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Everything posted by JadeOfMaar

  1. According to the game's code, once you use a basic "intake" to feed your engines, the atmosphere is 100% of that resource. But if you use an atmospheric harvester module then the proportion of resource received can be anywhere < 100% as it should be. There's a prominent mod out that perfectly answers the question of Eve. It introduces Explodium Vapor to Eve and suitable worlds in planet mods, and needs you to burn Oxidizer with it. As the following link reveals, not every atmospheric resource combusts if you mix it with Oxidizer. Some things even burn better if you mix with toxic chemicals like Fluorine. Problem. Although Hydrogen is a 'perfect' propellant, its density is far too low for you to be able to gather up more of it than you're burning at a given time if that's your main propellant. It will only make sense to fuel scoop Jool's atmosphere while trying to aerocapture, or fuel scoop a far more powerful propellant added by a mod that adds advanced tech. Such mods include Karbonite (it's like SolidFuel though), KSP Interstellar Extended and Far Future Technologies.
  2. I wouldn't call GPP Secondary a brilliant idea. It is merely a necessity--and something which had to arrive in due time. The GPP devs have always been aware of the issues that would arise when players want to have a planet mod in addition to GPP, or to have Stock + GPP. That's a small matter that most us have lived with probably since visual mods came to exist. It's not a big deal, but as OhioBob said, a re-download might help you out. Interesting, hahah. Well I'll be going after it for sure to meet my increased dV needs. I likely may not involve FFT in my main game (as you know, I have enough "OP" propulsion systems installed already) but I've already prepared to make it more fun for everyone. I will post the FFT-GPP configs before Friday night, in the GPP Workshop. And they'll be taken down iwhen they make it into the next release of FFT.
  3. Be impressed. Lol. The dynotune was removed because it was only a WIP and was superseded by what I contributed directly to the Karbonite mod. The thing where all the air-breathing engines are even better and are re-titled so they show up in a contiguous block in the part list.
  4. First launch in 2.5x (sandbox) before the science game starts. Forgot to turn off the ocean shader but I don't mind it... for now. I don't think this plane can SSTO above stock scale. It was never meant to be an SSTO but I tested the waters...and nearly didn't cross them. (I tweaked the 2.5m engines to have a slightly longer stride)
  5. What if I told you, good sir, that Angel has been on that level the entire time. And that you only now realize it?
  6. This mod's license is permissive enough "CC share-alike" for you to do as you will. But if you're really cautious about crossing lines, I'd suggest you not publish any spinoffs of this mod for wide consumption, at least until you get a clearer answer than mine from someone else like Galileo or Sigma88. If anything, use your story purely for learning purposes as a modder, then when you're skilled enough, change your story so that it doesn't need OPM and let your own new planets fill OPM's places.
  7. @smotheredrun It is time. Mine's about to start right now. (Science mode, actually)
  8. Well GPP has > 1 star........so... Kopernicus. I've seen this myself too. @The-Doctor Look for the screenshots in RocketPCGaming's posts in this thread.
  9. Go to KSC view, open TextureReplacer's window and change the setting there at the very bottom. If you need shiny kerbal helmets without shiny cockpit glass then you have to find and delete the config mentioned by @SuicidalInsanity I personally made a patch to undo the windowshine when it bothered me (not just for M2X but with Omicron flying car parts which also has this), but then I discovered the connection with TextureReplacer setting. I don't care about helmet reflections except when making skyboxes.
  10. Any eccentricity and inclination will work. Just keep your eyes on the scanner's part action window (PAW). The forum should have a tooltip thing for PAW like it does for LF, USI, dV etc...
  11. This is normal for the time being and happens at any non-stock biome. Kopernicus is unable to pass the biome name from localization tags to science parts. A similar problem should still be happening with SCANsat.
  12. @DeltaVerb Restart KSP as it is. It will make a new output_log file every time..... Then close KSP as hard or ungentlemanly as you can when it reaches that infinite loading point and try again with the log file. Share the file itself. There's no real need to open it and copy its contents. And again, do not try to post it directly into the forum. Save it online and share a link.
  13. That's not your output_log, It's in [KSP Install]\KSP_x64_Data\ (assuming you're running 64-bit KSP which you should). Post the whole log file into something like Google Docs or PasteBin and share a link. Do not post it directly into the forum. Thanks @Gilph all fixed
  14. @DeltaVerb did you install Kopernicus 1.3.0-2 or higher? Did you install ModularFlightIntegrator? Which is vital to and part of Kopernicus. Do you have a Kopernicus-x-x-x folder or another GameData folder in your GameData? If so you're installing things wrong.
  15. You shouldn't need to do anything at all for GPP_Secondary. Your Ciro patch is all that's required --if you're installing another planet pack and you detect that its orbit will come too close to that of another star.
  16. @DeltaVerb Did you install GPP_Textures? It's a separate download.
  17. GPP includes only a few other things that need TextureReplacer, not the mod itself.
  18. @The-Doctor Did you install TextureReplacer for your version of KSP? https://github.com/RangeMachine/TextureReplacer/releases Do this first, then extra the ZIP and merge the folders properly. ZIP > TextureReplacer goes over GameData\TextureReplacer
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