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Everything posted by Stratickus

  1. I've got a weird 'bug' that I'm sure is mod related, but I'm not sure where to start looking. I've picked up a few Rescue Contracts and all the Kerblas are EVA (without a part/craft of any kind). Anyone seen anything like this before? I've got the Rescue Contract Fix mod installed, but my problem isn't one of the things RCF 'fixes.' I did a quick search, but didn't find anything. Cheers,
  2. @dok_377, @BSS_Snag Thanks for info. Good to know it wasn't on my end. Cheers,
  3. @linuxgurugamer Not sure if it has been reported yet, but I am getting an odd 'bug.' When going into time warp, craft freezes like in stock, but when coming out of time warp, rotation resumes (persistent). Seems to be a conflict with another mod; Persistent Rotation worked fine on a clean install. Log Cheers,
  4. @linuxgurugamer Same problem. Once a Kerbal is EVA'd the light works automatically as expected, but when launched from the VAB, Crew Light does not seem to recognize the Kerbal inside. Seems to work fine on a clean install, but is conflicting with some other mod. Log Cheers,
  5. Makes sense. With the KA extras folder, the default engine mode is LH; which uses your config. When I switch to LF mode it reverts back to the stock (non WF) engine plume that comes with Restock+.
  6. I meant just the straight LF mode. I was also specifically referring to the Restock+ NTR, which I now realize isn't necessarily what this patch was for. You would also have to have the Kerbal Atomics extras folder installed giving the Restock+ NTR the multi engine mode to use just LF or LH. As far as I know, you need two separate Water Fall configs, one for each fuel type. Essentially the same thing for the Squad NTR. I'm not sure which WF mod I have that gives me two distinct WF cofigs for the respective LF and LH modes for the LV-N. Cheers,
  7. Anyone else having issues with Engine Cooling? I have 0.6.0 installed and the engine cooling % in the VAB Part info is blank as well has not displaying in the PAW in flight. As far as I can tell the engine(s) aren't producing any cooling effect when at throttle either. Which as I understand was introduced somewhere around 0.4.0. I did a brief test and installed System Heat 0.6.0 & 0.4.0 on a fresh install with no other mods and the Engine Cooling info was displayed in both the VAB and PAW with 0.4.0 installed (but not 0.6.0). I didn't do much beyond that because now I'm worried its some other mod conflict or something on my end. Just wanted to double check before I started down a rabbit hole. Cheers,
  8. Any progress? I am eager to see the results. Now that I've started using your configs, I don't like using the LF mode on the Restock+ NTR anymore..
  9. I fixed it. I kind of glossed over it when I first looked into this, but it had to do with Kopernicus. In the config file for this Contract Pack the line for the Kopernicus solar panels is blocked with the double slashes (//). Unblocking the line(s) in the config file fixes it. I vaguely remember Kopernicus renamed their Module Part name for the solar panels and I'm guessing it was blocked out in this config file while it was getting sorted out. Cheers,
  10. I do. I did not think this was a conflict/issue. The way I read the config file anyway is that I only need one or the other with NFS installed. I need to bring up the NFS conflict in the CC thread? Odd indeed. I have several personal Module Manager patches, but I havn't changed any of them that would effect solar panels or this contract pack. I don't think.. I was hoping someone more savvy at reading log files could point me in the right direction. I suspect the issue lies in one of my personal MM patches or possibly another mod. Module Manager Config Cache Appreciate the help. Cheers,
  11. I'm having an issue with the Launch a new Space Station mission. According to the requirements I need either a deployable solar panel or a curved solar panel. I have multiple deployable solar panel's researched and purchased, but the contract requirements are still saying unmet. I have used this contract pack through many saves and I do not recall coming across the this issue. I have looked at and even attempted messing around with the config file myself, but no avail. Unfortunately, I am not very adept at reading logs. Any help would be appreciated. Cheers,
  12. This worked. Thank goodness. I have a handful manually installed mods that I can manage okay, but I'm not even sure I could play without CKAN. Thanks @HebaruSan
