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Everything posted by NSEP

  1. Im going to donate 40 billion dollars to charity to see if donating alot of money to charity actually does something usefull. Im going to use 10 billion dollars to start a space company like SpaceX. Im going to have 150 billion extra to fund cool space gizmos for my company. The other 800 billion is for buying water at disneyland. Jk, that goes to space too.
  2. NSEP

    Shower thoughts

    Alot of animals are smarter than we think they are. I wouldn't be surprised if my cat got into some bad social interactions wich resulted in rivalry with other cats, considering she seems very hostile to other cats. Im pretty sure a cat-society is going on in our backyards that we just don't know of.
  3. NSEP

    Shower thoughts

    Humans are near-perfect hunter-gatherer machines. Nearly all features on our body proves it. We have eyes that can focus really well on objects, the brains to think, along with speech, the bring up and discuss a hunting plan/strategy, we can sweat and cool ourselves while running, so we don't have to take a break to cool down, wich is a great advantage when you don't have the legs to outrun your target, so you instead can chase your target untill they get tired. Oh wait, we don't have fangs and claws? We have steady and strong hands to craft our own perfectly fine!
  4. Orbiter is a very good space simulator, that allows you to go first person. It needs alot of add-ons and isn't extremely easy to get a grip on. Its one of those simulator so realistic, that by the time you have a grip on it, you can probably launch a pilot a spacecraft in real life.
  5. Maybe you can increase the window size in the settings.cfg, so the close button of the window appears.
  6. A few months ago, a teacher told me not to worry about my exams, because that will have to wait for like 2 years. Oh, wait, he didn't say that a few months ago, that was 2 years ago...
  7. I was thinking of that video as soon as i read the title. Its a shame i never got do those experiments in school.
  8. I finally pumped up my soft bicycle tire and i can finally cycle against the wind without struggling. The valve was broken so i had to walk for 30 minutes to go to the bike store and get some new valves (and back). Totally worth it though. Anyways, school starts tomorrow (the lessons start next week, this week is just introduction and stuff), i can't wait to see my friends again! (Yes, im actually very excited for school, weird huh).
  9. Speculative Biology ftw. This is an animal that lives on Enceladus, and lures its prey with an infrared/red bioluminescent angler thing.
  10. Im not saying we could do this with humans. But im going to drop it in here anyways: https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/reviving-ancient-bacteria/
  11. Why can't i upload files on Youtube larger than 100mb?

    This is becoming a little frustrating.

    1. Show previous comments  10 more
    2. NSEP


      No, this occured to me just yesterday.

    3. Piatzin


      Might have something to do with your account's 'rights.' Sometimes if your channel hasn't had some sort of email verification, you get limited features. Not sure why it would pop up now instead of before though :P

    4. NSEP


      Hmmm, okay. Im using a channel that uses the email as my main account, so maybe it has something to do with that.

      Kinda strange because i still have the rights do costum thumbnails and stuff.

  12. But the outside of the spacecraft is cold with the lack of sunlight.
  13. Yes, they probably can do it with SLS. You need around 4.3km/s to transfer to Mars. Im assuming the transfer stage of the SLS block 1 has a Delta-V of around 3.2km/s of Delta-V with 25 tons (the mass of Orion) on top. That may not seem like enough, but luckily, the Orion Sevice module has a Delta-V of 1.8km/s, enough with to finish the transfer burn and even capture Mars orbit. They can't put humans on there unfortunately, but they can replace the Orion capsule with some other cool payload. Maybe a sample return mission lander. But its going to end up costing 10 bazillion dollars and being delayed 20 years, because, you know, SLS.
  14. I wonder what would happend if they did that. Wouldn't it be awesome for your bare skin to be exposed to space? It will probably either burn or freeze.
  15. No problem! I like it when people post their experimental stuff, because its fun to discuss. I have actually been doing the same but opposite. I usually draw simple dots as eyes but just recently experimented with eyes in a more manga/anime artsyle. To be honest they really remind me of female-kerbal eyes. I have been watching this great show called 'Manben' really encourages me to draw more.
  16. I wonder the same thing too... Looking forward to your new drawing! I recreated one of my very first known drawing!
  17. If you are willing to pay one dollar on the DLC it comes with a ball. When i bought the 'ball' DLC i was somewhat disappointed, but really you would be surprised with the amount of things you can do with this item. You can play an infinite amount of games... You can explore the ball itself... Or use the ball to teach... So yeah. My alternative to Facebook is to get a ball.
  18. I eat prawns with shell. (Just not the head) Lobster and crab? That is a much different story, although i do know people who eat crab shell. Anyways we are getting off topic. The train is driving in the ocean right now we need to get it back on track.
  19. I just got my drawing tablet and im completely hooked!
  20. First Hmmm, maybe this also explains my love for the Big Falcon Rocket...
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