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Everything posted by maja

  1. It can be another rover or a base. Is then 10 meters enough? 20? 30? Don't you accidentally hit another, not targeted, vessel there? There are a lot of options, therefore I rather leave it to a player to decide. I understand your problem and it arised after a certain KSP update I think, because nothing changed in the code, which handles the last part of the way (the final approach), but there are a lot of other variables that must be taken into account.
  2. Ok, to end this. There are numerous situations, when you need precision, and on the other hand, when you need safe distance. That's the reason, you can change latitude and longitude manually. I can give you a hint, how much is one degree in meters at target destination, but I don't want to bloat that window with more controls and I want to keep it universal as much as I can. I'm glad for your input, but BV can't be tailored just for a few people.
  3. 1st and 2nd You can manually set coordinates, so change it as you like. 3rd Jeb disagrees to your sugestion, that he's not fully professional pilot of any vehicle.
  4. https://github.com/jarosm/KSP-BonVoyage/wiki/Settings Don't read the main page only
  5. That's expected. It reached that mark internally, but EC isn't spent, when you switch to it. I had some reason for it, but I don't know what it was
  6. BV can't test every place for another object present in the time of computations. Vessels are unloaded at that time, so you have limited access to their description (position and dimensions), and it must be also reasonably quick with computations. If you know, that there will be something else in the way, then count with it. Also, BV is moving a rover up when you switch to it after an arrival and it's underground, but it can have problem detecting buildings.
  7. New version! 0.14.8 Fixes KSP 1.7.2 compatible Fuel cells are switched off during a night, when they don't have enough power to recharge batteries (when they are used as a complement to solar panels), to not waste a fuel.
  8. @Tonka Crash I can't simulate it, but I still need to fix fuel cell behavior for your case, when fuel cells alone don't have enough power to recharge batteries. Which is maybe ok in principle, you can't shutdown fuel cells without switching to a rover and doing it manually, but I think, that BV can handle it automatically and save a fuel.
  9. @Tonka Crash Is it possible, that you had some fuel tanks locked? It drains fuel from all unlocked tanks on a vessel. Can you reproduce it with necessary mods only, so I can test it? Also a save file, where I can see the current state of the rover and BV scenario during night will probably help.
  10. @P3G4SuSuOuT I tried it and it worked as intended. So what about some more info? Logs, BV and game versions and information about installed mods?
  11. Once again, it's stock behaviour. If the game allowed you to switch away from a moving vessel to another scene, then it still wasn't BV doing. That button function just tells the game, that you want to switch to the specific vessel.
  12. @danielboro nothing changed in that regard. Switching is handled by stock functions.
  13. (I hope, that's all for now ) 0.14.7 Fixes Fixed null ref for the new game Fixed loading of controllers into the main window Fixed issue with control window moving out of screen Max speed of stock wheels (including Making History wheels) is reported properly
  14. As I wrote, new game null ref is fixed in the future version. Control panel is shy. I'll drag it back, if I find why is that Errors and duplicate entries after reload after separation are a system thing. You need to leave a scene to force the game to save protovessels and then reload them properly. There is just something after separation, which persist BV modules on wrong craft. If the game is feeding wrong data to BV, I can't do a thing with it. BTW, it's better to leave just one BV module online. There is failsafe, where only the first BV module is loaded, but it seems not working as expected in this case... because I forgot a break
  15. @Jognt Found it. It seems, that BV isn't fully initialized for the first time in the new game. I'll push an update later. Base max speed is, for the sake of simplicity, computed as an average from sum of wheelSpeedMax values of wheel parts, which has motor online. In the case, that you have different wheels on your rover, than it can be off, but for the most cases is this simplification ok. One exception from this are small wheels from the base game and MH pack, which hasn't max speed defined in the cfg, so there is the override to 42 m/s.
  16. New update 0.14.6 Fixes Some nullrefs and indexes out of range were fixed Fixed max speed check for Making History expansion foldable wheels (typo in the name of wheels)
  17. @Jognt Ok, I managed to replicate it. Null refs and indexes out of range after decouplig are fixed. Max speed check for Making History foldable wheels too. If you think, that other wheels have wrong max speed, then I need their names to check it. Null ref upon starting the game is some problem with your installation. If you can, move the whole KSP folder to another location than disk C. Something is preventing access to miniavc.xml. Or you can ignore it. I'll remove MiniAVC, when planned changes will be done.
  18. New update 0.14.5 Fixes Fixed bulk profile category Fixed compatibility with KSPWheelTracks Changes KSP 1.7.1 compatibility 
  19. LOGS please. The Logs These are text files that the game spits out for debugging purposes as it runs; if something broke horribly in-game, there will be something in here about it. You should upload the entire log as a file (i.e. not to pastebin); you can use dropbox or an equivalent host to upload the file. Make sure the entire file gets uploaded; you may have to zip it first, as logs can be very long. Here is where you can find the log: Windows: KSP_win\KSP_Data\output_log.txt (32bit) or KSP_win64\KSP_x64_Data\output_log.txt (64bit) or %USERPROFILE%\AppData\LocalLow\Squad\Kerbal Space Program\output_log.txt Mac OS X: Open Console, on the left side of the window there is a menu that says 'files'. Scroll down the list and find the Unity drop down, under Unity there will be Player.log ( Files>~/Library/Logs>Unity>Player.log ) Linux: ~/.config/unity3d/Squad/Kerbal\ Space\ Program/Player.log
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