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Daniel Prates

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Everything posted by Daniel Prates

  1. Great! "Propeller pitch" or "blade pitch" is a more usual term for this kind of setting (in aviation anyway), maybe you could incorporate that into the mod desription.
  2. @Beale so I gather you consider Tantares a "finished product"? It sure looks like it, so good it got over the years. It looked like it was finished years ago, but development kept going and going.... when I thought it was perfect, it kept getting better. That goes to show how much love was deposited on this mod. From me and, I am sure, lots and lots of people, our heartfelt THANKS for this mod.
  3. This black parts thing is happening in several mods. I mentioned airplane plus already; now I noticed it in kerbal foundries. But changing the subject: hey @linuxgurugamer I think there is something wrong with how tweakscale deals with the three floater parts - and only them, as the rest can be tweakscaled just fine. If you click any button to change the floater's size, doesn't matter how (decrease, increase, it's all the same) it will only shrink the part to a very, very small size. Like, so small that you can't select it with the mouse anymore. Can you check this out? It's a shame, because those are the only decent floater parts anywhere in the kerbalverse and it would be good to change their size to fit larger planes - as it was, before.
  4. But wait... if you ferry tourists around, will that generate revenue? Even without a contract?
  5. I use crew R&R and Kerbal Health, so in order to fit my playstyle, I always have three crews of three (pilot, eng and science, times 3). Upgrading all of them is half the fun in my careers. I used to either hire them or gather them in rescue contracts, but after dozens of careers, that stopped being fun so I just generate the ones missing with the debug tool. I only generate them at level zero, though.
  6. Yes! I always saw those un-hatched pods as an invitation for creative rescue craft design. .... except... when I started using LS mods. The stranded pod won't consume life support until you get near to it, or when you go see it yourself straight from the tracking station. That usually means, if you go see what the pod is (to assess what kind of rescue craft you will employ), it will start consuming LS consumeables and you may not have enough time to launch the mission. It is here I started using, much to my dismay, the debug screen to "complete" a contract. A good tool when you get stuck with an un-completeable contract.
  7. And not stock only, other mods too tend to treat rcs as mainly a monopropellant thing. One of the strenghts of Tantares is how well it dialogues with other mods.
  8. Thinking of KSP as a whole and not just Tantares, RCS parts are firmly bogged down the realm of monopropellant. I don't use tantares in a vacuum (no pun intended, or perhaps yes) so I find it good that tantares rcs is monoprop like most stock rcs; it follows that monoprop engines fit the whole scheme better. But that is just me.
  9. All spacecraft in Tantares are in the category of craft that you use to dock and undock a lot, maybe more than once or twice per flight. Rescues, ferry kerbals to, ferry kerbals from, station manning, inter-station shuttle... So, designs that use a lot of RCS. It is actually a good simplification to have everything work on monoprop only.
  10. This was happening with airplanes plus, too. It was fixed.
  11. @Lisias I've been using KAX and so far I haven't noticed anything wrong. Seems to work just fine. Whatever needs tweaking, obviously it is not game-breaking so by all means, take your time.
  12. A good point, I admit. My point though was, we will have to wait and see, I guess. I am mildly optimistic, lets put it like that. EDIT: to steer this back to the OP's point, my feeling is that when they outlined what they are aiming at with KSP2, some things are clear and they obviously gave it a good deal of though - the need for a new engine, the idea of modular colonies etc. In my perception MP is not one of them; it seems more like the kind of thing they talked amongst each other and said "hey let's throw that in too", but the fact that there is no clearly stated function for multiplayer makes me wonder if they too know or are also speculating, like I am. Not trying to be pessimistic here; however this is a business and KSP2 is just liable to become simpler and more accessible in order to appeal to a wider buyer base. I never said "fortnite-level" tho, that was on you hehe ....
  13. Oh, they said it, did they? Well we can all rest in tranquility then. And here was I worrying about nothing! As to being impossible to dumb down a game: pacepalm.
  14. I too was flabbergasted when it was announced that KSP 2 will have multiplayer, but no explanation was given as to what form or purpose will this multiplayer take. Concerned, even. If for instance two guys can play, one being a fligth controller in KSC directing the mission. and the other a pilot seeing only his surroundings, that would be up to standard with KSP's high intelligence level. Cool. There is room for good use of MP in KDP. BDA is another good example. But then again, I have this suspicion/fear that KSP2 may turn out to be a dumbed-down game in order to attract a larger player base. Nothing in the announcements clearly point to this, to be fair. But still, some things weird me out. The unexplained form of multiplayer is one of them.
  15. As with every rocket, you should fly straight for the first kilometers, to clear the lower, denser air. I never start turning below 10k. Doing intense maneuvering in denser air is a sure recepy for this kind of control loss. I mean, some particularly well-designed rockets are more stable and you can do anything with them, but that is not "by the book". Try not changing anything, except flying fully straight until you pass the 10k threshold - and even so, do only incremental attitude adjustments. Then report back here and let's see if the problem persists.
  16. Ah jeeeez, not another one so soon. I too am not having any issues with 1.8.1. I actually mentioned it because I do not like the avalanche of new versions we get sometimes. In my experience 1.8.1 is doing fine, in fact I run lots of older stuff on it, maybe easier than I did during 1.7.
  17. It has been two months since this discussion started. Anyone knows or has heard gossip about 1.8.2 - if it is coming at all? Also, a few threads below this one, there is one with a "pre 1.9" tag... oh jeeez, please don't tell me a 1.9 is in the works! I just got my mods straightened out ....
  18. This sure seems to be the only way, currently. But let's face it, it results a too cumbersome system to be enjoyable. The ideal would be a sort of mouse-guided arm, and you see potentially similar stuff in some mods. BDA has mouse-controlled firing turrets, and if I am not mistaken, retractable engines has a mouse-controlled spotlight or something like that. Now, configuring a couple of buttons where you could go foward/backwards with the arm, and using mouse guidance, would result a satisfying arm, wouldn't it? I think it would be manageable, the game would support such a thing, but someone would have to develop it first.
  19. So that was it all along. It's what I though initially, either that or intentional from the start.
  20. I sure hope all familiar anomalies are kept in KSP2. Maybe they could also restore in there the magical boulder.
  21. Just stopping by to send some love. I love this manager, to me it feels more useful than 'craft organizer', all respect due to that mod too of course. Great to see this working in 1.8.
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