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Everything posted by JadeOfMaar

  1. @StarCrusher96 After just making sunflares to cover Ciro and Grannus in GPP I developed an inclination to make sunflares for other star classes... And this happened.
  2. @Sigma88 Not officially supported? Well in that case I'm pretty confident now that his innermost planet could possibly be inside the star. About GPP btw I see no code that handles Grannus. Is supporting code not needed or did you forget about Grannus? I'll see eventually in any case. Not right now, but soon.
  3. @Sigma88 I'm loving the liberties you took with some planet packs. Like Gameslinx getting a <REDACTED> star. I must download some of these things and see up-close. In the meantime here's a DL link for my stuff. I've updated my thread with previews for theme #2. The configs I mentioned there are included but untested beyond dwarf and medium size. And their ghost settings will eventually change. Any feedback is much welcome.
  4. For those of us who aren't obsessed with yellow and red dwarf stars I happened to whip up something pretty interesting. And there will be more of the same.
  5. This is not just another sunflare pack with many options and every color freely available for the one star... (the Sun), no. This is a pack tailored towards large star systems such as Kerbol Star System, Galactic Neghborhood and (if anyone dares ) To Boldly Go, and any smaller eccentric star systems featuring classes other than the typical G and M (yellow and red stars). This is a theme pack with (currently) two options for every star class, and 5 series (or families) of flares in total. Names: Ursa Minor, Phi, Canaan, Primus, Isk Usage restrictions: Example: only the G or stock pack sunflares are to be applied to the Sun and other G class Sun-like stars. Family names: Ursa Minor, Canaan and Primus were made with realism players in mind. Everyone is welcome to the stock pack but the other colors of sunflares will only be made available to planet makers and their collaborators who ask. For now though, just enjoy the stock pack. License: CC-BY-NC-ND. (May change but I just don't want recolors happening.) Install instructions: Unzip entire thing the first time to preserve folder structure. Then delete the sunflares you don't want. Stock Pack :: DOWNLOAD SSRSS Pack :: DOWNLOAD Galileo Pack :: DOWNLOAD ( SpaceDock :: GitHub ) Red Packs :: Soon™ Blue Packs :: Soon™ * May fail to work if added to a CKAN install containing EVE.
  6. Started getting familiar again with KAS-based construction. No actual KAS pipe connections were active but a flying Sombrero solar panel and "jump truck™" happened. Buffalo wheels and the solar panel while not properly attached to a craft, showed themselves to become kraken bait when coming off rails. Sombrero solar panel is atop one of the two long crates on the back of the same truck. At the time it was equipped like a jetpack to Harmund Kerman. It nearly made him ragdoll to death too. In addition, Valentina (driving the other truck, far left) forgot about Bob who came out and stood in front of it, and she ran him over. The "untitled" buggy is just an emergency craft with KIS space, for that "Oh! Maybe I need this other thing!" moment.
  7. I think I finally understand the Ore problem that has plagued some players. Unless I'm mistaken, a polar survey needs to be conducted before Ore's presence (and Karbonite too, for whatever reason) become readable to some or all surface mode scanners meanwhile certain other resources may already/always be available. (CRP/Regloith system bugs. Yay.) While confirming that, I went around Ciro and Grannus, checking up on them. Ciro nearly melted me. #allpartoftheplan After the serious stuff was done I went and played with Catullus and Tarsiss again. Well now I know that this level of slingshot is possible.... *closes KSP*
  8. Once any two ships are within 150m, local logistics kick in and they can share resources. Evidently this seems to apply to habitation too. Take a shot and experiment with this, and share your findings here, of course. I'm also interested in a definite answer.
  9. I'm I just checked. (Note: I do not have this planet mod installed right now.) Everything is as it should be, including Karborundum around the Sun. Here are a few suggestions to keep note of: Due to (what I believe is a logic bug) REASONS™ Karbonite will actually turn out to be non-existent in most places when it should be present, even in trace amounts. Create a new save and things may turn out differently. Jool and Vall are the best places (if not the only places) among the stock planets to get exospheric karbonite at. All of Gameslinx's atmospheres (and oceans) should have high amounts of karbonite in them...... So Gullis and Olei or Olemut's oceans should actually contain fuel! Only two moons have exospheric karbonite. Their parent planet is somewhere between Sonus and Flak. Make sure your versions of Karbonite and CRP are correct for your version of KSP. I don't have reason as yet to think that GPO is somehow messing with resource defaults. ... I handled that. I respected most of the resource data that you conveniently left for me to build upon.
