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Alpha 360

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Everything posted by Alpha 360

  1. I have always enjoyed using solid rocket boosters strapped to the wings of a SSTO, just to give it a booster on the way up as well as giving it the most awesome look I have ever seen, any buyers?
  2. Hyped up to play after a long break(Two or three months) and can't wait for the 1.875 meter parts, which also means that there are likely heralding 3meter parts, which would be awesome, as well as 4.15 meter parts, and the list goes on and on. For each new tier of part diameter means longer career and science modes.
  3. Right, I unfortunately am gaining a reputation for making sarcastic remarks concerning petty things, this is.... unfortunate.
  4. It is a joke, but still, I see everyone making references to it. Sorry about that, I don't mean any offense, I am just a very sarcastic person, and the grammar..... i don't want not to talk about it. (Beware, joke above, the real answer to your grammar question is that I hate proofreading my posts)
  5. Yes, both you and Kuzzter have the same problems, mimicking star trek(Its not like I'm NOT a fan of star trek, I enjoy it a lot)
  6. EpicSquared, you stole that design from Blue Origin, hmm, well I guess Green Origin since you are on Kerbin, still.
  7. CatastrophicFailure, can you PLEASE enter in the kerbal chronicles contest, you'll win!
  8. Ksp warships? I know what some of them are but I do not see the connection between StarWars Clone war battleships and kerbal space program.
  9. Dunnnn! Dun! Dun! Layland, its your queue. Me! Oh, right, I'm the good-guy now, right? Yes, now get on stage! Dunnn! Dun! Dun! Why are you taking so long?! Get on stage! Sorry, I am making up some amazing lines which will be worth the wait, plus scenes as well. GET A MOVE ON! (This is an analogy of how we are feeling right now!) By the way, the reason that I am using Layland is obvious, he has to be the good-guy now, well, he was the figure in the spoiler/not-spoiler, of course because it is a guy and can't be Val.
  10. Why, Why do you do this!? You started with mimicking StarTrek and now with Starwars, will you ever respect copyrights.
  11. Remind me, do you publish stories once a week or once a month?
  12. This will require time and time only. If I hadn't just uninstalled KSP, I would be working on this challenge this instant(and probably making a story of it to post in the Mission reports section, giving me a load of rep) .
  13. Thanks for everyone posting on this topic. Just so everyone knows,I managed to make a usable shuttle using stock parts and the basic, standard set up, it is possible to make a shuttle with only two kickbacks, three vectors, two orange tanks and Mk3 parts without too much difficulty.
  14. Sorry, this thread was unnecessary, I remember watching a tutorial a while back, which I my version based off of. All I needed was some hard work, thanks for trying to help out.
  15. OH YES! SPACE SHUTTLE COMPLETE! oh yeah. Party time, crash *ahem* landed in the water, lost the wings, but made it to orbit and back.
  16. I am stumped at making a space-shuttle, all I know is vectors, orange fuel tank, kickbacks, and Mk3 parts, but it tried continually and failed continually. Any help?
  17. This is one of the best chapters yet! Oh man catastrophicfailure, when I become a writer, I want to write like you. You are spectacular!
  18. Yes, the useless Nacelles, of course they are useless. Of course, if the Kuzzter included the command disc, he would have gotten some copyright violation messages. Also he would lose his following, smart move Kuzzter.
  19. The question is not if the Enterprise is based off Enterprise, but Enterprise is based off of which Enterprise. Because the Star Trek Enterprise was continually damaged, and destroyed several times. The real Enterprise, the first one, was scrapped after WW2. The nuclear-powered Enterprise is still operational today, and as far as I know, it suffered no damage. Or it could be making its own legacy, only the all-knowing Kuzzter knows.
  20. Visual mods are a winner for me, nothing beats scatterer when looking at Jool's moons, or Kerbin shrinking into a pale, blue dot. Another example is when plotting a duna lading you gaze at the thin dusty sky above you, so beautiful! Another winner is KSP-I, been playing it since 1.1.3, amazing mod that gives me a lot of high Isp engines. Near future propulsion is fine, it has so pretty good, high Isp engines. When I had CKAN, USI mods won most of the space on the hardrive. Tweakscale and KER are essential to the program as well.
  21. Yes, but it has four vectors with limited gimbal while you could put up to nine vectors in the same space
  22. SRBs, they are just so underpowered. I don't remember the last time I used a Mammoth either, I just put down a number of vectors(usually nine, sometimes seven) and move the gimbal down to 20-30%. Vectors are so OP.
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