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Everything posted by Skylon

  1. Here's a small helicopter made with these delightful parts (not the new ones):
  2. Sorry if I sounded a bit negative, it does look very nice, it is just the concept that bothers me In the end it is up to TheEpicSquared Edit: You are right, it looks fine. It was mostly the idea of the nose of an aircraft coming off leaving a blunt nose for the rest of the aircraft.
  3. I don't see why this can't be used for ground bases
  4. Instead of my previous craft, which would be difficult for me to make stock, I would like to submit this one: I call it the SH-T 'Stumper', and it is a trainer helicopter that can also function as a private transport for VIKs (very important kerbals) https://kerbalx.com/Skylon/SH-T-Stumper I believe it comes under the light aircraft category
  5. Don't worry. So will I, with the other things I'm doing, in KSP and in real life
  6. Have you done water? Try a representation of life! The water bottle if you like.
  7. Saturday: Rain Sunday: Rain Monday: Rain Tuesday: Rain Wednesday: Rain except for the brief window in which I played cricket despite the slippy ground I feel like a Rain God.
  8. I had a dream that chapter 8 came out, but i had to go to school and ran out of time. Don't worry if you've got other stuff to do, I'm still hooked! Also, tornados? Where do you live?
  9. Sounds like my school's history department... I think I'm lucky to have so many teachers (and students) I don't hate. Still nerdy, but so are my friends, and they like science too.
  10. An air show, huh? How about a suborbital flight for paying customers? If not you can use just the carrier aircraft from this craft: https://kerbalx.com/Skylon/STP-1A-Vogon Would come under heavy aircraft I think Ah I used partoverhauls... don't have access to KSP right now but will change later Make sure to mention that it is stock only if it is
  11. I was just wondering, and what do you do while you wait if anything?
  12. I don't think a craft like that would exist in real life. They would either use a separate carrier aircraft or use vertical launch with rockets. If there is a real world example or concept, then I'd like to be shown it . Remember not even Rapiers are allowed, and they are in development.
  13. It didn't say a stable orbit. Not sure what the highest atmospheric top speed is, but it might be close to orbital velocities
  14. I was thinking of making a simple water-powered rocket, but then I started to wonder if a two stage rocket was possible without external control. I was thinking of some kind of electromagnet/capacitor release, with the magnet attached to the first stage and an iron ring on the second stage. The biggest problem is pressurising/connecting the second stage for launch without the pressure and water escaping before the stages connect. And the electromagnet and iron may be too heavy to make it worthwhile.If anyone else could have a go, that would be cool
  15. Kerbin orbit! Maybe a space elevator, and it could have parts if the Mun delivered to make a miniature moon as an attraction. And of course some huge hangars for rocket construction!
  16. Actually from the Kerbal Calendar thread, but thanks!
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