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Everything posted by sal_vager

  1. Hi Wirynino, welcome to the community Look here for help on orbiting and have fun
  2. Hiya Tommyrocket, welcome to the community Have fun in KSP, there are much harder challenges awaiting with the new planets, good luck reaching them
  3. That option should stop KSP checking if parts are severely overlapping in the VAB and SPH, allowing for more convoluted designs, though I have not really experimented much with it
  4. Hi opelwerk, welcome to the community If KSP is running slow in the VAB then this can happen a lot, to me at least and is very frustrating, see if it's any better with the VAB animations off.
  5. This is turning into a witch hunt, we don't know what Hofugir has done, and we don't know how he did it, English is not his first language so he may have explained himself incorrectly. What other members have managed with the plugin system is already pretty amazing, autopilots, docking, tractorbeams.... I'm closing this for now, when he has a complete add-on to show us we'll see then just what the plugin system can really do.
  6. Something that can help a lot for the base game is simply modifying your settings.cfg Look for CONIC_PATCH_LIMIT and set it to 3 or 4, that will display more orbit lines making it easier to see where you will end up, it is less accurate with each successive line though. Also CONIC_PATCH DRAW_MODE can be changed to give different ways of linking the orbit lines together, 3 seems pretty good but is less accurate than 1
  7. You can post pics to Imgur then post the URL here cdapala Also, Romfarer is making homing missiles as part of his Lazor add-on.
  8. Hi Deek of Rocketry, welcome to the community 0.17 is a lot different to .9, have fun with the planets and planes
  9. That is unkind whatisthisidonteven, if you do not believe him it is better to refrain from commenting.
  10. I have exhausted my knowledge already, so I think you should ask in this board, you'll get a lot more help
  11. Hi brooksy125, welcome to the community The best place to start for all new pilots is here, with Pebble_gardens excellent tutorial, followed by this fantastic angle calculator for reaching the planets
  12. I'm not the best on this subject at all but I'll share what little I know. Textures have to be loaded from outside Blender, you'll want a .png or a .jpg that you can load it into Blender and use it to set up the UV co-ords, Blender can show you the texture with the UV map overlayed, just drag the points around, don't forget to do a smart UV unwrap first though. All parts have to have a Material assigned, but they don't also have to have a texture. 3 Pieces is okay, one has to be the collision mesh for the whole part and it has to be called node_collider in Blender. Attachment nodes are handled in the part.cfg, if you have a vertex of your model in the right place, you can use the co-ordinates of that to set the node in the cfg, as long as your mesh is centered in Blender.
  13. This is what caught my eye, I didn't realize the time though, that's the problem with live streams, they don't care if we are too shattered to watch them, it's like TV all over again and having to stay up to watch a show. Good luck with the rescue Mr. Man, and hugio88, it's okay to get some sleep from time to time
  14. Hi Mystech welcome back to the community It looks like your old account did not survive the forum move, but you can only have one anyway so no big deal, also this is off topic (but inspired by your name) but Anachronox rocks
  15. And he regrets his actions, now guys, it's best we remember the good Captain for all the hard work and care he gave the community, he still has an account, so if you care about him I suggest you drop him a PM to let him know we have not forgotten him. I'm going to have to close this thread though sorry.
  16. That limit should have been removed Pelf, try adding a few more
  17. Make sure the testcube works for you Xellith, the files and instructions you need are there in the original post to make it and get it into KSP. By applying the same steps to your own part you should be successful Also, if it fails to load, delete the mesh folder that KSP creates so it is forced to rebuild it.
  18. Hi SunNoise, welcome to the community We can speculate as to the final release price but that's all it would be, speculation, and the price has been slowly increasing since KSP was first made available, It was $10 for me but I like it so much I bought it again Being from the UK, I'm used to full price games being £30, with a box and a manual by the way.
  19. mercaholic75 has asked for save files on several occasions since 0.17 was released, he is quite possibly desperate to reach the new planets. Edit: Actually, this thread has served what little purpose it had, and mercaholic75 can practice flying without having to worry about fuel allowing him to make mistakes. Closing thread
  20. Hmmm, asking what people think about colonies, rather than just suggesting them, nah I think we'll keep this one here Interesting thoughts there azazel1024, hopefully this will stimulate an in-depth discussion on the topic.
  21. I'm running unmodded bainbridge, and it is hard at least for me, mainly as my PC does not like overlarge rockets but I will keep at it What you saw was most likely MechJeb, a very powerful autopilot that can do a lot of the hard work for you. As to other add-ons, it depends on what they are, some make the game harder such as Zoxygen . I'm probably going to have to use the Orbital rendezvous and docking assistant add-on so I can refuel in orbit, that way I can use several small ships instead of a framerate killing large one. And I'll use this and this to help me get to the planets
  22. I'll close this for you kacperrutka26, you have tried hard to keep a good discussion going and I thank you for that, but I guess major updates should really be official threads only. Speculation is fine in Off-Topic though, but for now we should all wait until some concrete information from Squad about what to expect in 0.18 and later updates. Thread closed.
  23. Hi Crazybanana, welcome to the community I hope you have fun here on the forums, check out the Challenges board and the Add-ons section, there is a lot there to try
  24. Olsson, I know you said it does not fly perfectly in space, but there is another factor that can affect you in the atmosphere, that factor being the drag of the various side mounted components, even ladders have a small effect. But in space there is no drag, so it must be something else, I find with some large designs that the craft can twist under acceleration but that should not happen with your small design, but just in case, see what happens if you brace the nacelles with struts or mount them on decouplers so they don't touch the main section of the craft.
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