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Posts posted by smotheredrun

  1. 10 minutes ago, eberkain said:

    Is Here and Now supposed to work with the Magnometer from DMagic Orbital Science? all I get is a message saying I can't do that right now.   But clicking the part works normally. 

    I believe if you have your magnetometer deployed (but not "doing science") and then select the button in the "Here and Now" window, it will work.  I have had the same thing happen with a few deployable science instruments

  2. Well, I for one still enjoy using it. The lack of the inventory system is arguably a small issue for me as most of my rockets in the early game are one build - one shots.  Later on, when I'm using the same sets of heavy lift boosters the payloads are so different that longer build times are understandable.  This just addd to the challenge of mission   planning IMO - no more waiting until you have only 10 days of life support supplies to build a resupply craft.

    Also, @magico13 I have yet to come across any issues with the current dev version in my heavily modded save.

  3. 12 hours ago, NISSKEPCSIM said:

    @smotheredrun the Super 25 it is! My career game payloads are enormous and the launchers are always too expensive. It looks like I have a way out.

    So... guess what.... I should have mentioned that the current downloads that are available for the 2 orbiters don't work in 1.2.x the way they did in 1.1.x.  Specifically, Squad changed the stock aerodynamics, SAS, and another host of things.  All of this lead to the 2 orbiters performing "differently" shall we say.  A group of us were testing them out and some changes have been made to them.  Testing in 1.2.x continues.

    So.......  use the current versions with your "B" Team guys.... They may not survive the ascent, let alone descent and return.  However, if you follow the guide in the PDF file that's included in the downloads - it will make the effort a little bit easier.  

  4. 11 hours ago, panarchist said:

    It's outdated, though, and doesn't incorporate RoverDude's latest rebalancing - unless @Deimos Rast has submitted one to replace the one I wrote.  Also, there were parts of it that never worked 100% correctly - it was one of the first MM patches I did.

    Ah!  I see.  I have never used USI-LS before. In fact, I am only just doing my first run through with TAC-LS.

    Deimos did throw a number of patches my way when he was active during our testing. I'll take a look for another one when I get back later tonight

  5. 9 hours ago, NISSKEPCSIM said:

    Cool mod! Could anyone suggest which shuttle might be the best, in terms of cargo space, fuel supply, framerate, etc? Looking forward to checking out those station parts!

    That sort of depends on what you want to do....  The Dauntless (AKA Mini) Orbiter will take practically all of the KSO Station Parts to orbit.  It can also launch other small "things" (Satellites, maybe a small lander or something), up to about 2 maybe 3 tonnes.  The Super 25 can carry everything in the Station Parts to orbit.  It's payload is I think somewhere around 10-12 tonnes, so you can use your imagination...

  6. Some answers in reverse order:

    Girders and fuel tanks:     Some of the Octo-(can't remember the rest of the name) girders have various fuel tanks and other goodies within them

    "Gold, older low profile engines":  I only found them under the Near Future Spacecraft tab when you have the extended menu tabs selected (those 3 arrows in the top left above the other tabs - near the searchbar I believe).  I have yet to see them in the regular engines tab.  

  7. @linuxgurugamer

    Please excuse the noobish question but I'll start from the top:

    I have a shuttle 'x'  craft file.  I want to have multiple versions of it (ex 4 different names).  With this mod, I understand that I could use something like MS Paint/Corel Draw and make a few "Name Decals", save them as a .png (or whatever), and then follow the directions above it should show up, correct?

    It has been about 10 years since I have done any sort of graphic art/map creation

  8. 8 hours ago, ErevanGaming said:

    Hi everybody =)

    Just want to ask if the Space Station parts pack is compatible with 1.2.2? =">


    Regards and thanks in advance.

    Please check through the last few pages.  The answers are there. But I'm in a good mood so,

    The station parts do work.  You'll need to make a small change to the SST to make the RCS arms work properly.

    Other than that, they all work.

  9. 18 hours ago, alexustas said:



    • overlay mesh is added
    • interior model is improved, now it completely matches the exterior model
    • the “ModuleAnimateGeneric”  module is used instead of the “ModuleKrAnimation”
    • support for the KAS, KIS, KeeplFit and others is made with the separate MM-patches
    • minor optimization of the textures


    ALCOR Advanced IVA:

    • the new power supply panel
    • solar panels and fuel cells control
    • throttle limit
    • G-force monitor
    • exterior cameras image gain feature
    • breaks control and stress indicators for the landing gear
    • emergency radio beacon

    Yay!  Thanks team!

  10. Update time!

    So the Kerbal Space Program has gotten under way.  A handful of screens showing the start of the Program are in the spoilers.



    A look at both star systems.  The red one is Valentine :)


    The Valentine planets


    After a few suborbital launches of some cheap probes into various nearby biomes, the KSC Administration decided that they should go straight to orbit.  Using some plans stolen from a competitor's space program, the first communications satellite was launched.  (Really it just made a beeping sound....  and eventually the annoyed technicians in Mission Control just hit the "mute" button).


    Here is the basic ComSat.  It was pretty much launched on a bet between Bob and Bill.  (Jeb was busy testing out his parachute from the top of the VAB).


    Several days later (about 20) the next satellite was ready for launch.  Coatl Aerospace was very excited to get their ready made satellite onto the next rocket!


    Gravity turn!  Everything looking good!  


    The first of the Ker-Mariner program satellites, Mariner 1.  Looks like it's ready to deploy its panels and antennae!


    "Bob!  Bill!  What happened????  This was supposed to be an orbital satellite!  Not one of those cheapo suborbital ones!"

    "Rats" said Bill.

    "Dang It!" Bob was pretty upset.  He was sure the engine was supposed to be placed on the side of the probe, instead of the bottom.  "Think we should have told Jeb where we put that engine?  And that he'd have to adjust course 90 degrees for each burn?"

    "Looks like a Launch Failure to me Bob.  Don't worry about it.  Let's just not tell him"

    "Ok Bill."

    Needless to say, Gene Kerman was less than thrilled that the unmanned program has only a 50% success rate when it came to getting things into space.

    A meeting involving all of the department heads and the Chief Test Crew (Jeb, Val, Bill, and Bob) was called. 


    A major redesign of the probe was ordered.  Wernher was heard to be screaming that ALL rocket engines would be pointed at the ground upon assembly in the VAB.  No exceptions.

    In the mean time, the Terrestrial Aviation Department (TAD) was up and running.  Of the many designs that were put forward for testing the C7-Seahawk* has won the first phase of the KSC Search and Recovery (no one in the Administration building expects any Kerbalnauts to survive spaceflight, let alone atmospheric return) Program.


    Although unable to actually launch this thing, the SPH's Engineering team is very excited about the simulated flights so far.  Only six casualties from the Crew Recovery Bay - well within acceptable parameters as this aircraft is only expected to recover pieces of Kerbalnauts - and no pilots killed!  The team can't wait until the newly widened and extended runway is ready!  So far vertical flight tests have proven to have great lift offs and explosive landings.

    * This design is from @Raptor9's SPH Hanger out of his Craft repository here.



    That's all for now.  It will be another few days for the new Ker-Mariner 2 probe to be ready after the major redesign.  The "Unnamed Booster Section" is fully assembled and had changed little from the Ker-Mariner 1 mission.


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