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Benjamin Kerman

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Everything posted by Benjamin Kerman

  1. Hey everyone, I am looking for a method of finding the change in velocity of a vessel excluding the acceleration of gravity. I can think of a way to do it given a static world center, but with KSP's floating origin, I'm not sure how to handle it due to the fact that every frame the origin shifts around. Thanks!
  2. System.Linq is a standard class that gives more things that you're able to do with lists and getting elements of them out, sorting them, and more.
  3. Flashieness has nothing to do with the costs, what matters is how much data has to be generated and transmitted, If you have a 20 second long gif, it's very heavy compared to a single photo.
  4. @Bimbie sounds like you need a 'using System.Linq' at the top of your file if that function isn't showing up as valid.
  5. Here's the NGC 2339 galaxy
  6. You have to create a new plugin to do this, it can't happen with module manager. You'll be creating a new part module to accomplish this, I suggest looking at the new modder's guide in the C# subforum for more detailed information.
  7. Just the fact that we have this kind of community interaction with the devs is more than a lot of other games can say. If the company is paying a PR person to write these posts and paying artists to make engines and models, paying for all this stuff, it ain't dead, no matter what you say.
  8. Hello again guys, I've been thinking of new things that I can add to this to benefit all of you, and I, with the help of some collaborators and friends, have come up with the following: Priority options for mods (game breaking changes are listed at the top of the changelog list) To prevent high-priority spam: ignore options for mods, such as the following Ignore all updates from specific mods Ignore high priority updates from specific mods Ignore high priority updates from all mods Ability to have direct links to webpages such as specific issues on github that are related to the change Please let me know if you have any questions or notes about these, and respond if any of these interest you! In addition to this, if any modders would like to use this mod but don't have the time to write it out, I may consider writing a simple tool to scan files and extract changelogs from existing .txt or .md files.
  9. There is a mod called something along the lines of SoundtrackEditor or Soundtrack Replacer, on mobile so it's hard to find it. Should be what you're looking for in terms of music. If you want to replace the engine sounds, that is done through the engine config files, which are pretty easy to change if you have some experience with them.
  10. It appears that @Atom90 is requesting either a copy of the Kerbodyne landing legs mod or a link to the mod page itself, @Xd the great
  11. @severedsolo and @BlackHat Good points, but I'm not sure if they're ever going to get implemented, as the mod is stable as far as I'm concerned, and probably won't get another release in the near future… If anyone has any features that they'd like me to add, I'm happy to attempt to do so, and will remedy the folder naming at that time
  12. An NRE is a null reference exception, which happens when the game's code tries to access something that doesn't exist.
  13. In the end it's your decision, and I wouldn't want to spend time writing code that would get rejected :p Thanks for the reasoning behind it!
  14. Yeah, it'd be cool to be able to change them midflight for, say, refueling at a mining base and then using those LF/O engines that you carried all the way there to descend to the surface without all that extra tankage for both fuel types... Maybe I'll make a PR!
  15. That is an excellent cat picture and nice parts!
  16. Perhaps this might do the trick? https://kerbalspaceprogram.com/api/class_game_events_1_1_stage_manager.html#a7cc7dd56bab44816058234c7de981296
  17. I'd check what the current status of the mods on your wish list are, and the make a decision from there. Personally, I'd stick with 1.5.1 and not bother trying to make enough jank to stick them into a new version.
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