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  1. Thank you for this thread! I have already learned so much. I am trying to build some new statics for KerbalKonstructs. I would like to keep the textures to stock because A) I'm not a good artist and B) Maybe it will help performance. Overall, I have been successful using Blender to export the models and using the KK cfg file for the model to apply stock textures. However, I was wondering if there was a way to use the stock material name in Blender so that it was included in the .mu file on export? Here is an example of what I have setup in Blender, but it doesn't show the texture in-game.
  2. KSP: Windows 64bit Problem: Countdown clock does not appear and logs an NRE in the console Mods installed: RO/RSS/RP-1 to include the following: Reproduction steps: Launch a craft and try to open the Countdown Clock window Log: Player.log
  3. Pressing V should switch Kerbals in IVA view. If not, check your key bindings.
  4. A one time popup wouldn't bother me one bit, and I'm not a Steam user at all.
  5. @JonnyOThan I'm having the same issue as @jebycheek above. I was using the MK2POD_ASET_IVA_Internal_MAS IVA on the Mk2Pod. KSP completely freezes after my booster tanks are empty and stage away both times. One time I was in the IVA, and one time I was watching from an external camera. Both times start spamming the "[MASFlightComputer] FixedUpdate exception on variable (fc.TargetVesselName)" error seen above. Here is the KSP.log... https://drive.google.com/file/d/15EXQplriPc64nOw0CqoHCDHMTjRB3ugF/view?usp=drive_link MOAR importantly, here is the player.log... https://drive.google.com/file/d/1uEtRfZcf5jmeOTzCKPp24tY-sPdwsj1C/view?usp=drive_link Thanks!
  6. I was having the same problem with RP-1/RO/RSS. You can edit GameData -> ProbeControlRoom -> MM_MC-Internal.cfg where it says INTERNAL { name = MissionControl } to INTERNAL { name = DE_MissionControl } or if you wanted to use the KSA version... INTERNAL { name = KSA_MissionControl }
  7. With the latest version of CKAN I am not able to "Save Installed Mod List" to a .csv file. I am running Windows 11 and have .Net 6.0 installed (tried to install .NET 4.5 manually but it won't let me since a higher version is already installed) I get the following Unhandled Exception... Object reference not set to an instance of an object. Details below...
  8. So is that the same issue for my post above as well? Do I need to post this issue over in Warbirds or Airplane Plus instead of here?
  9. Found an interesting bug with the MK1 Viewer's Cockpit from AirplanePlus. When using the Warbirds or APIP IVA with that cockpit, the back door out of the cockpit is blocked by a bulkhead labeled "Backward". When using the original Airplane Plus IVA, it operates correctly with an operating hatch in the cockpit and also on the crew cabin. Craft: AirplanePlus IVA: All other IVAs: ksp.log Thanks!
  10. I think I found the problem... starting in line 191 of StationCoreCombined.cfg it should read... PARAMETER { name = PartValidHab type = Any title = Include a habitat module hideChildren = true The key there is type = Any It was trying to do a PartValidation of a PartValidation block, while it should have been accepting Any truth from the following PartValidation blocks. Also the minCount = 1 needs to go away on line 197 as it doesn't do anything in the Any block. At least that's my novice understanding of what was happening.
  11. Good evening @linuxgurugamer, I'm recently having an issue with the "Launch a new space station" contracts. Looking through configurator I see the error... ContractConfigurator.PartValidationFactory: CONTRACT_TYPE 'StationCoreCombined', PARAMETER 'PartValidHab' of type 'PartValidation': unexpected node 'PARAMETER'. It seems to happen in the SSPX validation (SSPX is installed). Here is the player log. And here is my mod list... Thanks for all you do!
  12. @ValiZockt The above fix works for new versions of Kerbalism (I'm currently at 3.17). Could you please incorporate it into your version so CKAN users can use your lovely mod? Thanks!
  13. I have searched here and reddit and can't seem to find a straight answer about the custom axis actions group when using a joystick. I have assigned a throttle axis to Axis 1 in the Axis Actions group in settings. There are no keybindings associated with that custom axis group. I assign the custom axis to a KAL-1000 play position in the SPH. I have tried both the Absolute and Incremental settings. Launch the vehicle and the axis is stuck at 0 (in incremental) or 50% (in absolute). Moving the assigned axis has no affect on the play position. Is there something I'm missing? I have tried Staging and Docking modes. Thanks. Oh, and just to clarify... I do already have one KAL-1000 working for the blade angle of the rotor and that is attached to my main throttle. This second KAL-1000 is for the Torque% for starting up the engine (I know I can just use keys instead of an actual joy axis, but what's the fun in that?) All,
  14. Ah yes, I have figured it out now. Sorry for my ignorance on the matter! The OP for KOSPropMonitor configured the most recent version to only implement the terminal. The button, label, and flag stuff is still there though and can be accessed as described in my post here...
  15. The buttons, labels, and flags definitely still work if everything is configured correctly. I finally realized that the Patch.cfg needs to be edited to change the template equal to a template file that actually includes buttons and labels. There is one on page 3 of this topic and I have included my own version at the bottom of this post. Additionally, the monitor has to be set to currentmonitor before trying to handle the buttons, labels, and flags. Below is a quick script that gets the total number of monitors (which is 5 in my version of ProbeControlRoom) and loops through each monitor and then loops through all 14 buttons, labels, and flags to set each one. The delegate that is assigned to each button just has it toggle the flag for the corresponding button (i.e. button 0 toggles flag 0 on and off). @lazyGlobal off. local monitors to addons:kpm:getmonitorcount(). global mybuttons to addons:kpm:buttons. global mylabels to addons:kpm:labels. global myflags to addons:kpm:flags. clearscreen. FROM {local x is 0.} UNTIL x = monitors STEP {set x to x+1.} DO { set mybuttons:currentmonitor to x. set mylabels:currentmonitor to x. set myflags:currentmonitor to x. FROM {local y is 0.} UNTIL y=14 STEP {set y to y+1.} DO { mybuttons:setdelegate(y,toggleFlag@:BIND(y)). mylabels:setlabel(y," LABEL"+y:tostring+" "). myflags:setlabel(y,"RUN"+y:tostring). } } function toggleFlag { parameter flagNum is 0. FROM {local x is 0.} UNTIL x = monitors STEP {set x to x+1.} DO { set myflags:currentmonitor to x. myflags:setstate(flagNum,not (myflags:getstate(flagNum))). } } UNTIL FALSE {}. This is the template that I am using (you have to assign it in Patch.cfg) [hw] {buttonLabel0} | {buttonLabel1} | {buttonLabel2} | {buttonLabel3} | {buttonLabel4} | {buttonLabel5} | EXIT[/hw] [#60F8F9]CPU: {currentCPU} [#60F8F9]ID: {GUID} {keyboardFlag} [#60F8F9]FLAG {flagLabel0} {flagLabel1} {flagLabel2} {flagLabel3} {flagLabel4} {flagLabel5} {flagLabel6} [#60F8F9]PANEL {flagLabel7} {flagLabel8} {flagLabel9} {flagLabel10} {flagLabel11} {flagLabel12} {flagLabel13} {l1} {l2} {l3} {l4} {l5} {l6} {l7} {l8} {l9} {l10} {l11} {l12} {l13} {l14} {l15} [hw] {buttonLabel7} | {buttonLabel8} | {buttonLabel9} | {buttonLabel10} | {buttonLabel11} | {buttonLabel12} | {buttonLabel13}[/hw]
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