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Everything posted by JadeOfMaar

  1. @Blackline USI reactors use ModuleResourceConverter for their function. These are wide open for you to reprogram them as you please. However, when NFE is installed with them they behave like NFE. You're free to reprogram either as you desire. No one is stopping you from reprogramming the NFE reactors to work as you like.
  2. I don't use that particular computer for KSP but I did have OPT, Mk2 Expansion (these are very big parts mods), a few small parts mods, scatterer and SVE installed there as far as I can remember. It even worked with Galileo's Planet Pack (a far more resource-consuming mod) installed too, and a few utility mods. But it was taxing on the computer so there was no way I was going to install any further bunch of mods for any kind of playthrough.
  3. @GenesisPlayz I just noticed this on SpaceDock. You may be biting of a lot more than you can chew, promising such a large mod yet you've only released one planet. I have not come to shut you down or anything but I'd advise you rename your mod and reduce its scope until you get better at planet-making.
  4. @zeant93 80% is a nice upper limit for RAM usage. Use your memory cleaner before running KSP, then don't worry about it until you've played long enough that memory leaks start or you noticeably feel a performance dip. I have a PC with 8GB of memory and I let it reach 97% full and don't care about it. I just make sure to not have things open with KSP....like Photoshop or web browsers.
  5. Progress 4 of 5 base sunflares have been designed. 3 are complete and ready for public release as stock packs (only the G class ones). A bonus pack will be released with the corresponding K and M class flares and base configs for most planet makers...because red stars are so popular. 2 mega packs (as shown so far, containing all star classes) will be released on request to makers of star systems with more than just red stars. On further request I will make the mega packs for the other base sunflares. All of them will have interesting names rather than just their series #.
  6. @zeant93 It'll work. If you get an out-of-memory crash, sacrifice some other mods from your install. OPM has been usable in nearly if not truly every version of KSP since its initial release.
  7. I'm serious though. Part of the point is to uncover the secret.
  8. @Argyle MHF Please edit your comment. Don't reveal where you find the resources.
  9. @Ourshinigami There is no fault in your configuration (for the tech tree node). The matter is that when CTT is installed, then your part will move. @FreeThinker's suggestion of an MM patch is how it is done. Just put the MM info in a new config file reserved for MM patches. Also, you might need this. bulkheadProfiles = srf //for anything that is surface attach and not stackable. This is for when you sort parts by form factor in the VAB or SPH. bulkheadProfiles = srf,size1 // Multiple profiles are valid // size1 for 1.25m // size2 for 2.5m // size3 for 3.75m It is mostly easy to match a tech node's ID (as in the config) to it's title (the display name) but you will need to have the CTT's main config file GameData\CommunityTechTRee\Tree\CommunityTechTree.cfg open in an advanced text editor, and the layout image open on-screen. Inside the spoiler is a portion of the CTT config.
  10. @CatastrophicFailure Lol Triti is well-travelled. And no one who knows her can ever sleep again. And she knows very well never to step out of the pod.
  11. @NickRoss120 I'm no Mathematician so if you're unsure of anything you can ping OhioBob or MaxL_1023 who debated with him about this subject. It's all a little weird indeed and yet it's really cool. I take it for fair assumption that the light emission from a red or brown star doesn't have much blue in it (duh ) so when Rayleigh scattering occurs in a terran sky, that lack of excess blue to saturate the sky results in a balanced fill-- white. Side note, your planets don't seem to have anything for the universe (or some crafts) to float in. ...Is this intentional?
  12. @NickRoss120 Actually a revelation was made in the GPP thread (currently locked) about red vs brown dwarfs. Despite general assumption bias it would be quite okay for you to dial down the red in your sunlight and optionally the sunflare, and retrieve some or most of the natural color in your textures. Assuming you don't already know, Barnard's star is M4 class, which is listed in an image in one of the linked posts. Now look at these two posts (on the same page).
  13. When I can get around to it I must test this too. I've been fighting a lot with OPT hollow parts and drag. I'm not accustomed to looking at things this way.
  14. As Sigma just revealed, it's not a shortcoming in Kopernicus but the ring shader. I'm up for retrying my experiment or sharing the PSDs or just the modified PNGs. I believe I kept them.
  15. @Galileo @OhioBob Furthermore. Given this revelation, we could lower Nero's rotation period and let the EVE animations compensate. So when players warp, Nero WON'T LOOK LIKE THIS anymore, lol.
  16. @Galileo @Sigma88 I tried an experiment the other night, completely forgetting something fundamental that made the experiment a total waste of time, but nonetheless a great idea if the opening was there for this kind of thing. I made black & white pattern layer and used it as an alpha mask for Nero's and Tellumo's ring textures to attempt to simulate the fact that a planet's rings are really just belts of dirt and pebbles. I could have upscaled this to whatever quality level is needed to look good on a very big screen. To add to realism it could possibly be dosed with some of @The White Guardian's fire moon particles magic, making apparent actual stones orbit along with the player, within phys range of course. But then I got the reminder... Kopernicus only reads a 1px high row from the texture so I got epic banding like on this. (Planet belongs to @NickRoss120) I'm not gonna ask that Kopernicus gain a feature or update to allow this. But I thought I'd simply share my little misadventure as a budding texture modder and perform more Inception on everyone.
  17. @Sigma88 Aww. I could swear there was a setting for ring LAN. I must have remembered incorrectly. OPMTilt is definitely worth a look into.
  18. My idea for a proper Uranian planet would be as this. Set its rotation to false (the toggle is there under Properties {}) Lock its rings rotation as well and set a desired LAN Produce its surface texture with the proper technique (this will require some serious technique, I'm sure) Setup EVE cloud animations that spin along the axis through the new ring plane (this is the vital part)
  19. @Galileo I just had a great idea for such a planet. Shall I share my idea here on in a PM?
  20. Dangit. I just rephrased my question. But thanks. This is the answer I hoped for.
  21. One more little thing @Sigma88. Can you list some sample radii for O, B, A class stars? I'm hoping to release my sunflare pack(s) this week and I'd like a feel for the blue super and hyper giants. KSS has quite a wide spectrum of samples, which is great, but it's missing out in this area.
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