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Everything posted by JadeOfMaar

  1. @StarCrusher96 Loving the idea of the ship. My replica easily wiggled to hell and splattered the kosmos when I fired that engine. So did you actually fly this there or are you cheating for the whole Sports Illustrated center-spread screenshot thing?
  2. @Aelfhe1m The length of this list disturbs me. But I'm quite amused at the "SXTdockingPortVeryLarge" I understand now, thanks.
  3. The scales for habitation and other MKS capacities are far from linear. RoverDude has a Google Sheet and a YouTube video explaining a portion of the sheet. Search "mks balance" to get them. It's going to be a while before I can understand it myself and get really good at weighing these features for adding support to other mods. @Gordon Dry @Aelfhe1m What kinds of mods do you guys have that makes it necessary to have a mod to tell you what size your docking port is? Moreover, to give all of your ports dichotomy?
  4. The new ghost styles are finished. Series I Series II And now, bonus pics! Testing out the other star classes!
  5. @Sigma88 That's a bit of a bubble burst, you know....
  6. @Sigma88 Good point. I didn't try without scatterer as the point was for testing my lens flares once I confirmed I had a variety of stars to assign them to. I'm working on them atm and they're almost ready for pre-release.
  7. Here you go. To make it short, the first number in the key is 1/x amount in homeworld AU (so the curve starts with the stock flare's appearance at maximum or infinite distance). Then the second number is the sunflare scale.
  8. Make a dummy moon inside Olu'um to host the ring? Bad idea. Just because it's late to the party. Olu'um itself can keep a ring but it would be a plain gas planet style ring. No fancy accretion disk stuff. There are planet packs out there with ringed stars too. The problem of adding the dummy moon is that it's still adding a celestial body and that will break people's careers. So absolutely not. This mod has done enough of that already.
  9. You can just put two upper case M's like this. MM and then mouseover it. @Sigma88 I also tried Gameslinx and GN the other day and got problems. (Actually I think GN itself was a problem but that's an issue I'll return to soon™) Gameslinx has officially put aside INSTANTIATOR because it breaks in 1.3.
  10. Ahh, but part of the point of my inline parts is the reaction wheel. The inline OMS all will keep part count down a little and fit flush with the plane body. Some folks have asked for these. One thing I clearly avoided was making any drone cores. Stock probe cores can be placed on their inner attachment nodes. That aside, I do like that your linear RCS almost are identical to the J RCS ports, and the thruster blocks will be welcome by everyone. I like this a lot. Quite a lot. Indeed, most 5-way RCS blocks seem fit for realistic rockets and have nozzles jutting out everywhere. Also I would like that if OPT was the only plane parts mod installed, no one would have to get another mod just for RCS, or spam stock ones to hell.
  11. The OP doesn't like the stock sunflare. By itself it's big and bland. Also scatter is installed so that sunflare should not even be active and overlapping the scatterer sunflare.
  12. @Galileo @OhioBob Series I sunflares new ghosts and ghost style WIP. Nearly finished tuning this, then I can get back to Series II ghosts. Ciro Grannus
  13. @OhioBob Alright. thanks for the update. This will come in handy for me soon enough. "Dividing by zero" did come to mind because it's bound to happen. iirc, changing the sunAU can scale the scatterer sunflare but will influence (and upset) functional things too, right? Like solar flux.
  14. @OhioBob I've been itching for understanding on the brightnessCurve. Now it makes complete sense. The first key actually sets the appearance at the greatest distance.....But why is it negative? Is this due to the nature of the curve? (Example, when orbital eccentricity > 1 and KER shows a negative apoapsis.) I have one small question. Does this affect the scatterer sunflare or is there no tweaking the scale-by-distance for that?
  15. Those of us writing the USI support so far aren't MKS gurus so oopsies like this with hab timers are bound to be made. The 288 was merely taken as half of the amount supplied by the MKS centrifuge, given their sizes. I will send Linux a PR with your suggestion.
  16. Today I finished setting up the life support configs for some additional parts to the Tokamak mod. Just like in Airline Kuisine, those parts now work well with all the major LS mods. Especially this one. A new family of alien spaceplane has arrived too. "Codename Pterodactyl" is a multipurpose hypersonic/ultrasonic, lightly modded SSTO fit for shuttling, supply running, racing or battle. I had to come up with something new and fly it after doing so much LS modding lately. In default configuration it has up to 640m/s of dV in orbit....Perhaps I should factor a Mk2 inline docking port with this..for actual rdzv missions. In the last screenshot it's in sport configuration: LF-only tanks, mod-less, no shock cones (the Mk1 inline intakes are enough) and only Panthers for propulsion.
  17. @goldenpsp @Virulent I think it would be worth your while to give Sun Karborundum another chance. It's not that far down there anymore.
  18. @K.Yeon My mind has been blown!!! Umm... Can I convince you to make 5-way RCS/OMS blocks instead? If you're going to make only one RCS piece I say that's what's really needed. Then everyone can take off (and translate forward and backward ) from there. As @stali79 suggested, I made these (by just scaling existing parts) but they don't actually have RCS FX. I don't have any skill yet in Unity to add RCS FX myself. They are K (hollow), K (solid), KH and Humpback.
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