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Everything posted by JadeOfMaar

  1. @JPLRepo I've found a possible issue with the 1.25m converters here. They say they're rated for 8 kerbals but are actually configured for 3 (see conversionRate) whereas all the 2.5m and 3.75m converters seem to be spot-on. Can any TAC fans here confirm this in-game?
  2. I haven't written the TAC support yet for SSPXr. I'm surprised they register at all. It'll be available in the next release.
  3. In addition to the good answer you got, those specific tech tree nodes are primarily for USI life support and MKS.
  4. ! I've had a plan for a discrete Warp Core part and a means to keep Warp Nacelles relevant too. I'm happy for you, dude. Congrats!
  5. You don't have to wait on me to release my thing so you can do it. I haven't used my patch yet for myself but you can try this. The documentation for the module is very clear in the Buckboard*000.cfg files (in the 000WildBlueTools folder), except "resourcesToKeep" which ignores the storage switcher and is taken from somewhere in the Pathfinder folder. @PART[Knes_Command_K-IXV]:NEEDS[Pathfinder] { !MODULE[ModuleKISInventory] {} !RESOURCE[MonoPropellant] {} MODULE { name = WBIConvertibleStorage enableLogging = True fieldReconfigurable = True confirmResourceSwitch = True showGUI = True defaultTemplate = MonoProp // LFO templateNodes = STORAGE_TEMPLATE capacityFactor = 0.083 resourcesToKeep = ElectricCharge;Ablator; logoPanelTransforms = decalsVisible = false baseStorage = .001 maxStorage = 1000 } } @PART[Knes_Command_K-CEV]:NEEDS[Pathfinder] { !MODULE[ModuleKISInventory] {} !RESOURCE[MonoPropellant] {} MODULE { name = WBIConvertibleStorage enableLogging = True fieldReconfigurable = True confirmResourceSwitch = True showGUI = True defaultTemplate = MonoProp // LFO templateNodes = STORAGE_TEMPLATE capacityFactor = 1 resourcesToKeep = ElectricCharge; logoPanelTransforms = decalsVisible = false baseStorage = .001 maxStorage = 14000 } } If you want to add MOLE science slots to the parts, change templateNodes = STORAGE_TEMPLATE to templateNodes = STORAGE_TEMPLATE;BUCKSCI1 Options for the number of science slots are BUCKSCI1, BUCKSCI2, BUCKSCI3, BUCKSCI6. Pick only one.
  6. The lens dirt is there, and the stereoscopic effect is very clear on the smaller/further bodies so yes. KS3P is present.
  7. That should be common knowledge already. There are so many Kerbin-like bodies it should be cause for concern.
  8. @billw2011 Ah. That's very unfortunate. For addressing EVE, it has two downloads. Did you take the smaller one? The larger one (with "Configs" in its name) is only compatible with the Stock solar system. Be absolutely sure that the version of scatterer you downloaded is not a beta and matches your KSP version. SpaceDock makes this very easy. KSS v0.7 is not for KSP 1.2; KSS v0.6 or older are not for KSP 1.3.
  9. There is a guide on the downloads list on GitHub ( .MD files open with Notepad ), and in a page on its wiki. But once you have all the required mods, it's basic as can be: KSS_#_BASIC is the core download. Do not skip. KSS_#_Extended_Kerbol_System is KSS's own OPM Everything else after is toppings for the pizza.
  10. @dragonbone81 If (for whatever reason) you have the fanciful scatterer ocean shader running then yes your fps will tank. It doesn't matter what planet pack, if any, you have installed. The difference is very real. GPP is very well optimized to look great and not tax your PC (apart from the obvious bit of being a very large, very detailed planet mod).
  11. @domassimo @LEGIONBOSS Thanks for the heads-up, guys.
  12. @Waxing_Kibbous The habitation idea was, or should have been dismissed. This mod is already complex with what it has taken from the BioMass mod. If Linux adds habitation, I'm afraid he might as well rename this to USI LS.
  13. @Mazura The life support mods that Airline Kuisine works with are not meant to be mixed. No two of them should ever be together in the same install. That will break things and endanger kerbals. You're welcome b the way.
  14. @Reknot Unfortunately, OPT (especially OPT Legacy, controlled by me and @stali79) has a long history of cargo bay issues. The only thing I can suggest is that you ensure that your two cargo bay pieces are attached by their outer nodes, not their inner nodes, which I've repeatedly found for myself. As part of the next release of OPT Legacy I've revised or at least inspected and confirmed the attach nodes on all of its cargo bays which will unfortunately break some craft but at least fixes the Stail and Stail Freight body cargo bays. I'm in need of someone who's willing and able to take my revised editions of these parts and invest the time to wrestle with the cargo bay coding to hopefully, truly, finally fix them...or confirm that they have model issues and are utterly unfixable.
  15. @Space Kadet About your OPT KH class spaceplane at the end of episode 25, you are correct. The high-mounted J-81 in air-breathing mode has the distinct trait of being incredibly powerful at somewhat lower speeds in thick atmosphere and unexpectedly weaker at high speeds in thin atmosphere versus just about every other jet engine.
  16. The bugfixes were eventually included in the main downloads. No need to be concerned. If you have the problems described there, it's time to get the main downloads.
  17. Which of the supported life support mods are you using with it? If none then the parts are supposed to be featureless and inaccessible. If it's something other than "you removed the life support mod" follow this link and put some logs online for me to see and diagnose.
  18. @HebaruSan Dependencies are OPT Main and/or OPT Legacy (assuming both are on CKAN), and USI LS. You are correct.
  19. @Kerbinstein Cool. @linuxgurugamer Can I bug you to amend the netkan for Thor Tech and Airline Kuisine? They depend on "Deep Sky Core" which should also appear on CKAN. @baconfortress I wanna see those videos. When thy happen, of course. And Gameslinx planets hyyyype!
  20. What kinds of things are you looking to harvest, and for what uses? Karbonite supplies some, which harvest Karbonite, ArgonGas and XenonGas and work best while the craft is moving. NF Propulsion has a harvester for ArgonGas and XenonGas which works best while landed and immobile. FFT has a scoop for Helium, LH2 and Deuterium Any others I know not of but it's easy to add support for resources to an existing harvester part, provided there are resource distribution configs to make it worth your while.
  21. @baconfortress The fault is not or should not be in my mod. I'm trying to find a solution now but it should be widely known that CRP's Localizations cause this exact problem. For the time being, delete all of CRP's LOC files other then English. That will work.
  22. @linuxgurugamer I hope you already noticed. It's been a few hours now.
  23. Release 0.8.6 Warning! Ship Breaker! Makes early-game planes easier to progress to and more complete, sooner. The removed parts are now in Deep Sky Core. Grab it! GitHub :: SpaceDock Removed radiator requirement from reactors if NFE not installed Removed Elite Dangerous sounds Adjusted Burst Mode Removed thrust boost upgrade Changed propellant to new BurstPower Can now run indefinitely as long as chargers and reactors can keep up Adjusted engine particles Fixed 3m engine Tweakscale Harvester intakes now have oceanic Water filter and are compatible with life support mods and Karborundum Reorganized files and folders Added: 1.25m VTOL intake + engine 0.625m inline windmill 2.5m Razor engine Surface-attached Burst Mode Charger IntakeAtm to all intakes
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