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Everything posted by mechanicH

  1. Take your time get home safe. Dont worry, the Kerbals will still be here......errr.....well most of them anyway
  2. I know this is a silly question but I'm just wondering what's the difference between the base version and stock version download on the first page.
  3. @Shadowmage I just have a quick suggestion/request. If it is possible and if you have time to create an extendable docking port (small, medium). Something that will protrude 2x or 3x it's own thickness. Basically it's for when you have a docking port too close to another part, it can extend for clearance. Edit. I think your sc-e had it. But I can't recall 100%.
  4. TWR..... dam thing was so heavy and difficult to maneuver. I needed some extra power just to make simple orbital maneuvers. Obviously i didnt set them up for max power output, they are a bit DE-rated (4000 Knt per engine would rip the whole thing apart). But now that i think about it , i should have used something else, those things are meant as a lifter stage. It was one of those (SURE WHY NOT) moments
  5. No problem, you take your time. And thank you for your work.
  6. Here the final stage save the first step of the game. :-) DECQ did you already update the file ? is it usable , because it still says 1.5A. Just curious to test it out, let me know if you have a dev version, ill be more then happy to give you feedback.
  7. http://imgur.com/a/A6w0P OK one last one, creative juices are flowing, and i need to share it with you wonderful people.
  8. Ya that was my fault, i didnt pay attention to how the solar panels deploy until after it was in orbit.
  9. http://imgur.com/KnU2zdE http://imgur.com/a84Jzlu here some eye kandy ... just for fun
  10. I thought RSS was still working the bugs out. Im sure they will correct it soon. As for me I'm waiting on SSRSS to come out.
  11. That purple planet looks good enough to eat .....this has a ton of potential, wait till some of the modders get a hold of this (hint hint Galileo , Sigma88 ) the possibilities would be endless. Great work.
  12. Your absolutely right, sorry DECQ my mistake. BTW Squad put up the new update 1.2.1 FYI.
  13. Btw that was the problem i have, the menu would not pop up all the way ( the toolbar menu is too low). thanks for fixing.
  14. Something is wrong with the EEX menu in the VAB and SPH. When i hover my mouse over it only half of it pops up. Did i do something wrong or is this a bug in the new update. It did not do this in the previous version.
  15. Hey guys Squad just dropped 1.2.1 patch. BTW they fixed the flickering (thank GOD).
  16. Is the tail (vertical stab) going to have the built in parachute system?
  17. Wow that looks awesome. Very nice modeling.
  18. I just stopped by to say thank you @ferram4 for all your hard work and dedication to this game and community.
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