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Everything posted by JadeOfMaar

  1. @The-Doctor Did you install TextureReplacer for your version of KSP? https://github.com/RangeMachine/TextureReplacer/releases Do this first, then extra the ZIP and merge the folders properly. ZIP > TextureReplacer goes over GameData\TextureReplacer
  2. @MaxxQ Do you have Kerbal Konstructs installed? Everyone seems to be having that problem.
  3. @StarCrusher96 I don't know what the formula is but it's warp factor 20 ...(6 Gm/s).
  4. I haven't yet started a game since official release to have any grasp on the problems with Renamer. Anyway this sounds like a great discovery and should be added to the install instructions and other documentation, which I'll do very soon, along with updating the GPP_Textures link in there.
  5. This is also why I don't want my config bundled in the OPT mods. Thanks @DStaal. I'll update very soon.
  6. With the official release of GPP finally out of the way, I did some celebratory tinkering with my personal expansion for the GN Drive mod. Mainly, I spent my time configuring and texturing the GN-powered Warp Drives. This one is the Inferior engine, and part of the end-game of my next try at a science play-through. ...That shadow though. I gave the engine a WIP repaint to look like OPT, and taped on the Celestial Being logo for giggles.
  7. I'm preparing a science game myself as well. I'd like to resume from where I abruptly left off in 1.2.2 (not far at all) but there are all new mods to try out, some custom engines to setup, and a new mid to end game plan.
  8. @Jimbodiah I choose not to because the USI mods are ever-changing. I don't want to burden the OPT main dev with doing a version bump release just to keep up with USI LS.
  9. @Gameslinx @Iso-Polaris Atmosphere resource configs are present. Those resources are covered in GPO. I wouldn't call them KSPI. They're configured with life support mods in mind. The contract thing is a stock bug. Just send a probe elsewhere and the game will forget about Olu'um.
  10. I know the source. This is TextureReplacer with reflections set to real. M2X parts Windowshine is what's lagging you out.
  11. Did some horsing around with showroom craft while testing new resource configs. Here I'm flying on Catullus. Its moon (the sub-moon) Tarsiss nearer the star and the main planet Gauss (gas giant) off to the side, with identical apparent size to Tarsiss. Gauss crossing Catullus' horizon, and Loki (another moon of Gauss) way out there but clear as day. Tried a mothership deisgn near Niven. It seemed able to SSTO from Kerbin Gael so I wondered how it would handle landing in thin atmo. Sadly it royally failed so I took off all the elevons, fins and airbrakes...and the extra 1.25m engines that gave it its SSTO TWR.
  12. An update is finally coming. Some code adjustments and a texture pass (or two). I should have done this for TAC in the beginning.
  13. Maybe it's the part where Kopernicus generates all the planet cache files?
  14. @Gordon Dry OPT does not have parts like what you are suggesting. @stali79 I think he means parts like the junction parts in Mk2 and Mk3 Expansion for making perpendicular stacks and cross-shaped craft. The closest thing is to put a J-92 engine or an ARI-75 cluster in a J Deployment bay or attach J-81 nacelles to the plane's sides and keep them in Closed Cycle. A low profile concentric aerospike or Avengers Helicarrier style lift engine to clip through the largest wings would be pretty nice in this case. @F3l1p3 Your installation is just fine. The OPT H parts are just very few. H series might only exist just to complement the K series and may not meant to be its own complete, independent profile.
  15. "Tame looking" maybe. But it's still an epic design @Spyke I tried it and I like.
  16. It's about time I learn to add things to CKAN. So @linuxgurugamer how does this look? This mod in particular has mutually exclusive options.
  17. I don't know how to target specific mods but for detecting and handling memory leaks you'll want to hold on to this.
  18. @OgreMagi Use the version(s) of the mod rated for your version of the game. Every mod is made differently so cross-compatibility is a dice roll. GPP is not ready for release in KSP 1.3, therefore only use KSP 1.2.2 and such rated versions of the recommended mods. You'll have to dig through some of their changelogs to find the compatible versions.
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