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Everything posted by maja

  1. @Yohaskan you can try to turn off motors on some wheels. You need only two motorized wheels. It will lower rover's speed, but it will lower power demands too.
  2. @jaunco325 It's what I thought. One of the wheels clipped to the terrain. BV tries to move a rover up during scene load to get clearance, but it can miss some bumps, if the terrain is uneven. There is probably nothing, I can do with it programatically. But the remedy is easy. Open the save file and edit the altitude of the rover. I added only a few meters and it was enough to get out of that terrain. VESSEL { pid = 3b20fc5cb7a0433ab600e88a28f31ace persistentId = 2039132760 name = Mini Rover lunar ... landedAt = Mun ... alt = 3400.440856645233
  3. Upload it somewhere, where I can download it. If you have a few mods, it's all right too, but I don't want to install too much mods. I just need list of them. Edit: Alternatively, if you know how, you can set your rover's position a little bit higher. I think, that you are clipping a terrain for some reason, but I want to know why, if possible.
  4. Too little information. If you press F3 after explosion, you can see in the window reason why it happened and what exploded. If it's nearly stock game and you have save file before switching to the rover, then I can test it. I always check, that a new version has the same files before updating and overwriting. But it's still better to delete whole folder and set config again.
  5. Thanks. Kerbal Foundries wheels and tracks (KSPWheel module) are supported a long time. I updated the OP and wiki, because this information wasn't there. Found it! Your installation of Kopernicus contains two files, that are not in mine and that are not in the latest release. Kopernicus.Components.dll and Kopernicus.OnDemand.dll.One of them or both are the culprit, because when I deleted them, the exception was gone. I don't know, if they're left there from an older installation or some other mod installed them.
  6. @aluc24 KSP 1.7.3 + DLCs BonVoyage 0.5.0 Kopernicus MFI 1.2.6 OPM 2.2.5 CCTP 1.0.4 Module manager 4.0.2 ...and nothing. All is good. Can someone else test it with this combination of mods and verify it?
  7. I'm not at home, but I found, that Kopernicus needs MFI and has the latest version (1.2.6) bundled. That means, that I tested it already without an error. Did you tried a clean copy of KSP? Steam sometimes leaves old files on disk during updates.
  8. @aluc24 ok, I'll look into it. If I remember correctly, Kopernicus is using stock flight integrator. So it's possible, that MFI does not handle the latest versions of KSP well.
  9. With which mod(s) you have is MFI bundled?
  10. ModuleEnginesFx is used for jets and ModuleEngines for rocket engines. Electric engines from supported mods are using ModuleEnginesFx.
  11. Btw, you can also make amphibious vessels, because you can switch autopilot modes on the fly. Of course, land mode will not be working on water and vice versa.
  12. Yes I recommend for long distances electric engines. Even jets are a little bit hungry, not mentioning rocket engines, because we are talking about ships. Hard limit for speed is 50m/s and there is some influence of mass, thrust and fluid density (I learned a few things about drag during development). So it's easier to move on Laythe and harder on Eve compared to Kerbin.
  13. Raise your glasses and celebrate. Naval operations starts just now! 0.5.0 - Come all you young sailormen, listen to me Changes We are ready to extend our operations to the water Stock jet and rocket motors are supported Support of electric motors from Feline Utility Rovers and USI Exploration Pack mods (and other mods, which has motors based on stock modules) Electric motors are the best ones for extended naval operations MiniAVC removed from the installation, because planned updates are done. If you need notification about new versions, use AVC instead I'm expecting, that you break something in BV the first moment you put your ship in the water, so this is not the final 1.0 release. That will come with KSP 1.8
  14. New version 0.14.9 Changes Fixed coordinates when a target is selected on the map Changes KSP 1.7.3 compatible
  15. Then you are leaved with eliminating mods to find the culprit(s). Or you can start with a clean install and add them back until the error shows.
  16. I wonder, if there can be some problem with user rights. If you can copy the whole KSP to another drive, then try it.
  17. Well, the error manifests itself, when BV is checking for a main star from Kopernicus. Where do you have KSP installed?
  18. Be it me, I make a brand new copy of KSP, add all the mods, test and if there is still the error then remove them in batches and test again. Rinse and repeat. You don't need to remove mods one by one. If you find the wrong batch, then you can identify the offending mod.
  19. Hi there and sorry for waiting. I had a vacation I tested it with KSP 1.7.3, BonVoyage 0.14.8, Kopernicus 1.7.3.-1, OPM 2.2.5 and Module manager 4.0.2. No error, rover was moved from the runway to it's destination without a problem.
  20. Huge thanks to everyone who answers here before me. Time zones are slowing my answers to questions
  21. @Jognt I appreciate your help, but when you look into the log, there is the error indicating a conflict with Kopernicus. To be precise, with Outer planets mod probably (as @aluc24 wrote), because BV and Kopernicus combination was tested by @4x4cheesecake
  22. Then you can either test it on clean instal with Kopernicus and BV only or wait until I test it and fix it, if there is incompatibility with the latest version.
  23. Do you have the right version of Kopernicus for KSP 1.7.3?
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