  13. I'm afraid I did something to my computer and now I cannot run CKAN and I'm not sure how to fix it. https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/6t7bt46pfqqc77dfeac8b/Screenshot-3.jpg?rlkey=niungguop37nyzs7d172cgs27&dl=0 I think its an error on my end and not something from CKAN. I'm guessing it has something to do with the unauthorized access bit. Any help would be appreciated. Cheers,
  14. I saw in the config file: I'm interpreting this as after I have reached Mun & Minmus, I can start to get Rover Deployment contracts on other planets, but only if I have also gotten to Duna. Is that correct? I went to Eve first and keep canceling offered contracts to Mun and Minmus over and over and cannot get one offered for Eve. I'm guessing its because I have not gone to Duna yet. Is there a simple config file change that can make it Eve or Duna? I've tried messing around with it myself, but I have little experience editing Contract config files. Cheers,
  15. It was this one! @Stone Blue & @JadeOfMaar thanks for the help. Cheers,
  16. Thanks. I think I came across yours in my search for the one I have used for almost a decade. I think it is the most similar. Unfortunately, I got a new computer and can't for the life of me find the Notepad++ language that I've been using in KSP for many years. It's almost hard to look at config files now. Anyway, I think the OP's language was the one I used for all these years, but I haven't been able to verify it since the link is broken for me. Thanks again for the help. Cheers,
  17. Does anyone have a copy of this Notepad++ language config file? The OP's link does not work for me. Cheers,
  18. See top from the mod creator. This happens from time to time. You need to go into the master settings outside of the game play menu to fix it. Just reset the controls to 'normal' and Plane Mode should work fine. You can edit this in the VAB/SPH. If you create a craft in the SPH and bring it into the VAB and further edit it there (or vice versa) the mod typically assigns it either plane or rocket based on where the craft was originally built. Or you may have the same problem as the previous poster. In which case you should just be able to go into the settings and reset it.. Cheers,
  19. Curious; it still doesn't make sense to me , but then again I'm not a programmer. But, in other good news, I changed containerModuleIndex = 1 and magically it works! Thanks for the help! I never would have figured this out on my own. Cheers,
  20. Interesting. Can you expand on this? I didn't think KSP/MM cared about which order the [MODULE]'s were in. FWIW, the stock MPL-LG-2 has ModuleScienceLab as the second module in the PART config with containerModuleIndex = 0. Cheers,
  21. I too have a heavily modded install. I added a Science Lab via ModuleManager (MM) to a part (from another mod) with the expectation that the part would behave similarly to the MPL-LG-2. Unfortunately, I am unable tp transmit science; and I am unable to determine why. I suspect it is because I added the Science Lab via MM; but I am unsure because the patch appears to be exactly the same as stock. Has anyone else had similar issues? Cheers,
  22. I understand that Nertea's mods are essentially feature complete. Does anyone have a community MM patch that adds the NTR to the Restock+ 2.5m nuclear engine? I realize this may be a better question in the NF Electrical thread, but I figured more people that play with the NTR extras patches for the LV-N and Kerbal Atomics would notice that the Restock+ nuke doesn't have it. That's how I noticed it anyway. I may mess around with it, but I figured some other intrepid Kerbalnaut may have already done so. Cheers,
  23. I know this thread is quite old, but it is relevant to what I am attempting to do. I'd like to improve the performance of a parachute from a mod. I have tried MM patches on the parachutes from the mod as well as stock parachutes, but what I've attempted does not work. Is MM unable to modify certain parameters of parachute config files? Is there more to the underlying config file for parachutes that I am not seeing/understanding? Am I just missing something completely obvious? This is what I've tried so far: @PART[parachuteSingle] { @MODULE[ModuleParachute] { @fullyDeployedDrag = 250 // 175 (original value) } } As well as: @PART[parachuteSingle] { @MODULE[ModuleDragModifier]:HAS[#dragCubeName[DEPLOYED]] { @dragModifier = 25 // 1 (original value) } } I have also tried both in combination and neither seem to work. I believe I've reached my ability to troubleshoot this on my own. Cheers,
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