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Everything posted by Bornholio

  1. Too many pictures... Lunar science. won't be a next one for a while but. Remember to put on RCS. Almost could not circularized at the moon. RO/RP-0 very much nerfs SAS, my sat had zero after the transit bus separated.
  2. Do you have a Cacteye telescope inside it?
  3. Crappy gif of a launch testing a Deimos/Phobos science lander.
  4. Because its made by elephants, and they have no problems getting it all out. Why is there always peanut butter left in the jar?
  5. I just gave up on figuring out what it thinks it wants to do. Make the rocket right and I don't worry about it. Just want a [ (o) don't roll ] radio button. <---Feature request!
  6. You can get some advice for custom additions in the Airports mod release page. There is also a version without fictional sites like north pole.
  7. Alternate to Brent's solution is to make a puller, unlock the grabber so it can pivot and use engines mounted away from asteroid. You can also make additional grabber craft with SAS/RCS and attach them around the asteroid.
  8. Compared to refrigeration cycles they are about >30%. I calculated that I needed to reject about 35w of input load on an aluminum block with test tubes in it (60 10mm tubes). used ~100% power on 6 100w Cooler chips at -12C and about ~50% power at 0C in 25C Lab air. So they ranged from 10-30% efficient. That's using a heat sink and forced convection to cool the chip hot side. The reduced efficiency is mostly due to maxing the heat rejection of the heat sink. I couldn't go any lower than -20C without it sounding like a jet turbine. Well at least any more like a jet as it had some pretty big fans. Would not consider them for bulk cooling. I used them for many other reason. I have 6 different temperature zones in one of the units at temps from 0C to 55C and the other unit is 100C 65C and 0C. I would cry tears of blood for better insulation. https://www.bruker.com/fileadmin/user_upload/8-PDF-Docs/MagneticResonance/TD-NMR/Brochure_minispec_Automation.pdf I'm not the blonde in the pdf.
  9. Looking good, I now demand frozen monoatomic hydrogen tanks. /smirk That aside, I design scientific instrumentation and found that the oil and gas industry has a lower grade aerogel insulation for keeping liquefaction gasses cooled in pipes. Its relatively cheap (Compared to Aerogel) and has fiber reinforcement. Can imagine that tank insulation values will dramatically improve in the near future. The material I used replaced low density polyethylene in a test tube sample with R/K values about 2.5 times better. The peltier cooling used a lot of power. I can imagine anything done to prevent adding heat is many times more efficient than removing it.
  10. Play with SETI on and close to hard mode career. (I allow saves because Kraken) Currently I'm running a GPP and RSS/RO/RP-0 careers. I test any manned vessel with out Kerb's at least once. A manned capsule early on needs Retro/De-orbit motors and tend to use those as an abort system. In GPP using some of the Roverdudes survival mods works good. The chutes are nice from the DERP. In RSS everything is so much more intense and planned that crew compartment is always self landing capable from any phase and Max G- forces are lower so abort motors are usually the same motor as the orbital maneuvering system with a couple of sepatrons to get it ullaged if needed. In that case i set up all the seperation and ullage motors on the Abort button.
  11. Tested Recon Sats, after a hard fight i think i might pass. After two failures to return samples, one because of a backwards decoupler. Other because fiery doom. Got a good heavy launcher 13kdv at pad, still shows 12.5kdv at main solid separation. MJ is weirding me out. So are those boosters. Only complaint with the ESA solids is they take forever to terminate burning. Enough to make sepatrons a bit weak to push them off. Pretty high to still be on boosters, but these ESA's are 278ISP in vaccuum and the Hydrolox engine is throttled to 10% Main ascent stage is more like an upper in this case. Sat has a large recon, soil moisture, Resource and biome scanner. Its in a 750km polar (90deg) orbit. Return Capsule loaded... 3k of De-Orbit should be able to get back from the Moon. And then burn up. Needs a better chute. landed at 11m/s
  12. Use with science collection box all the time. Just add a few more bits and chuck them back to Kerbin/Earth for materials experiments and Goo. Working on getting return from flying low Jupiter with one.
  13. Are you running in Dx11 mode? Make sure its 64bit. (KSP_x64.exe -single-instance -force-d3d11) I'd suggest running Memgraph mod. Make sure you learn the hotkeys (alt *) and read its usage OP. Large part count i move on to using Welding mod to get rid of unneeded part complexity. Again read the OP for the mod or you will make mistakes.
