Hardware and OS's move on, but it's possible we'll be able to play KSP decades from now with WindowsXP or Win7 emulators, and it works in Wine on Linux and Wine still supports Windows 3.1, so I think we'll always be able to go back and play it again. No game lasts forever, but the old classics are still remembered like Doom and Wolfenstein3D, System Shock and Command & Conquer, maybe KSP will be like them? Something I do hope for though, is that KSP sparks off more games like this, science based games not necessarily about the space race, Spacechem is another science based game so maybe the tide will turn to more cerebral games? None of us here seem able to put KSP down, it has that "Just one more go" quality and the difficulty missing from many games these days, Squad couldn't have come up with a better idea I think, KSP rocks