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Everything posted by JadeOfMaar

  1. No, there's no working version for 1.2.2. An API change in that KSP version broke this mod. It should work in 1.2.1. I'm glad to see an official (re)post for this as well. I hope help comes and the work goes smoothly. @Pamynx
  2. I answered the OP's question (where it was repeated) in the Karbonite thread. I feel similarly and have a config to remove the fuel modules from the Convert-O-Tron and reserve the stock parts for every other (non-fuel) production chains, however, I don't remove Ore from scanners and drills as some mod will need Ore and I may be okay with that, like USI LS (without MKS) needs Ore for Fertilizer production. For SimpleConstruction and off-world rocket-building, I've tweaked everything in it to start from MetallicOre instead of Ore.
  3. You need to have a working Firespitter install, and it's in the OPT Main Pack download. Many mods use Firespitter for fuel switching.
  4. I dunno, but at any scale GPP is not for basic players. Inclined KSC; 4 deadly planets; Ore scarcity; super-distant planets and a companion star to get to and get back from..... GPP totally qualifies for that meme.
  5. True TUBM just has to have their morning coffee.
  6. Banned....banned harder because I find you a very ban-able person.
  7. Kin of a Kerbol Empire (Sins of a Solar Empire) KUNO, the kard game Kual (Dual) Universe Komino (Domino) Everspace Program Kerbol Star Citizen Konan Exiles: Kerbal progression through the dark ages and in this, archaic magic is real and the kraken is incarnate. Karbonite Not Included EVE GILLY Online
  8. All of this. I too would like to see that static pressure alone can destroy a ship (meaning, crawling on purpose through immense pressure will not save you). As for heat there are already two ways to get this done. Any planet that has an atmosphere can have an atmosphere temperature curve. And any planet that has an ocean (which can be cleverly hidden, but is required) can have a heat curve without needing to have an atmosphere. These are all demonstrated in Planet Cyran and its first (and half-lava) moon. Players already do get low flying Jool science. Either their science craft is actually built to survive a pass down there and escape, or is expendable.
  9. The GPGT rover went back to space today. "Look mom, no hands! ....No wings either!" It used its RCS down to 1 unit each of LFO because its pilot forgot, after camping down there and enjoying herself, that the reaction wheel was disabled due to action group. The station had to move in order to complete the docking.
  10. So the OP wants a green super-Kerbin or super-Laythe in place of Jool? Easily done. (Not by me, of course, but by any skilled planet maker who can be convinced to do this.) Making it deceptively appear featureless in Map View but then reveal itself up close might be viable (I think it's a matter of just supplying a cloudy ScaledSpace model which differs from the real-space model). The alternative is to get on your knees and pray that Squad develops a mechanic to even support this kind of feature. There's a land-able gas planet mod out there already. Its surface is an actual ocean but it looks like just another gas planet from afar, and it will melt anything that comes near its atmosphere. Cyran, the fire giant. I'm sure the ScaledSpace deception + tangible surface thing is within @Galileo 's power to do. Personally, I've wanted this for one of his moons, Catullus. It straddles the fence between super-terra and gas planet.
  11. Finished setting up Snacks! mode. And noticed a potential problem that no parts at all show in the parts list for Snacks. Oops? I felt like featuring Snacks' own "snack tin" parts since they blend so well imo.
  12. @Sigma88 What does orbitIndex do? Can it be used to control the order of appearance of explore body contracts?
  13. @Pinchy Open GPP\GPP_Configs\GPP_LaunchSites.cfg and search "South" Then go down to "radius" ... Site { name = Southern_Site displayName = Southern Site description = Southern Site is an alternate launch site. PQSCity { KEYname = KSC latitude = -61.05 longitude = -0.7 repositionRadiusOffset = 584 repositionToSphereSurface = false lodvisibleRangeMult = 6 reorientFinalAngle = -89 } PQSMod_MapDecalTangent { radius = 5000 //change this to 7000 heightMapDeformity = 15 absoluteOffset = 593 absolute = true latitude = -61.03 longitude = -0.77 } }
  14. It's a simple and clear matter of a terrain setting or two. (Either KSC is not high enough or it's not flattening enough land around itself.) It will be fixed shortly. Also. #REKT this pic for your viewing pleasure.
