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Posts posted by smotheredrun

  1. On 11/30/2016 at 7:29 AM, beelzerob said:

    Hopefully I'm not misunderstanding your question, but to build something from the VAB/SPM, you open the small KCT window and click the Build button.  You can see it in @JeffreyCor 's screenshot a few posts back.  You'll get a message at the top of the screen saying it was added to your build queue.

    Bwahahahaha!!!!  I was silly!!!! :confused:

    I have been scratching my head trying to figure out how to find the "Build" button so that I didn't have to go to the launchpad and then revert back to the VAB/SPH in order to get my ship to build in KCT......  And then I did some forum searching!  And woo!!!!  I found this answer!  

    YAY!!!!!  it was right in front of me!!!! :o



    Please note:  I may (did) have consumed (no, definitely) some (large and healthy) amounts of Scottish Liquid uhm.... "Courage" prior to (and during) this post. Hence the frequent use of these emoticon "things" :D

  2. OK, so here is the breakdown:

    A new (heavily) modded Career Save with the goal of accomplishing a few of the Challenges that I am interested in.  The primary Challenges at the moment are the Doing It Apollo Style - Redux, The Ultimate Jool 5 Challenge, and the Interstellar Rendez-vous idea.  I am sure there will be some more that I come across as I play through this save, but those are the ones for now.

    This Career will use the SETI Unmanned Before Manned Contracts and Tech Tree.  Other major mods include all of Near Future Technologies, KSPI-E, Kerbin Shuttle Orbiter System, TAC Life Support - because why not make an already difficult challenge even harder?, SCANsat, DMagic Orbital Science, Kerbal Construction Time (Dev Version), and a whole host of others - the number may change based upon how many times I break my computer :)

    For the Jool 5 challenge: 

                             -No barred mods will be used for the challenge ship's construction, orbital assembly/refuelling, or the vessel itself.  I'll post as many screenshots/videos (if I can figure that out - tech neophyte here) as I can. That Challenge may even involve 2 missions, one for the Jebediah's Level (stock science experiments) and one for non-stock experiments - we'll see how ambitious I get.

    For the Insterstellar Rendez-vous Idea:

                             -The following changes have been made to the Extrasolar solar system mod pack (Valentine red dwarf star):

    (changes courtesy of @AndrewDrawsPrettyPictures)



    Open up Valentine.cfg and replace the line of code that says "semiMajorAxis = 9.46e+15" with "semiMajorAxis = 7.569e+16"

    This will move Valentine 4 lightyears or so away from Kerbol.


    For a general "thing":

                     -Kerbin Environmental Institute will not be used until after I have done at least 1 or 2 launches.... (I find it kind of cheaty right at the start)


    Without further ado here are the important bits:

    KSP 1.2.2 build (not sure - will add later)

    Gamedata folder:


    Mod list:


    B9 Aerospace
    B9 AnimationModules
    B9 Part Switch
    CactEye Telescopes
    Coatl Aerospace (Probes Plus)
    Community category kit
    Community resource pack
    community tech tree
    Contract Configurator
    Cormorant Aeronology
    Crowd Sourced Science (Broken for now) - but who cares?
    Custom Barn Kit
    Decaying RTGs
    Distant Object Enhancement
    DMagic Orbital Science
    Dmagic Science Animate
    EVA Handrails Continued
    EVA Parachutes and Ejection Seats Continued
    FASA (Launch clamps only with 1.2 fix)
    Filter Extensions
    Final Frontier
    Firespitter core
    Hide empty tech tree nodes
    Interstellar fuel switch
    Raster Prop Monitor
    Kerbal Construction Time (Beta Release)
    Kerbin Environmental Institute
    Kerbin Shuttle Orbiter System - Test (patched) versions of both orbiters
    KW Rocketry
    Infernal Robotics
    Mechjeb 2
    Modular Flight Integrator
    Monthly Budgets
    Near Future (all)
    Orbital Material Science "Continued or whatever"
    Persistant Rotation
    Precise Node
    RCS Sounds (out of date, but works... does throw errors in the Alt+F12 debug console)
    REPO Soft Tech (not sure what this is?)
    Science Relay
    SETI Contracts - Unmanned Before Manned
    SETI Greenhouse
    Smoke Screen
    Speedy's Hex Truss System
    TAC Life Support
    Toadicus Tools
    Transfer Window Planner
    Universal Storage
    Vanguard Astrodynamics VX II engines
    Wild Blue Tools + DSEV

    We'll have to see how this goes, I haven't run this many mods before!  Updates and reports to come!

  3. Thinkpad T430

    Core i5-3320M CPU @ 2.6GHz

    8 GB Ram

    Win 7 64

    Intel HD Graphics 4000

    1696 MB Available Graphics Memory

    64 MB Dedicated Video Memory

    1632 MB Shared System Memory


    So, you can see where running some visual mods will eat it alive haha.  

