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Everything posted by TheSpacePotato

  1. Progress Update #1 I decided to start doing this to let you guys know what's going on and to possibly drive up a bit of hype over future releases. I might do this weekly depending on how much I get done each week. So I started working on a few things. First, I got some new textures, as I didn't like a few of the ones I was using and wanted something better. Once I get my computer beefed up I'm going to try inserting higher-definition textures, but for know I have to stick with what I got. One of the things I can confirm is going to be in v0.2 is moons. I started working on a few moons for some of the planets, and I'm pretty happy with how they've turned out so far. Lastly, I've started working on a few testing biomes. I doubt they'll be released by the next update, but so far I have them planned to be released by at least v0.5. That's all I got so far. I'll let you guys know what I'm working on next week if v0.2 isn't out by then
  2. I had that issue when I started using the forums. Eventually it just went away. It could have something to do with reputation (how many likes you have), but I'm not entirely sure
  3. With the way the stock game works, that's impossible. However, we're working on compatibility with Principia, which will allow that.
  4. KSS itself can run pretty smoothly on 8Gb, but once you take visuals into consideration the requirements rise pretty high
  5. KSS Part 2 has just entered the preliminary stages of testing! Expect a release within the next week
  6. If you use dropbox and upload the images by link, it works
  7. Not yet. I need to fix a major bug with the planets that causes the light to face sideways, but when that's fixed and I get textures I like better I'll start posting some screenshots.
  8. Released V 0.1 Download it here! Changelog: - Added Cronis - Added Winsor - Added Crys - Added Ocan - Added Dus - Added Dune - Added Gigantor - Added Minian - Added Pentum
  9. This is a great idea! Could you provide screenshots of future missions so we can see what you use in your missions?
  10. KSS has its own path where it wants to go in the future, and as of right now a pulsar system isn't high priority. We have other systems that need to be released, and then tweaked, and so on. Tropical Laythe is being released with the other optionals, and it's being planned for Part 2 because we have new optionals (Red Jool, for example). The Kelnis System is more or less finished now, the only things it's lacking are the groundscattering and sciencedefs, along with a few tweaks. The Kerolon System also needs to be completed, because it's been in-dev since 0.3.5, meaning that its completion is well due. We also have to work on a whole new star system to release in Part 2, since some of the Kerolon planets are being moved out to make some more room, and the new system needs more than just 2 planets. After that is planets around Kerbos, planets around Korlon, more planets around Kormin, a rogue planet, improvements to the existing systems, visuals and biomes for all of these, compatibility with more planet packs, full lore implementation, sciencedefs for all of them, and much, much more. We're not just going to stop at "good enough" on these planet systems, as most planet pack creators do. @StarCrusher96 works long and hard on KSS, along with studies, so I really don't think he needs someone telling him his schedule is all wrong. If you want to make your own pulsar system, go ahead, because right now that's not our top priority, it's finishing what's on our plate right now.
  11. It's not that you're not allowed to have Tropical Laythe, it's that there isn't a version of Tropical Laythe available for 0.7. And you could try to fix that, but it would be considered stealing KSS content, which isn't legal since KSS is licensed.
  12. I doubt either @Sigma88 or @StarCrusher96 is willing to put that much work into their mods to make such massive planet packs compatible. One of them would have to give up their main features, which is more stars. Also, imagine the sheer lag that you would get from both mods
  13. Voon should not look like that. Make sure all your mods are up to date (scatterer, Kopernicus, KSS), and try again. The bug is a result of the ring shadow bug which is fixed for 0.7. It doesn't completely work like that. Tropical Laythe wasn't released in Part 1 (along with Terraformed Duna), and copying just the textures would create some major bugs, too. In KSS, we do have parts made to take a craft interstellar, which is pretty efficient. Just look for the plasma engine and helium tanks, and you may want a few radiators, too. You're not blind. Tropical Laythe and Terraformed Duna aren't in Part 1, and will be released in Part 2 along with an optional "Red Jool" As I said, copying just the textures will have some bad effects, as biomes, oceans, and many other things will bug out. They'll look different, but have the same properties as the normal Laythe and Duna.
  14. That happens sometimes. It usually fixes itself once you get close enough to a body for the clouds to render close-up
  15. RSS won't become compatible with KSS for a few reasons: The dimensions (as @StarCrusher96 said) are too large, meaning RSS will take up a large part of the area. The Kerbol System is basically a kerbalized version of RSS, with a couple extra addons, so it would be rather redundant. It conflicts with the lore. Sorry to say, but RSS will not be compatible with KSS at any point in time, unless someone makes a patch for it.
  16. @StarCrusher96 didn't make his version of the OPM planets, both the OPM planets and the KSS outer planets are based off of the real life planets Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto, as well as their moons. This mod just made more analogues and made the planets differently. The only thing that updated with the Kelnis System in this mod is the biomes and shaders. And although TRAPPIST-1 is uninhabitable, the life in the Kelnis System is surprisingly resistant, which you can read about on this page. When the lore is fully released, it'll hint at how some planets around red dwarfs have managed life And, as far as originality goes, there are a lot of concepts which have already been seen in other planet mods. To me, I think the redeeming quality this mod has is execution. Any mod can add a desert planet or another planet with life, but how good is it? That's the question.
  17. I believe if you right click on the engine and press the "Shutdown Engine" button it stops, but once you turn it back on it'll keep the same thrust
  18. It's nerfed in 0.7, more stable, uses less fuel, and takes a couple minutes to work at full power
  19. It's not hard, actually. The only thing we need to do right now is move the magnetosphere directions, which are all facing The All. Since Kerbalism now adds the ability to move them, compatibility should be ready soon. You can check here to see what other mods might become compatible with KSS, and if you think we should add compatibility to a mod let us know in the comments on that page
  20. The Kelnis is a TRAPPIST-1 analogue, and it was one of the first to be released in KSP. KSS is also one of the only planet packs with: An Alpha Centauri system analogue (Nova Kirbani System) A Siruis "analogue" (Kerolon System) A brown dwarf system analogue ...and will soon have a system analogue of: A dying star Polaris C 30 Arietis KSS is also the only planet pack with something like The All or The Creator, and one of the few packs with a developed lore. If your point is about originality (with the TRAPPIST-1 analogue), you fell short of pointing out about all the other systems that you really can't find in other planet packs. I should also mention that KSS will have pulsars, and maybe even planets around it. We need to finish getting KSS compatible with Kerbalism first, but when it's done we might add a few definitions
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