  15. A bootstrap rover and bootstrap power core for a Mun outpost before KSP 1.2.0. Each of these was buildable from a strict and workable serving of 5 tons of MaterialKits and were vital to base expansion out of the Gourd-like lander appropriately named "The Missionary." Eventually, (and along with a few shipments of MaterialKits,) this sprawling base was completed. NFC doesn't look quite fit for building surface bases with... But I was inclined to challenge that reasoning. The flying saucer (containing NF Spacecraft command pod and NFP's low profile LFO cluster engines) was not constructed here but was delegated here. It had 3500km/s dV thanks to procedural tanks and those engines' modestly higher Isp (350s? ...355s?). This base received a shipment of XenonGas, and a shipment of EnrichedUranium. Then it launched a Duna probe and a station core. The xenon carrier and station core were heavy on NFC as well. There's the station core with just one NF Solar panel to keep its probe core alive. It would serve as an orbital refinery and shipyard, and so contained truss Ore tanks. The foreground object is a recoverable launcher which could have been recycled for MaterialKits but I was lazy and let it crash far out of physics range. The station core is kindred to my newer "Linda" station posted earlier, and an interplanetary station concept that I lost the screenshots for. And here's the Xenon delivery craft. The truss stack contained two probe cores. The severed head would refuel the Duna probe already in orbit. The body would top up the base. I tried, and failed, to use Mono for landing engines. There weren't enough SpaceY engines on it for good TWR so I had to keep the Rhino boosters. This is my last post of old stuff, I promise.
  16. My in-game company was invented as a military ally to a protagonist race in my own sci-fi universe, and later an ally to Celestial Being and Katharon in Mobile Suit Gundam 00. I chose to have this company be able to (in defiance of contemporary sci-fi stereotypes) be able to colonize Venus due to it being closer to Earth than Mars is, and being an unlikely place for Earth forces to venture to, and have the base(s) of operations there. By consequence I named my company Deep Sky. Deep Sky's operatives are generally benign aliens from elsewhere in the galaxy, with camouflage and other powers but an allergy to GN Particles. I have yet to settle on a concept for their flag. Aaaaand now I know what @ARS means, I'm satisfied.
  17. No stock parts use this, as Stock only gives you parts with type 1 (the Ore drills) but the following can float your boat: Karbonite (for Karbonite itself, which is available in 4 types) Near Future Propulsion (for ArgonGas and XenonGas) have such parts. I made clone intakes to add to NF Propulsion and CryogenicEngines (They handle Methane and Hydrogen) There's also @Gordon Fecyk's Explodium-Breathing Engines. Amusingly, you can install Karbonite and actually do the Jool thing.
  18. @TheRagingIrishman USI mode is about all done. I just gotta weigh the stats of a converter this size (with the blue dot, before the greenhouse) with MKS's own MPU... And perhaps make the tank rib lines more prominent. Texture switching works too. As for the recycler (processor with green dot), I believe I can get away with 70% efficiency for 8 crew. Derived from updated TAC textures.
  19. I was hungry last night so I went out for Buffalo Wings. (Started exploring the Wild Blue Industries mods and the USI support in them.) The 'wings' are actually Heat Control for an onboard reactor. I was quite satisfied so I upsized the order (more buffalo body...less wings). I made this rover longer as it's going to fit into a nice extra-long OPT cargo bay.
  20. @flywlyx I'm finally building a serious ship with this mod and I'd like to add that there's some very odd behavior with the GN Condenser Frame (recharger). I have to rotate it mself so it's oriented right for attachment. Later on it will have detached and be floating when I click somewhere, either another part on craft or in part list (either way, fairly far from an attached GN Condenser). Can anyone else confirm this?
  21. @RealGecko The WarpDrive.dll is telling KSP that the part is in an additional lower directory named WarpDrive, causing the empty config issue. PartLoader: Compiling Part 'WarpDrive/WarpDrive/WarpDrive/WarpDrive' (Filename: C:/buildslave/unity/build/artifacts/generated/common/runtime/UnityEngineDebugBindings.gen.cpp Line: 42) Crash!!! While you tend to this I'd like to suggest you rename the part itself and the folder that contains the part. That's too much "WarpDrive" imo. And maybe rename the download archive. I get it confused with the download for USI's WarpDrive because they're exact except the version number.
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