscathed, hence the pods unbelievable resilience to impacts Plus this isn't really a bug, more of a feature, moving to General
  4. All that co2 had to go somewhere spikeyhat09 And Layth may have nothing that freezes at those temperates.
  5. It's hardly old Terran Cmdr, and it is your thread, so you are allowed, I can't wait to see what you work on next
  6. Well, the patcher is unreliable on OSX, as it relies on Mono, and the Mono compatibility mode of Visual Studio seems not to actually be compatible at all. As for the full download, it should have worked, it'll generate a settings file on first run if it has write permissions, so check those first, look here for info.
  7. sal_vager


    Hi mrkarp, welcome to the community Good luck on your Mun landings, check out the How-To section of the forums for help if you need it
  8. Hi Cirius, welcome to the community I prefer smaller, more efficient rockets myself, you can greatly improve your efficiency if you are careful with the throttle on the ascent, as the air resistance can cause you to burn a lot more fuel than you really need.
  9. Hi Tiauguinho, welcome to the community Good luck on your Eve flight, have fun
  10. Hi Jason Patterson, welcome to the community I play KSP totally by eye and feel, I'm not one fore maths these days, once you realize how craft move when in orbit the rest becomes easy, but as it is so different to what we are used to on the ground it can be very confusing to new pilots.
  11. Hi MeticulousMitch, welcome to the community Yeah all new members have to go through a 5 post probation period just in case a spambot tries to get past the filters, you are a bottle rocketeer now so no worries
  12. Hi VongolaUndici, welcome to the community High tech and weapons? Well, there is the Dynasat pack for high tech stuff, and there is Toch's laser, cart and antigravity device. But if you want the swiss army knife of add-ons, you need this
  13. Hi Thunfisch, welcome to the community There isn't really a "Best mods list" anymore as there are so many add-ons and they are all great, but if you want spacestation style parts, try the kosmos pack, deep space mission pack and the truss pack, plus the Dynasat pack for solar panels
  14. Hi Coldfinger008, welcome to the community Planes can be a pain, as wings don't work as you'd expect, instead of proper lift they only generate lift as a product of wing angle and airspeed, they are just planks really. Also, if your rear wheels are too far back, getting the nose up can be almost impossible, so turn on the CG indicator and make sure your wheels are not too far rearward. As for the flinging around, off axis thrust maybe? We'd have to test your craft file to be sure.
  15. Hi -YLLogicaL-, welcome to the community Have fun and go launch some rockets
  16. Hi Vostre Roy, welcome to the community When your rockets are done we'd love to see them, maybe you can post a few pics and a craft file in the http://kerbalspaceprogram.com/forum/forumdisplay.php/20-The-Spacecraft-Exchange?
  17. Hi bisto, welcome to the community Good luck on your Munar landings and returns, experimentation is the key, and it's fun too Also it's good to see another manual pilot
  18. Hi megazzorro, welcome to the community So what's your question?
  19. Hi Lunar, welcome to the community There is no way to relocate the launchpad yet, but what you can do is some careful editing of your persistence file. Once you have a craft on a moon or in orbit, you can copy it's position data to another craft, it is worth keeping a separate file of these "paveway" craft so you don't lose them. You'll need to edit the stg value to match your craft, the example above is of a craft on the Mun, if you copy that data over the data of one of your rockets, it'll be on the Mun
  20. Yeah dafluf, this stuff has been thought of by now (1) Not going to happen, don't bother to ask or suggest this one. (2) Might help, but the patcher was just not ready, N3X15 was not given the time he needed. (3) Costly, and currently too expensive for the few days a year that Squad need it, perhaps renting a server for a few days would be an idea though. (4) Will happen, but only when KSP reaches 1.0 This does not really belong in Suggestions though, so I'm moving it to Off-Topic
  21. sal_vager


    Yeah, basically try any of the add-ons on this page
  22. Hi decemberstorm, are you throttling up to maximum with the new large engine? If so, watch your G meter, if it gets too high your craft will collapse under the load.
  23. Hi MrAmazingFuntime, welcome to the community One of our Moderation team has come up with just the tool you need, an orbit calculator!
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