  10. Sandbox sub-plot machinations continue. Operation "Bring HER Home" gains a memorable name and continues. I whipped up a rescue ship/primary explorer vessel (for the portion of GPP development that contains frankly exploring and finding both unplanned goodies and potential issues in the bodies) and touched down 16km from the wreckage. Again, I don't like VTOLs but the plane absolutely needed to be a VTOL. High PQS detail and gentle bumps favorable to horizontal landings seem to have an inverse correlation. Rescue pilot Ribbur Kerman takes on this dangerous job and (after a few flips and kabooms, arrives at Val's side and observes the wreckage with her. Taking another dose of inspiration from @RocketPCGaming (Ven's revamp, many cupolas, and an array each of direct and relay antennae, and many docking ports...but not including inflatables, many small solar panels or docking ports in the station's stack) I whipped this up real fast too and put it in Grannus orbit, specifically, at the random altitude of 2.238Gm where solar input is about 1.06:1 compared to at Gael. Jeb himself was a placeholder but now he can come back and help produce more screenshots. I'd like to legit build this and put it in a ridiculous yet still reasonable location. Maybe the proper version will handle Karborundum... and contain Ven's 3.75m inline cabin. That thing looks awesome. Without antennae, the top of this thing looks like Saruman's castle.
  11. I made something big too, not obviously like in the above post, but with a lot of modding intervention-- finely crafted custom OPT engines, and a practical body shape and mass for the ship's ONE job... chasing Lili like a dog chases cars. And then I crash it while attempting to land somewhere suspicious on Gratian. Valentina was in it. She survived.
  12. Glad to hear you love OPT. I agree about that. Do you have the bugfixes for this mod? (See red text and spoiler in OP) It is known that this engine was missing is tech node data.
  13. I've been watching the thread and expecting/knowing as much. Your work is greatly appreciated. Thanks for the further heads-up.
  14. @fourfa @Pinchy Here you go. I've added Grannus and raised the upgrade detection range to about 2x Grannus' apoapsis. Grannus for ResearchBodies And speaking of Grannus, I upgraded my personal sunflare for it and Ciro. @Galileo you like? All the elements are yours except the rim ghost from the Eden sunflare.
  15. Actually. The big GN Drive isn't entirely useless. It would be nice if you let it hang around... Question. Is a pair of 00 GN's more powerful than a pair of small GN's? @ARS and I have a use for the large one. We made Ptolemaios replicas, though mine's not nearly as faithful as theirs. Also, I have another ship that makes use of the 00 GN.
  16. I built an OPT not-space plane and made room for my own mod's parts, and took it on a leisurely test-flight on Gael. Some engineers are planning to fly this around and retrieve things that return from orbit, starting with the KIS Deliverance spaceplane which returned from Niven and splashed down a few hundred km to the West of KSC--near the beach on the opposite coast of this continent, and which aerobraked at Mach 10 and lost no parts. Today, speed and power are not on my menu. Endurance and utility are. I don't like making VTOLs... But it's a VTOL.
  17. @theJesuit The 1.3 update is just to satisfy some dependencies. It's merely a version bump. I think that could be a welcome addition, even better if it worked differently too: the trees could be passive like RTGs but in need of the occasional top-up to continue functioning. That plus some constant EC.
  18. One of Galileo's planets intended to have this too but it can't be done. The frustration is not worth it.
  19. I didn't make the range upgrade on the telescope very generous. I had assumd players would put more of the telescope in higher orbits, like near Otho's SMA. That was a silly choice of mine......... Also, our RB config does not provide for Grannus at all. Oops.
  20. I'm lurking! :U ...Oh, you mean in general. I signed up on these forums for no particular reason, with no particular objective. But I figured it was time to show myself on here and share stuff. I've made a few very eccentric craft designs and shared them, then made a couple of flags and gifted them to some players/agents such as Kergarin Aerospace, Creative Aerospace, a friend I meet in person, and something involving the TARDIS. GPP was the first planet mod I came across which: Was still in development; Was something other than OPM ; Looked particularly awesome without visual mods; even replaced Kerbin and its moons rather than typically add bodies beyond Jool. I took my seat among other potential contributors and offered personality and sample science reports to the planets, and supporting graphics to Galileo himself. Since then I started growing as a CRP resource wizard, learned a bit about planet making, and modding in general. Well now I tinker with resources, sporadically invent clone parts or reconfigure parts to make things interesting or fill gaps, make LS patches, design sci-fi ships and stations, and contribute things to USI and misc other mods.
  21. Well there's one place where that part will be far from useless.
  22. Banned for imitating a cheese grater. Anything that is not grater is lesser.
  23. I made my call based on your first screenshot in which I saw all the TAC LS resources + Machinery. (Since you already inserted the "NEEDS USI" tags for yourself it's alright.) I'm sorry if I caused any needless bother.
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