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Everything posted by Andetch

  1. ADX - Flying Wing - Unkerballed Didn't see having crew as a requirement! https://kerbalx.com/Andetch/ADX-Flying-Wing I make that 10/10 I've frowned on control surfaces in general, having only 4. It actually flies fairly well, better after some fuel has been burned off (around 200 units) and it has a drogue 'chute to assist in landing. Press 1 to toggle engine mode, but afterburners are better. Press 0 to cut the 'chute. https://imgur.com/a/ROLqk
  2. So any idea's how to work weight and passengers into the equation?? @Bitrefresh it's an honour to have made the challenge that got you involved Now go join the K-Prize Party thread, devise an STS system capable of lifting a 40t fuel pod into LKO, and launch a Jool 5 mission! :-) :-)
  3. @Lisias and @Bitrefresh two great entries! Thanks everyone for taking part. I was thinking maybe a weight multiplier to space might be worth it to make things more interesting. Any thoughts?
  4. I've just re-read the rules and realize that as my "payload" was the Mk1 command pod it violated the rules, so I've made a redesign. Will post the video ASAP
  5. I didn't start playing until 1.1 or 1.2 I think...
  6. Managed to get over vibration issues with suspension settings and a "cap" on either end.
  7. I make that a 2.77 with the altitude shown, however I am not sure about the "ksc landing" part, but we are not counting crashing into the VAB roof as "landed at KSC or Island runway, you must not crash" so no bonus -1 multiplier.....(feel like I should be very strict about a landing with all parts intact).... Starting to feel my entry was too easy to beat!
  8. I fear the day when one of my challenges gets popular and I must keep track of things the way you guys here must! Hats off to you
  9. Can you not simply use a free website to convert it into a transparent backed logo? I also want my badges! The leader boards are missing my successful entries - and the Day Fury flop is on twice! (Also, I think you reviewed an older version of the Day Fury, that was completely s***e, am not asking for a latest version review as you're so busy - I'm just sayin' the new day fury doesn't have the single stabilization engine on the back as you pictured, it was a miracle that I was able to get something like that to not only fly but stay in the air, because as fuel burns you can do things with the engines to keep it stable, and anyway we sold over 100 to the other KEA (Kerbin Energy Agency), flying electric power stations are apparently very useful for supplying electricity to remote areas even if they have a quote "range that would embarrass a seaplane"). So the point is, I get a badge! (from HSKT Night Fury EL, KAT Chalduro and The X Series Night Fury) Hahaha
  10. When I make a stock prop - which I haven't got one to work as it should yet, but I have got the making the bearing part pretty sorted, I just use a structural fuselage because it is hollow, and put small wheels (the tail dragger wheel) onto narrow (.625m) empty fuel tanks to create a smooth working part! Place some place anywhere rcs thrusters to create some ball bearing style parts between the spinning core and the rest of the craft, and you're away!
  11. Yeah, i saw that after posting my response! Excuse me I just woke up, haha! So I make that; 4,164 x 5 = 20,820 20,820 / 161169 = 0.1291811701 Score = 0.13 We both have the same numbers, welcome to the leaderboard, glad you didn't do a ksc landing or you would be in negative figures! Hope you enjoyed the challenge and thanks for taking part!
  12. Yeah, I love those ivnerse tail pieces as nose cones, haha! @Marschig, Have you got an image of the final F3 screen or must we take your fantastic hieght on trust?
  13. Cave Tech Reusable Rocket SSTO Launcher Thing https://kerbalx.com/Andetch/Caveman-SSTO-Lifter
  14. Andetch CavemanTech SSTO Re-Usable Rocket. It's payload is so small, being pretty much only the command pod that the pilot uses, we won't speak of it. It IS however fully re-usable and SSTO. Enjoy! https://kerbalx.com/Andetch/Caveman-SSTO-Lifter
  15. ADX Type FJC Didn't know whether to enter this one into the land or air section. so I am going for one of those final "Wacky Stuff" category slots! Andetch is proud to present the ADX Type FJC - Flying Jet Car. Enjoy folks! https://kerbalx.com/Andetch/ADX-Type-FJC
  16. I had a rolling rover, like a giant hamster ball! I will see if I can dig it out/re-create it For now though, i'm working on a cannon for throwing things from minimus and gilly..... only tested on kerbin at the moment. https://kerbalx.com/Andetch/The-Cannon
  17. I got a single shot cannon for the highest bidder, possibly both sides providing certain, Narn-like terms are met..... hehe - I know it doesn't really do much, and was built in v1.4 but you might enjoy? I also hope to figure out a useful way of mounting this on an aircraft! Craft:https://kerbalx.com/Andetch/The-Cannon
  18. So not so great for formation flying, as the launcher is erratic and also near supersonic...... but these parachutes lead to some interesting possibilities for the Kerbal Launcher System (inspired by SkunkTwerks). Took my kerbal launcher out for a spin and got a few snaps - enjoy! And here is the launch vehicle!
  19. Not trying to be completely vain, but my caveman SSTO video can give you an idea, not all of it, just the last bit of ascent you will see how the AP goes higher on a prograde burn, and then the speed is kept over the peak for the orbital burn Yay! Badges!!! Gonna have to remember how to add them! lol
  20. Well getting to a max speed then running out of fuel isn't exactly hard....... sustained hypersonic cruise is harder, especially low down at 15km
  21. Okay, now there is a speed war, in goes my other large* plane - crusing at 1,400 m/s and seating 170ish - however it is restricted due to altitude limitations on the other thread, maybe going a bit higher i can go a lot faster Check the kerbalx for images as I can't find the imgur links - https://kerbalx.com/Andetch/The-X-Series-Night-Fury *large meaning tiny for this thread
  22. Using such low TWR engines like bikes and ion isn't is probable that you will miss the encounter? It's an issue I've had sending my rcs powered (place anywhere thruster, not monoprop throttle controlled engine) to the mun and minimus - the burn takes so long maneuver nodes become pretty meaningless!
  23. Yay, so I can put the badge down in my signature now? Also, was there any prize for lowest tech SSTO?
  24. @alex50caliber I like your mission! I'm sure you could squeeze a bit more delta-v from it if the ascent was more efficient! It seems (although hard to tell as you've sped the video up) that after you ignite the closed cycle mode you have to pitch up quite a lot to raise the orbit AP, no? Try burning closer to prograde and using horizontal speed to lift the AP, after 35km you won't loose so much speed to drag - the wings will provide a little bit of lift also, leaving more oxidizer for orbit
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