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Everything posted by MiffedStarfish

  1. Yeah, sorry. I kinda forgot... I'll do it in a few hours.
  2. Hmm. There's two things it might be. Did you stage? (When you stage you can't be pitching or rolling, it locks them in the wrong position) They also might break if on the ground you switch to another vehicle a kilometre away or more. Ive tested it in a competition and it was operating fine. Note: I've never flown it with FAR. It's 50/50 if it works.
  3. That's the second time, someone's told me that, doh! I downloaded BDA to 1v1 a friend, and thought I'd enter this while I have it installed. It's on my 1.3 copy, and I'm waiting for 1.3.1 to fully transition. I did kinda go back on that, but it's on an alternate copy of the game. None of my craft I release will have mods though. (and if your interested in who won between me and my friend, check out the latest video on my YouTube channel)
  4. Nah, the rear canards. theyre arent any the right size and shape in the stock game so i built my own. Theyre hooked up to flaps though, so the AI can control them. @dundun92 the image isnt working.
  5. What about this? https://www.dropbox.com/s/cijp3p14oye7ajr/McDonnell Douglas F_A-18C Hornet BD.craft?dl=0 Im new to BDA (downloaded it a few hours ago) so I'd apprieciate if you checked it over and maybe changed some weapons. Edit: It uses stock hinges in the design, but with physics extender there should be no problem, and it is the nature of them that aeven the AI will be able to operate it. Stage once with your hands off the keyboard to activate it.
  6. Hmmm. Don't think my plane qualifies. Though if I refited my hornet replica with BDA weapons... Edit: @dundun92 is this 1.3?
  7. Since its not MY challenge this week, I thought I'd enter my Hanglider, the aptly named "Hanglider Mk1" @Vexnium are you putting up the poll?
  8. I have a plane I'd like to enter, but can someone answer these questions please? 1. Is FAR required? 2. Why the no drones rule? 3. If I had a missile built out of parts with a warhead, that tracked enemy planes with target hold SAS setting, and kept tracking after switching, is there any way to launch it?
  9. This is really good. Loving the kerbal hard sci-fi. Looking forward to the next chapter!
  10. Say, that it was possible to circumnavigate Kerbin by sea, and say my boat is going at 25m/s, its going to take me 41 hours to circumnavigate Kerbin. And I cant stop. I think you need to re think this slightly, allow people to stop, and make some way to traverse the strip of land. And why the speed minimum? Welcome to the forums, by the way.
  11. Just built this thing, and its my new favorite toy. It can do nearly 300m/s at sea level, and pull 25Gs in a turn. Internal weapon bays look great. Carrier capable. Edit: Thanks!
  12. Congratulations! Theres nothing quite as satisfiying as your first time landing on the mun.
  13. McDonnell Douglas F/A-18C Hornet The F/A-18 Hornet is America's primary carrier based fighter/ attacker, and easily one of my favorite planes. As such, and to celebrate the funding of the F/A-18F Advanced Super Hornet, I worked extra hard on my replica of it, trying to include as many details and make it as accurate as possible. The replica is 1:1 scale down to 10cm, and features working replica armament in a loadout a F/A-18C would use. Drop Tanks away! It comes included with 6 AIM-120 AMRAAMs, 2 CBU-100 Rockeye Bombs, 3 drop tanks, and 4 Chaff pods. I simulated chaff pods with breakable extendable radio dishes, which when deployed break by aerodynamic forces and create a small cloud of bits of metal. One of the major hurdles when building was the horizontal stabilsers. The problem with making Hornet stabilisers is that they actuate fully, and there are no parts in the stock game that A. are that big, or B. have that rounded edge at the back. To get round this I sculpted the stabiliser, then attached it to a stock hinge inside the fuselage, then placed a flap in front of it, sandwiched between two RSC balls attached to the rotating assembly. The end result being a correctly sized and shaped fin responding to controls, and producing the required control authority. Notes: Takeoff is a bit tricky, I using reccomend using afterburners and yawing off the runway at about 80m/s and pulling up then. The chaff pods only deploy at speeds of 100/s or less. Download: https://www.dropbox.com/s/exsy7p6gnz8jp2v/McDonnell Douglas F_A-18C Hornet.craft?dl=0 BDA version Download: https://www.dropbox.com/s/cijp3p14oye7ajr/McDonnell Douglas F_A-18C Hornet BD.craft?dl=0 Read description for action groups. (not for the faint of computer, its over 500 parts) Enjoy!
  14. Look, I was bored... http://imgur.com/QC5yJAf Edit: how do you embed Imgur gifs?
  15. That is a really good idea, you could maybe have a normal mode and a hard mode where parachutes are not allowed?
  16. I just started reworking my F-18 Hornet, and I wanted to share my solution to a problem I found, in case anyone else ever encounters the same issue. The problem with making Hornet canards is that they actuate fully, and there are no canards in the stock game that A. are that big, or B. have that rounded edge at the back. The only way to get that shape is by scuplting it with parts. All the other replicas I've seen have either used this canard, wich is to small and lacks the rounded edge of the real Hornet's canard, as you can see in these pictures: Or just built a static canard with elevons. I wasn't happy with either of those, so I came up with my own idea. I sculpted the canard, then attached it to a stock hinge inside the fuselage, then placed a flap in fronnt of it, sandwiched between to RSC balls attached to the canard assembly. The end result being a correctly sized and shape canard responding to controls, and producing the required control authority. Pitch: Roll: Apologies if I'm not thhe first person to do this, I haven't seen any other crafts built this way.
  17. Yeah, anything really. as long as its stock. (there are already 2 submarines in it, but I'll try and squeeze your one in)
  18. Built a minisub to explore Kerbins oceans.
  19. Nah, I can't be bothered putting subtitles in, as my editing software is a 7 year old encoder, and it sounds pretty good if you just have people talking with the pitch turned up about 15%.
  20. Oh, atmoshpere. Its modded weapons though, isnt it? If you want peopel to join, just put a link on discord and see what happens.
  21. Quick progress update, I have filmed a 2 minute intro scene for Troubled Waters (best name i could come up with) using @Jakalth's submarine, and am pestering my friends to do some voice acting for me. I'm still not sure what to call the aircraft carrier, but I want to name one ship in the series El Cavador, as an Enders Game reference.
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