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Everything posted by maja

  1. @Tonka Crash Thanks for the information. I have a little break from modding until the end of month, so I didn't tested BV in 1.6.x yet.
  2. Look here (Show and Dismiss): https://github.com/jarosm/KSP-BonVoyage/blob/master/BonVoyage/gui/MainWindowView.cs You must save a window's position on dismiss and reopen it after a scene switch. When you are switching between vessel, which are in physics distance, then a dialog window stays opened.
  3. Switch to Changelog tab. There are all uploaded versions.
  4. Version 0.13.3 is compatible with KSP 1.4.x. You don't need a version specific for KSP 1.4.5.
  5. There wasn't and isn't such default. Old version (for KSP 1.3.1): double deltaT = currentTime - lastTime; double deltaS = AverageSpeed * deltaT; double bearing = GeoUtils.InitialBearing( vessel.latitude, vessel.longitude, targetLatitude, targetLongitude ); distanceTravelled += deltaS; if (distanceTravelled >= distanceToTarget) { if (!MoveSafe (targetLatitude, targetLongitude)) distanceTravelled -= deltaS; else { distanceTravelled = distanceToTarget; New version (for KSP 1.5.1): double deltaS = AverageSpeed * deltaT; // Distance delta from the last update distanceTravelled += deltaS; if (distanceTravelled >= distanceToTarget) // We reached the target { if (!MoveSafely(targetLatitude, targetLongitude)) distanceTravelled -= deltaS; else { distanceTravelled = distanceToTarget;
  6. @danielboro Edit latitude and longitude manually to move a target, if you fear, that your rover will hit something.
  7. For anyone interested, BV is using A* algorithm for pathfinding. My dveloper expertise does not include pathfinding algorithms, so feel free to propose something better if you know about it.
  8. @B-STRK Yes, I don't support older versions, because It will be utter mess to support them after overhaul. As I wrote in the post just above yours: "That message tells you, that you don't have enough wheels with motors online" You don't need a connection in version for 1.4.x, so if it's only the one thing, which prevents you to use BV, then there is some influence of another mod, and also that version should be compatible with wheels from KerbalFoundries. That compatibility is there for a long time. Just to make things a little bit straight. Current version (for KSP 1.5.x) is a big overhaul (not remix, I was maintainer and coauthor for more than a year), because it will be much easier to extend a future functionality. So nearly everything you see right now is part of older versions, but this will change, because the time to add new features has come.
  9. That message tells you, that you don't have enough wheels with motors online. Enable the motor on another one.
  10. @B-STRK The GUI change made it incompatible with KSP 1.4.x. I'm getting MethodNotFound Exception in KSP 1.4.5. It's probably just the case of compiling against 1.4.5 libraries, but I don't want to have two versions of BV.
  11. Sorry, I can't help you when you aren't using version of BV for the latest KSP. Especially now, when it's changing a lot. World Stabilizer is on SpaceDock and GitHub. There you can find older versions.
  12. New version is out Get it on SpaceDock and GitHub 0.14.3 - Power of LOx Changes Fuel cells support Added Reload button to the main window to refresh list of vessels without scene switch
  13. @M3galodon ksp.log, but I don't need it, if it's resolved. As I see from the config.xml, the window was way off the screen for some reason.
  14. @fatcargo Can this piece of code help you (it's field not slider, but as an example)? If I found the right Unity API definition, then you can hook to OnMouseDown, OnMouseDrag and OnMouseMove events. DialogGUITextInput field; field.OnUpdate = () => { if (field.uiItem != null) { field.OnUpdate = () => { }; TMP_InputField TMPField = field.uiItem.GetComponent<TMP_InputField>(); TMPField.onSelect.AddListener(TMPFieldOnSelect); TMPField.onDeselect.AddListener(TMPFieldOnDeselect); } };
  15. Reload button will be in the next version. I need the log file. There will be probably some exception, which prevents opening of the Controll window. Also you can try to delete BV settings (KSPFolder\GameData\BonVoyage\Plugins\PluginData\BonVoyage\config.xml) in case, that the Control window is just somewhere off screen. You can also test it in a clean install just with the BonVoyage and if it works, then add other mods to see, when it stops working. KSP version, BonVoyage version? What wheels do you have on it? Informations are a key element to successfuly solve it. You can also try World Stabilizer, but BonVoyage does the same thing from version 0.14.0 if it's a rover which just arrived to a destination and you don't have WorldStabilizer or BD Armory.
  16. Thanks a lot for a test. Rotation in 1.0.2 is due to reposition of a vessel (root part actually), so it rotates around fixed root part. I can try disabling physics and we will see what happens.
  17. @Gilph If you are opening the LS window for the first time in the Space center, then there was and may be still is a bug, which was resolved by going into VAB/SPH and open the LS window there. Then it probably loaded something and from that moment everything worked.
  18. Can some brave soul try this test version and compare it to the https://github.com/jarosm/KSP-ParkingBrake/releases/tag/ I'm trying to force the vessel back to the original position, when the parking brake was engaged. It can rotate (at least my test rover tried to rotate the heaviest part downhill), but the root part seems to stay in one place. If you can try it with wheels and landing legs and without them, it will be great.
  19. Don't worry, I don't get it as criticism. You have constructive approach to this issue and I'm glad, that someone tests it, because I know how it must work, so I'm biased a little bit during my tests and I can miss something. I thought, that it'll be the case of too much stress on wheels and you need enough of them or stronger ones. The game applies a force, Parking brake tries to stop it, but can't stop it completly. That's "probably" ok, because I don't want to create some cheat mod. On the other side, there must be balance. If you are using that small folding wheels, thatn this is issue with their colider, because vessel is not touching the ground, when they are folded. I'll test it today, just to confirm, that it's hitting the right part of the code. There was some sliding even with landing legs, but I didn't used the strongest ones. This can be related to point 1 and 2.
  20. I replied in the issue, but I can reply here too. If you look on the wheels, they are slowly turning. You craft is probably too heavy and even that parking break is fighting it, there is still some force. That "not landed" part is the result of the wheels folding under the rover and the game thinks, that it is not touching the ground. Why? Ask the developer of the wheels. Well, it's a parking break after all. You have your normal brakes to reduce the speed. And you probably missed, that the limit was increased to 0.25 m/s. Why this limit and not 0.3 m/s? I like, that it is 1/4 Naval anchor isn't happening. This is one purpose mod which tries to fix only one issue. To all: I have an idea, but I can't promise anything. The game really tries to counter this
  21. When you retract wheels, then your vessel (attached in the github issues) is reported as not landed. In that case is the parking brake internaly disabled.
  22. Version Speed limit increased to 0.25 m/s
  23. There isn't the precise time when a rover arrives. It mostly depends on the available light during the travel, so it can't be predicted.
  24. The latest version isn't compatible with 1.4.5. I just checked it. As linuxguru wrote, you can find compatible version (for 1.4.x) on the Change log tab or on GitHub.
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