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Wilhelm Kerman

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Everything posted by Wilhelm Kerman

  1. Who made the decision for T2 to buy Squad? Just the people at the top? Edit: Ok a revelation, I just found out, according to Squad's wikipedia page that T2 purchased KSP, not the whole of Squad
  2. The problem so many people have with the new EULA (kinda including me) is that it is so much more authoritarian than the 'old' one. There are threads talking about Take Two putting spiders and/or probes into 1.4 to spy on you for whatever reason. Personally, I hate the new EULA. But I don't think it will impact my gameplay to a serious extent. I don't live in the US, and I have never been there, so I don't abide by US law. No one will stop me keeping good 'ol 1.3.1 on my computer as well as 1.4.
  3. This has got to be the oldest thread on the forums.
  4. You don't support Squad anymore. Squad is owned by Take Two Interactive, so you are supporting them. The money that you give to Squad goes up the chain of command, and back down again, which eventually pays the KSP devs salaries.
  5. Try reinstalling, this won't work with 1.4. It requires a slightly older version of BD armoury (still 1.3.1), but when it is updated it will probably use the latest.
  6. Doubt it. We still have some Kerolon sciencedefs to get done, 1.4.1 is coming out within about a week (I think). But yes, eventually it will be if 1.5 doesn’t come out before around April. I think @StarCrusher96 was planning to have 0.8 work with 1.3.1, with whatever the latest version of Kopernicus was available, but with the sudden release of 1.4, it will be slightly longer. edit; Kerlen to Kerolon
  7. Do you have a manned spacecraft for Jool planned? I have noticed that many of your EV-XX vehicles have a realistic base, and there isn't much of a plan for a manned Jupiter or Saturn mission at the moment.
  8. You will have to get an answer from Starcrusher96, I think you are allowed, but he is the creator behind KSS. (Exclude descriptions, sciencedefs, and several ideas for some systems). Go into Kopernicus files and delete them. DO NOT however delete The All or Kerbol. I tried this ages ago in 0.6 and the game didn't load, I must have done something wrong, but I never tried again. Planets (from what I have heard) are the main cause behind RAM usage. Deleting them will do something, but very compared to if you deleted the Mesmo system, for example.
  9. If you have a copy of 1.3.1, however, KSS 0.7.3 will work with Kopernicus 1.3.1-3.
  10. Kerbal Star Systems is currently compatible with 1.3.1, but not the latest version, 1.4. For that we need to wait for Kopernicus to update to 1.4
  11. Good idea, I think KSS needs to work on its advertising, to create interest in these kinds on challenges. There are plenty on OPM, GPP etc, but very few for KSS.
  12. *sigh* Reinstall everything, (excepts KSP) and try again. There are so many comments saying this, and 75% of them are caused by incorrect installations or similar things. You must have one hell of a computer to be able to handle KSS, scatterer and EVE!
  13. Like Private Division's logo! What about the vacuum cleaner ramjet sounds? Although the particle effects look a lot better with 1.4, and it runs a lot better, I am not at all a fan of this update.
  14. They all have the same boring white texture with tiny grey arrows.
  15. Yeah I have just found a way to. I have also just backed up my 1.3.1 files, to prevent damage from Take Two.

    Haha look at the ridiculously low rating of this new stupid Terms of Service.

  17. Who seriously likes the new separators and decouplers? I find them plain boring and awful to look at. Anyway to revert to 1.3.1?
  18. It is mainly Kerbin, as it is the main point of the report. I was just thinking, maybe this could be added to Kerbin's wiki page?
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