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Everything posted by sal_vager

  1. LukeTim, try looking up Nuclear Thermal Rockets, I read about them the other day on Reddit
  2. And take time away from their regular Devving? And you know you'd want more than just one planet, why settle for a slice when patience will get you a whole cake I can't wait for the next release either, but Squads track record so far tells me that it'll be worth waiting for
  3. There is Master, and I have asked zekes to change it.
  4. sal_vager

    Riddles :D

    ruskinoman, can you please use English when posting outside of the International Board, Thanks
  5. Yeah, I'll move it, it is a very nice looking part though
  6. Houstonhasaproblem, I think you should stick to using a keyboard, mouse and joystick instead Also, I'm looking forwards to the 2052 remake of the KSP series on modern sensovision systems
  7. RavenStar, everyone has to start somewhere, you do not have to like or use this add-on. Also, read the rules: Section 4: Libel, or Verbal Assault and Conflict A user shall not: Make a topic admonishing, or harassing another user. A user shall not: Use a thread to admonish, or harass a user. This applies to posts as well.
  8. Hi SaSquatch, welcome to the community Nice rocket, that's a good way to introduce yourself
  9. You could also try separating tanks with decouplers, and running fuel lines from each, it might work
  10. Hey, Pawelk198604 has taken his lumps and knows better now, so I'll not be having any bad words against him now, as Shadownailshot said it was not the fault of one person alone, the thread had been going down hill for several pages at least. Please take a read of Section 4 of the Rules, this thread stays on topic or it'll be closed for the same reasons as before.
  11. Hiya AeroSurface, welcome to the community Have fun playing KSP, now go launch some rockets
  12. Sorry mnnm1234, you are a little bit late, there is already a 0.17 discussion thread here so yours has been closed.
  13. Maybe, but there's already a Mk3, it needed a fresh start.

    Read more  
  14. Millst0ne MK II, no, sorry, tired, I'll close it, I need to sleep.
  15. Today I Learned that Elven_sword is a Redditor
  16. Hooligan Labs, you should be able to attach stuff after 5 posts, are you using the Advanced Editor when making your post? Click on Go Advanced. If you still have trouble, use Mediafire and post the link.
  17. Hardware and OS's move on, but it's possible we'll be able to play KSP decades from now with WindowsXP or Win7 emulators, and it works in Wine on Linux and Wine still supports Windows 3.1, so I think we'll always be able to go back and play it again. No game lasts forever, but the old classics are still remembered like Doom and Wolfenstein3D, System Shock and Command & Conquer, maybe KSP will be like them? Something I do hope for though, is that KSP sparks off more games like this, science based games not necessarily about the space race, Spacechem is another science based game so maybe the tide will turn to more cerebral games? None of us here seem able to put KSP down, it has that "Just one more go" quality and the difficulty missing from many games these days, Squad couldn't have come up with a better idea I think, KSP rocks
  18. It allows for a clean slate, plus, I find this interesting: * Multiple Player Saves: You can now have multiple ongoing game sessions, as each save is kept in its own folder (instead of all using the saves/default one). Assigned to: HarvesteR Status: Complete And this: * Ships saved by one player are private to that player. Ships on the KSP/Ships folders are common to all players and non-overwritable (from inside the game) So it looks like we'll be able to have one copy of KSP, and maybe let friends and family have their own profile, that'll be cool.
  19. 10, I flew to a moon base with you.
  20. Well, seeing as Pawelk198604 just could not stay on topic, this thread is now closed, shame really.
  21. Penquinn, hold Shift+Control+Alt and then press D while holding the other keys down
  22. Someone might start a Mk3 thread and people would ask the same things as in here, but threads like this only have life as long as they stay on topic, maybe it's time this thread had a dignified end instead of being left to rot. Okay people, can you give this thread a suitable high note to end on?
  23. Pawelk198604, Squad have no intention of adding weapons of any kind, posts such as this belong in Add-on Requests and Support. If people in this thread cannot stay on topic then the thread will be closed.
  24. Hi brabraham, welcome to the community There's nothing else quite like KSP is there? Have fun launching rockets
  25. simplemunrockets is dead on with this, your craft are now more sensitive to G forces, especially the new parts as they have a great deal more mass. Keep an eye on your G force meter on the left of the Navball, you definitely want to keep it out of the red, and ideally in the green
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