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Everything posted by Numerlor

  1. But compare those two sets, pretty different aren't they? That's what I want to ask why is it different from real world bolt sign and from ingame bolt in categories (I'm not reffering to bolts as whole but certain designs Categories one is a bit different but not that much however one on battery is much different than both) Now I feel bad for not starting new thread about this because it is in completly different forum
  2. What I wanted to ask is why are they different than international High Voltage hazard symbol but that wouldn't matter so much to me if they didn't use it in categories tab So I want to know if that is design mistake or intentional
  3. Maybe try searching manufacturer of that parts, sometimes it is same as mod name and it probably wouldn't hurt search
  4. Did you try it? I'm trying to build something that could do this but it simply isn't possible for me because throttle is hardly controllable because of fuel consumption and breaking with RCS isn't that easy too and I won't even start on landing
  5. Well after trying for ages I got it (set everything mouse speed related to minimum) and @sal_vager I don't know why but It worked while looking from top but I can't do it from side view and @cratercracker I didn't want to put it into technical support or anything like that because I almost certainly knew it is me (almost no chance there would be bug like that) so I rather put it here and got good answer right away Well I kinda didn't notice Gameplay Questions and tutorials forum and @sal_vager No idea if you can answer but why is "electricity bolt" or how is that named so weird on battery pack, different direction, sides and almost everything (Didn't feel like starting thread about this)
  6. I'm just doing hover board for one challenge and can't set 58.5 thrust limiter on Juno engine no matter how slowly I do it it just jumps to 59/58 Is it just me?
  7. I realised that there is Kaboom mod which should be banned because you can explode things with timer
  8. Probably too hard to fly because you would need to turn on ocean and drills aren't very aerodynamic but that would need them to mine when moving which is not possible I think
  9. I made this, wanted to land on runway or near KSC but as it turns out it breaks more than I expected, I proably shouldn't have lowered it so much. Hope that design is interesting enough
  10. Well, as you can see here at speed a bit higher than that one it creates really little drag, at something around 50m/s I couldn't even see that drag thing but that could be because of my angle with camera then
  11. I think we misunderstood ourselves I was trying to say that mass is more important than drag at low speeds as 52m/s. That can doesn't create much drag while being bigger than nose cone as it would at high speeds This was written in weird english and I can't come up with anything better but we are reffering to same thing
  12. At speeds like that I thought that mass is bigger issue than drag
  13. Created this in few mins, couldn't get anything working without engineer so i reused my old plane that could fly at low speeds, here is craft file if you want and don't pay attention to that name http://imgur.com/a/Ln7Kg After posting I noticed that I forgot to take takeoff image and didn't open resource tab, hope you don't mind
  14. Also Why is it so strong, I have never had this issue with worse designs and on this I just replaced 6 way symmetry with 3 2 ways with heatshields clipping a bit into each other
  15. But wouldn't that be bit overpowered? Or impossible with normal electricity generation? CH-47 can haul max of 10t cargo and it has twin engines with power of 2796 kW Also I'm sorry for being annoying
  16. I have mistaken propellantless engine with Reactionless, but while nuclear turbojets are pretty real (just not as effective) electric propellers are just theory now, at least they write about it in that way But that was just 5 minute research and one surely works and second has high chance to work, I just thought that you automatically wrote space in fron of engine
  17. Was trying my Laythe takeoffer with boosters, turns out that I overdid it a bit
  18. I'm just trying to help so there isn't something like that...
  19. No, I had in mind something from "cheat" mod , it isn't cheat because it is mod and for example engine that would take 10liquid fuel/s with 2000kN thrust
  20. @sdj64 I found kinda loophole in forbidden mods it mentions propelantless space engines but in theory that means while not in space you can use them
  21. Hope that screenshots are good enough, I returned full ship to kerbin, it has ISRU and (it says) around 9000 ΔV I stopped for refuel on Mün. It also had different design at first try with engines on top and command modules on bottom but engines overheated for some reason, after that I tried with command modules on top because I forgot gravity exists. It has 5 kerbal crew. Engines are from Solaris Hypernautics. Also I'm not that good at taking screenshots (and I forgot about some) so If needed I can do it again http://imgur.com/a/0PUg3 How do I add that fancy album stuff to post? btw is this considered SSTJ, or SSTXs need to be spaceplanes?
  22. Well that is the thing I reffered to as reactor, but in early career or while low on funds you simply cannot use it for probes
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