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Everything posted by sal_vager

  1. I actually run Linux, and use the Windows version of KSP through Wine, can you add Linux to your poll The Destroyer?
  2. Hmm yeah I agree, it's not really a "Challenge" thread if there's no actual challenge, this is more of a comparison thread
  3. Had to clean this thread up a little, sorry guys, nice aircraft ganjou234
  4. Flippin 'ell, you're right, this thread sleeps now Milo Kurtiss, don't necro post in future please.
  5. CrossyCriss, Squads implementation of docking just isn't finished, and from the little I have picked up here and there it should be more robust and capable than the docking add-ons, but (I hope at least) not be automated like Orda is.
  6. Hmmm yeah, that warning really needs to be up top, I'll have to add it to Coolys posts
  7. Hi guys, fansites are great but I think this thread should be in Off-Topic rather than here as it's not strictly about KSP, being a more of a general thread about spaceflight and space. I'll move it if you don't mind
  8. Stability will come nearer the time of the 1.0 release, but Squad are working hard to fix bugs as they go As for the rest here, pretty much everything has already been suggested many times, or is a planned feature anyway so there really isn't a need for this thread here. Moving
  9. Hi yete1, welcome to the community You want a rocket? Well I can share mine, it's designed for hand flying and lacks RCS so you'll need to do a correction burn half way to Minmus, but it can get you there. Copy the following into a text file, and name it Desert Star.craft
  10. Hi xaphan6669, welcome to the community Weird crashing? Are you running KSP from the Desktop by any chance? Try copying KSP to C:\Games and running the copy.
  11. Hiya Genolution, welcome to the community KSP is improving in leaps and bounds with each update, so who knows, we may have atmospheric heating soon, or not There is an add-on for this if you'd like the extra challenge though.
  12. Hi ARich, welcome to the community As others have said, it can take some trial and error to get to the other planets, mostly error For practice, try going from the Mun to Minmus or back, inter planetary transfers are pretty similar.
  13. Hi 619Soldier, welcome to the community Maybe you have set your speedo to the wrong mode by accident, click on it to switch between orbital speed and ground speed modes.
  14. I read that it has double redundancy, whatever that means, maybe two engines can fail and it can still reach orbit?
  15. People like different things Qumefox, some like a first person shooter, others like a micromanagement game, others like to flick birds at pigs. That's whats great about KSP, we can choose to use add-ons or not, and do so many different things, I have not seen an angry birds add-on yet though.
  16. My Documents is equally as bad Zelda, in fact any Windows folder is bad for KSP, if KSP is run from a folder inside Documents and Settings or Program Files it can fail to work correctly, that includes Desktop, Documents, Downloads and any other Windows subfolder.
  17. Oops yeah, this has been dragged up by a load of unneeded posts, closing
  18. Hi Poster, welcome to the community You are currently a Curious George, and this is a simple any spam measure, a little while after your 5th post you will be upgraded to Bottle Rocketeer and can edit your profile. So hang in there, you'll be fixed up soon enough
  19. Crash on launch? That can happen a lot if KSP is on the Desktop, I recommend copying KSP to C:\Games instead and running the copy
  20. Hi Narcosis, how about making that nosecone surface attachable? Just change this: // attachment rules: stack, srfAttach, allowStack, allowSrfAttach, allowCollision attachRules = 1,0,1,1,0 To this: attachRules = 1,1,1,1,0 See if that does the trick (Btw, the nose cone will stay on even if the value is reset, such as when sharing craft files with others )
  21. Hi Speckknoedel, welcome to the community Ahh well we all get confused at the start, you'll need RCS thrusters as well as RCS fuel, and hit R to turn it on, lets see what else, ahh yeah, SRB's just burn out as you have found, and you can stabilize your craft with the T key. You might find Shift useful in the VAB for a lot of things including when rotating parts with WASD QE, and if you mess up you can press Alt+Z If you have any specific questions just ask here or in How-To
  22. Wikipedia is also a good source on some things Orbital Mechanics Delta-V
  23. Any chance of a profanity warning on that link whatisthisidonteven?
  24. There is constructive criticism, and there is what we are seeing here in this thread, which looks more like moaning to me. More of the former, less of the latter please.
  25. Hi Mjolnir3853, welcome to the community You can find a lot of stuff to add to KSP here and here, have fun
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