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Everything posted by sal_vager

  1. Check this thread out Nutt007, he shows the beginnings of the planet at least, hopefully more will come soon To be honest though, this thread is kinda unnecessary now as well so I might as well close it.
  2. Oh yeah, sorry I should have said, it's a very basic but quite effective anti spam measure, you have to get to over 5 posts before you can modify that stuff. It really only needs to be 2 posts though I think, spambots almost never get the chance to post more than once
  3. Could be the plug came loose, there is a very small connector inside the laptop, usually buried under the keyboard. This might help you.
  4. If you want to talk about this Papa_Joe, you can do so in Off-Topic, this subject is old, done to death and wont achieve much, everyone knows docking is a planned feature eventually and that a few docking mods now exist. Moving thread
  5. Craft like this are not new but I have a soft spot for gliders I will ask you to use a different file host though, Mediafire is preferred for things like this and does not need a (somewhat trollish) password.
  6. And the rest of the rule in the above post: A user shall not: post to De-rail a topic. A user shall not: post a comment purely for reaction. So we'll have no more 'Troll' comments please. Plus I'm a derp I was thinking of this. Still want this add-on though....
  7. I am giving Hofugir the benefit of the doubt on this, I ask you all to do the same.
  8. Right, I think that's enough off topic posting for now guys, time to get back onto the topic of the Kosmos Spacecraft Design Bureau Further compression software discussion should be taken to an Off-Topic thread.
  9. Hey guys, Hofugir said before it was nothing special to look at, give him time. Kreuzung, you must have seen how flexible the plugin system is, after all you have written one, there's nothing to say that planets can't be done this way.
  10. They also steer the rocket Person012345
  11. Hi PolarBearsOnASpaceship (copypasted that, no way am I typing that much) Welcome to the community Arrow keys? Not the number pad then? Maybe you have a funny keyboard or you installed Lunar Flight. Anyway, here's a good tutorial on getting to orbit, have fun playing KSP (as soon as you get your keyboard to work)
  12. Wesmark, Windows PC's only have basic compressed file support out of the box, you will need to download a program that can handle more files, 7zip, which I linked to above, can so so. Also, no spammy capslock posts please
  13. Yuck, WinRAR? Really? You know you are supposed to pay for WinRAR don't you? Use 7zip, it's free and legal, and it will open RAR files.
  14. Hey it's in off-topic now, rules are a little more relaxed here, and people will discuss this topic regardless. As long as there are no arguments or blatant rule violations you can have fun speculating
  15. Why is this in challenges, if anything it should be in Off-Topic And does Track mania have time warp, no. What do you do while your friend is warping to Jool? Not a lot, it'd be quite boring, you'd have to all agree to warp at the same time, at the same rate, and stop warping at the same time whenever someone wanted to do something, one of you could easily miss your chance to do a maneuver and end up flung out into deep space. That's one reason multiplayer is hard
  16. If you are running KSP from a non Windows folder it should be in KSP-win\saves\yoursavename\ships\VAB\ If not, do a system search for yourcraftname.craft Edit, I got that wrong didn't I? I need to go eat.
  17. Well technically it was MartinVD who necroposted, though this is barely over a month old, how about starting a fresh thread in General where people can show their flags on the new planets Sbowyer28? Just link back to this thread so people can get the add-on
  18. Hmmm, I avoid fullscreen mode as it often fails on my system, no matter the game, try windowed mode with the screen resolution set to take up as much of the screen as possible, that way you wont need to Alt+tab out
  19. Hi QWERT1221 One word replies are best avoided here on the KSP forums, check my signature for the rules and good conduct guide
  20. Tell you what, I'll move this thread to off-topic for you guys
  21. You could also use the small pylons, they are nice and strong so make good mounting points for the legs.
  22. Hiya (An Original Name), welcome to the community You can check out the Good Conduct Guide in my signature for tips on how to conduct yourself on the forums, aside from that just try out the various buttons and see how you get on, you'll want to click 'Go Advanced' for the advanced editor when posting replies sometimes for the file attachment options, and you'll want to get familiar with the Spoiler tags, those look like this without the extra spaces: [ Spoiler =SpoilerName]YourTextOrLinkHere[ /Spoiler ] Add-ons are not too hard to install, you'll need to open up your KSP folder and put the parts in the parts folder, the plugins into a folder called Plugins (make it if it is not already part of the add-on's file structure in the Zip) and the source code can just stay in the Zip, it's not really needed unless you want to read it or try compiling the plugin yourself. Hope this helps
  23. Actually prullenbak, there is something you can do, first back up your persistence file as it's going to take some surgery..... With your persistence file safely backed up, load up your craft in the VAB and remove everything below the lander but don't save the ship, now hit launch. With just the lander on the pad, exit to the space center and open your persistence file (not with wordpad, never with wordpad (you remembered to back it up yes?)) You'll have two near identical craft here, one in space and one on the pad, what you need to do is find the one that is at prelaunch and copy everything from just below the command pod all the way down to the last engine. It'll look something like this. Make a note of how much fuel your orbiting lander has in each tank then paste this info over the top of the info of the orbiting craft, edit the fuel levels to match what you have used. Now, if all has gone perfectly, when you go to the tracking station and back to your orbiting lander it'll be in one piece, ready for landing
  24. Hiya MadScientistDel, welcome to the community Take a look around, the Challenges board is good if you are looking for something to do, and the Add-on board is great for spicing up the base game
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