    Off topic:I am still hunting for some recording software so that I can record/edit/upload some videos....  Haven't found anything other than FRAPS.... The whole uploading stuff, youtube, and social media (work related) stuff is soooo new to me.  I am still operating on word of mouth and in-house promotion...

  4. On 6/1/2015 at 9:51 AM, sdj64 said:


      Hide contents


    JEBEDIAH'S LEVEL: collect as much Science as possible!  Your score is the number of science points from the Jool system only, returned to Kerbin (not transmitted).  Only stock experiments count for this!  To score, take pictures of the science screen(s) when you recover the data.  Otherwise, the rules are the same as 3rd Level.


    en contents


    Level 1:

    Stratzenblitz75 (1.0.2, First completion in 1.0, video submission, near-death reentry, no docking!)

    E805BzRo (1.0.4, Laythe plane, Tylo lander with top stage that landed on all the other moons, big nuclear powered mothership)

    JebsDead (1.0.4, UFO styled mothership, Laythe plane, 2 crew, video submission)

    IncongruousGoat (1.0.5, 3 crew on the mission, tall Laythe lander, much asparagus, career mode without all tech researched)

    Jetski (1.0.5, modular mothership, one command pod shares all landers, going for the Ultimate Challenge but left early to do this one)

    EvermoreAlpaca (1.0.5, Grand Tour!, single launch, no refueling, crazy ion landers with enormous battery capacity, lauched on a plane, whole thing is recovered back to Kerbin except the Eve lander, video submission)

    JacobJHC (1.0.5, tiny asparagus, mothership with asparagus tanks, bonus Minmus visit, video submission)

    ---Low Mass Sub-challenge Entries:

    1. Nefrums (13.485 tons, 1.0.4, high orbits for efficiency, multiple gravity assists, tiny fuel tanks and just enough to make it home, battery powered ion lander that can land on Vall, plane style launch from runway)

    2. Mesklin (18.821 tons, 1.0.4, whole craft starts under a fairing, battery powered ion lander, purposeful overheating to shed weight on Kerbin ascent, plane style launch from runway)

    3. Nefrums (19.996 tons, 1.0.4, ion scooter lander, great use of high elliptical orbits to minimize dV requirement, plane style launch from runway)

    4. astrobond (23.925 tons, 1.0.4, tiny tiny landers and lots of gravity assists, plane style launch from runway)

    Level 2:

    iLikeRovers (1.0.4, efficient specialized landers, 4 kerbals on mission and 2 per landing, awesome .gif animations of landing and staging)

    Foxster (1.0.4, single lander for all moons, huge mothership and nuclear tug)

    Starhawk (1.0.4?, 3 kerbals on all landings, plane for Laythe, lander with outer stage for Tylo and core that landed on the smaller moons, long mothership with ring of nuclear engines, creative refueling mission prompted rule #7 clarification)

    Claw (1.0.5, brought rovers and a boat for Laythe, ground circumnavigations of each moon!, nuclear transfer tug/lander combination for small moons)

    Level 3:

    nigelvn (1.0.4, plane for Laythe, two hulled mothership with the landers in between, no aerobraking to enter the Jool system or on return to Kerbin, multiple drop pods for returning the crew)

    steveroof (1.0.5, small mothership, multi-use transfer stage, tiny lander with Tylo and Laythe boosters, precarious (hilarious) crew switching, video submission)

    Byronacles (1.0.5, simple approach, universal lander top stage, Tylo and Laythe stages, unique style with long thin external tanks on most craft)

    Typrax (1.0.5, separate disposable lander for each moon, overcame and recorded several problems during the mission, used an RTG as a structural element)

    Thalamask (1.0.5, small efficient landers, Tylo stage had to be delivered before going to Laythe, then back to Tylo, top stage doubles as small moon lander, refueling mission required)

    Jeb's Level:

    Nefrums (45513 science!, 1.0.2, huge ship, two launches from Kerbin, multple biome landings, rover for Tylo, plane for Laythe)

    sdj64 (11473 science, 1.0.4-1.0.5, Grand Tour!, single launch, no refueling, ion and LF landers with disposable stages for Laythe and Tylo, long skinny mothership with lots of drop tanks, big heatshield made from a fairing)

    Draradech (16623 science, 1.0.5, enormous single-stage reusable mothership, high mass but low part count craft, daring rescue intercepting ship on Kerbin escape trajectory)

    ISRU Level:

    EvermoreAlpaca (1.0.4, Grand Tour!, separate Eve lander, huge SSTO mining ship that used nuclear and Mammoth engines, dockable rovers for exploring on planet surfaces, video submission)

    cubinator (1.0.4, Almost a grand tour! Every planet except Eve, four crew SSTO with 5300 delta V, no landing gear, no parts discarded)

    astrobond (1.0.4, Almost a grand tour! Every planet except Eve, big stylish ship with one engine, two crew, no parts discarded)

