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Everything posted by JadeOfMaar

  1. Galileo's Planet Pack removes the stock system. There's no addition or alteration to that. Thanks for tagging me btw. I needed a spark to get into making planet textures. I've contributed a lot to GPP but planet textures aren't in that lot. Unlocking planet information by entering its SOI is part of ResearchBodies' functionality. Only if you have a warp drive and semi-infinite fuel you can afford to blindly fly at a planet and unlock it this way. (I've seen it by merely HyperEditing a manned vessel while testing this mod with GPP and unwittingly starting the ResearchBodies Hype Train). A more practical or less cheaty means to a similar end would be contracts to do science in space or on its surface with certain instruments, or with a second mod dedicated to locking and unlocking planets or just sciencing them with telescopes. I'm thinking Tarsier Space Technologies from the same maker of ResearchBodies. They integrate.
  2. Cyran has so many moons now (10?) that I've already entertained the idea that it should be its own solar system. I'm glad you read my mind.
  3. 0_0!!! Yes, lol. I've been thinking of SpaceY but so far I've had no cause to design a heavy lifter or any large vertical craft since the announcement that KSP 1.2.0 was coming. Many thanks. I'm glad you like. After the next GPP release drops (you can now smell it coming ) I'll finally start my real science game ...or maybe a career with Play Your Way installed too, and also maybe start a mission log thread, unlocking my way through things.
  4. I haven't designed or launched a station since that Mun one right before KSP 1.2.0 released. Codename Linda, it takes a turn that I haven't in a very long time: having no business (yet) with off-world construction...or life support, involving Station Parts Expansion which I haven't touched since 1.0.5, and being launched whole from Kerbin Gael instead of being deployed through Extraplanetary Launchpads.
  5. I got inspired to design and launch stations again. 1kt at launch, 16 day transfer, 108t with half-full Kerbodyne tanks in Minmus Ceti orbit. I had to perform a roll during ascent while shedding the fairings so they wouldn't collide with the solar panels, and I slipped at circularizing and skidded back through atmosphere. Fortunately I thought to put Vectors up there in case I needed their power and gimbal during initial ascent. The transfer stage/booster tanks were sent on a collision course with the surface and orbital insertion was done with verniers.
  6. Arrived at Ceti I slipped and skidded back through atmosphere...
  7. The bundled Firespitter is usually only the core which allows for the switching functions of the decal and most other variable parts. It's not the entire Firespitter with all the airplanes and other stuff.
  8. Same here. With something big. Also, Valentina phoning home from the north pole. She said it seems like a lake of caramel up there.
  9. Now I'm really going to be sad at any point that I see Kerbin again after this pic. Thanks dude. This is an award-winning view of Gael's dry side.
  10. I follow one such player on YouTube and this was his train of thought. He's also trying to make a living with KSP streams. @regex Someone cracked a joke that Galileo should join Squad concerning that much-needed art pass. @Dman979 sounds legit
  11. From my experience the basis for "KSP dying" is in two things: The issue of developers leaving in high numbers, but also, KSP itself hasn't changed much since vrsion 0.9. By that I mean game-changing features don't come around often, such as new stock planets, new features to the stock planets, advanced stock graphics, or other things that visibly add a load to the kerbal adventure, and especially, certain mods that "really should be stock" never becoming stock. Long-time players feel like KSP has grown old in the wrong sense: that Squad does too much maintenance and not enough innovation with game releases.
  12. Confirmed Starfleet is alive and well in current KSP.
  13. Appropriately named, Deep Sky presents the Tumbler, a rover with iffy suspension and traction punch. Some sporting kerbals had the great idea to ask for something with wheels and which belches fire. Its propulsion system allows a pilot to pat the throttle and snooze for the longest drive while planetside...or slam the HUD and gain or shed speed like they've lost their mind. The Tumbler needs only be deployed in atmosphere to keep its Turbo, charged, and needs an engineer aboard for when any of those silly brown wheels burst.
  14. @Tyko Two mods actually: Station Parts Expansion and Mk3 Expansion.
  15. Having soaked up some inspiration from @RocketPCGaming's stream last night and the talk about Lockheed Martin's lean green supersonic machine, I went and took my free time, once I had some, and built something like it with Procedural Parts & Wings. Despite it being unwieldy due to the amount of lift surface it performs very well (engine-wise) and easily circumnavigates Gael/Kerbin with cruise speeds between Mach 4 and 5.5 @ 30km altitude. Optimally it should complete a lap and still have 1/4 or 1/3 fuel remaining but tripping over myself with two attempts to align with KSC for final approach led to a lot of needless descent and fuel wastage...Then I had to double back and land headed Westward. Before I added the crew cabins and cockpit it would have done just as well at Mach 3 @ 21km altitude with up-scaled Panther engines, but the TWR dipped too far and I had to replace them with down-scaled OPT engines. The nacelle radius is 1.875m. In the orbit view picture, KSC is at the eastern edge of the visible sunny-side continent.
  16. Kerbin => Kerbal. Take that seriously or not. I dunno. But kerbal is an omnipotent word. It can comfortably assume nearly any context.
  17. Yes, yes it does @Enceos And your examples are great, however, I would advise against painting your radiators, for totally legit reasons.
  18. @Beetlecat At that point it hadn't occurred to me that at the objectNames parameter, the mini sticker part was calling for different mesh options than the the other sticker parts did. Once I wrote my code to successfully inject a texture switch module into one of the large parts and present all the flags, I merely copy-pasted for the other sticker parts. I overlooked that detail about the mini sticker. The commented line still works for the large stickers but the new line has to be applied to the mini sticker.
  19. I built this not too long ago, the NOX Palladium (No Oxidizer) hypersonic shuttle. It gets to orbital velocities very easily, but that's without any space engines attached. But clip one NERV engine into it and it utterly became a failure. I don't like clipping functional parts (an engine inside an engine) but I really needed this small thing and its eccentric design to work. Clipping a nose cone to deal with the assumed drag induced by the NERV seems effective. It's not easy to SSTO but at least it's doable again. And to balance the NERV's presence the rear Mk2 crew cabin will be replaced by a cargo bay. These screenshots are before I added the NERV.
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