  14. Dang it you made me go watch ISS live streams tonight.
  15. You and your fancy sky boxes... Very pretty. The skyboxes that is. Oh and the ship all pastel pretty also. @EpicSpaceTroll139 this is why helicopters are the complete opposite of the K.I.S.S. Principle. Two rotors! (Mind Boggles)
  16. Euphemism for playing with FAR installed? Voxel method.... /smirk Lucky daughter!
  17. Seen a real B-52 do that live.... more fire. Lots more fire. Um and it was only 15% full at the time. Also watched a C-130 Kinda do this wet thing. Right into the back bay at Biloxi MS. Touch and go with no go. I continued to probe... Trying to get 27k dV into orbit, multistaged nukes on top of a 7xF-1 Hydrolox Main Stage and a dozen ESA Boosters (Neptune and Saturn missions) Orbit here we come. Amusing how orbit in RSS is anywhere in Stock. And back for a lot of places. Scanning Mas begins. No margin for lower radar scan unfortunately. Messed up calculation of capture somehow. Mercury was very interesting, got a full set of scans and had some dV left. So i crashed a probe. It survived a very serious litho experience bounced on edge of solar panel then the engine housing, landed roughly intact. enough to transmit science!
  18. I have not yet probed it, but a mission is on the way! Joke aside it is really hard to get to. Gave up on a Pluto scansat until most of my tech tree is up a tier. Neptune us going to happen on 30% plutonium RTG's even with 20kdV.
  19. I started planning to probe Uranus. and other planets Spent a while looking for the next years or so's outgoing minimum dV from a 1200km ecliptic sat (space Junk) Two Scansats using Hydrolox upper stages and Aerozine Transit busses to mercury and mars launched a day apart and both in interplanetary soi needed correction burns a day apart also. (Hectic!) Then Jupiter mission, had three in build que, good because... Somehow the shroud ejection destroyed the N1 Engine block, The Upper stage aborted to orbit and may be used as a backup for inner planets. de-shrouding on sep works better
  20. New Magicore breaks RO/RP-0 version of KCT. https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/19_dhwSioZODCCtMFD0kZOtbmbg--ryoE0nzoWJL2cRc/edit#gid=1353744027 Should I upgrade to newest Dev or downgrade Magicore? I'll post a note in the RO page and on their Dev sheet.
  21. Rollerblading outside the Rollerblade arena is strictly prohibited and punished by a prompt spanking. Of course if its what you did in KSP today, feel free!
  22. "And in the darkness fly them" that's the right Tolkien quote right?
  23. Full aerobraking is hard, it is a lot easier to have 2-4k dV to put into a LDO and come in shallow with a heat shield. 500-700dV extra for no heat shield if the craft is reasonably aerodynamic. Drogues (one) and chutes will slow you and reduce total dV needed for a landing but its not worth Chute landing fully since the atmosphere is so thin. Minimize chute deploy pressures manually to 0.01. Mod Realchutes can be setup to deploy by altitude or more decimal places pressure. chute calculator The inflatable heat shield can help assuming you don't make a flippy mess. If its just a lander (no return) it can be helpful to make a draggy but light wide lander using structural. You can usually slam those right into Duna with a bay to protect the fragile things and a lightened heat shield. Now Mars..... /strugglebus all I can say is realchutes or ignore using chutes. I have my lander album for mars
  24. Probing the space around Venus. Needed a bit high of a curve. Solids could have been smaller and shorter duration since i wasted Hydrolox later. Needed bigger sepatrons, scraped something off as they left. One ignition Hydrolox engines are a pain. Wasted 1500dV that could have been maneuver fuel at Venus. Circ over africa and Departure several orbits later over Ausieland Alignment for solarpanels and comms set, get ready to set a node for arrival and adjust using remaining Kerolox outside Earth SOI. Left The upper ascent stage in a marker orbit for later planetary missions. (Aligned with Earth/SOL ecliptic) Some kind of transmission error occurs.... Arriving at Venus after accidental KAC click on PE got me a time warp instead of putting in a node. Had to spam the / key to stop it. almost too late. Made a Brach 3 maneuver capture and then lots of inclination losses. Lots of work and almost no fuel left to setup the low resolution radar mapping orbit later. SCANSat at a bad altitude. Upgrade for Mercury https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Brachistochrone_curve
  25. What is this fail you speak of? I only see experimentation and testing. Among the wonders of the space age are many wrecks and the blood sweat and tears of those involved. I'm on my 38th attempt at return from Jupiter "Flying Low". Say "I will learn" instead. /smirk The cat doesn't smile in satisfaction from eating it's fill. It smiles having caught the mouse it stalked for three days. http://www.theonion.com/video/this-day-in-history-apollo-12-sent-to-moon-to-pick-29758
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