    EBAO (1.0.4, brought a lab, 5909 science, ion scanning satellite, USI Life Support, many videos, no parts discarded)

    vasco (1.0.4, 59661 science, small-ish all-in-one ISRU ship, 3 crew, landed in all the biomes)

    Mikki (1.0.5, large mothership with lander cage, separate ISRU lander, 3 crew landed on Tylo and Laythe and 2 on the other moons, scanning satellite and asteroid tug, career mode, 3304 science)

    astrobond (1.0.5, compact SSTO mining ship with 4 crew, 7855 science, no parts discarded)

    Racescort666 (1.0.5, enormous complicated mothership with two miners, 6 Kerbal crew, "tour pod" that landed on all moons)

    rudi1291 (1.0.5, massive mothership, Pol orbit station left behind, only mined on Pol with 30+ trips, 3 Kerbal crew with 2 landing on each moon)



    @sdj64 Regarding stock experiments:  Would it be acceptable to use say the Universal Storage or other versions of the stock experiments?

  5. @linuxgurugamer, I had a few minutes this morning to do - well nothing really - so I decided to actually scan over the whole host of mods you're now maintaining/developing/just generally being a nice guy to them, and holy #$&@!!!!  that is a lot!  Thank you, sir.  You and the many other modders dedication and willingness to put up with the "demands" that this community places on you guys is astounding.

    will* speak for the rest of the community and say "We all really appreciate your efforts!"





    * Many of my posts in one thread in particular state "I will not speak an "x" user's behalf

  6. 10 hours ago, Raptor22 said:

    You should temporarily shift your focus from the EX and make a patch! Things have changed, and it doesn't work as well any more. The aerodynamics need tweaking for the new model. The gear needs updating (BTW, the firespitter landing spotlight module is glitchy. Just change it to a regular landing light module.)

    I tried fooling at with the configs, but I couldn't get it to work.

    At minimum, I ask that you make a patch for the wheels and add comms to both shuttles. I would recommend having a 500K transmitter, as attaching antennas to the side of the shuttle looks ugly. You can probably base it off of the stock configs. I made a patch for the Boxsat mod's antennas. 

    I'll continue to work with the configs. If I can get something to work, could I email it to one of you (Avalon, Helldiver, or Nazari) so that you can take a look and hopefully post it? 

    @Capt. Hunt, @Deimos Rast and myself were testing both orbiters.  So far with the tweaks made by Deimos, they both are controllable in either manual or with autopilots however, using complex things like rendezvous autopilots will be "interesting" due to the thrust on any shuttle being offset from the control point.  My experience so far has been to use manual piloting at all aspects of shuttle flight.  Others have used Gravity Turn and had that work well though....

    I believe with the Dauntless/Resolute I have found an issue with the wing's control surface (the one that is part of each wing), but I am still looking for the source.  Also with the Dauntless/Resolute, I made a change with the booster placement on the ET to try and mitigate the crazy oscillations that sometimes occur upon lauch... with mixed results so far... (I very much love the ejection mod that is being maintained/updated by @linuxgurugamer and @SpannerMonkey(smce):)

    I'll check, but I think one of the changes made to the Dauntless/Resolute was the addition of an antenna to the flight computer part (placed in the nosecone) - not a long range one or science transmitter, but it allows for unmanned operation. I usually throw a low tech antenna on the top of the flight deck part.

    The last version of the Super 25 I flew seemed to fly very well - I am looking into a couple things with it though - namely the boosters.

    I can say that so far, the station parts seem to work flawlessly, both in a clean install and my heavily modded career save.  The KerbalLab, which had issues in the past I believe, also appears to work.  The small square truss docking ports work (they never worked for me in 1.0.5 for me...)

    So, I do have a few more things I want to look at when I have some time before I would say either orbiter are 100% ready for 1.2.x.  I just got my schedule for the next month and a bit, and free time will tend to be at the wee hours of the morning... good thing I have been a night owl for my whole life :)

    Finally, I passed on our testing info and tweaks to @Nazari1382, and he said he would look at them.  I will admit though, I am having trouble finding a recording program that doesn't eat my laptop for breakfast, so the vids I promised him are still "on the way".


  7. 20 minutes ago, Angel-125 said:

    0.625m by 1.25m, plenty of room for a kerbal to fit through. I've checked.

    * Wernher checked by grabbing Bob and stuffing him through progressively smaller tubes with a plunger until Bob got stuck (@ 0.3m).  Wernher then used a KIS/KAS grapple to pull him back out.  The medical staff say that Bob's head will loose its new traffic cone shape within the next few weeks - Kerbal medical researchers are still trying to determine if Kerbalnaut skulls are made of bone or sponge based upon the numerous crazy contraptions that various KSC administrators employ to get said Kerbalnauts into space (or into the ground).




    Someone should animate this?

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