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Everything posted by MiffedStarfish

  1. Absolutely. I will mute every KSP video I watch not voiced over by a British accent.
  2. Umm, could you remove the spoilers please, my mobile screen is to small to open them all. NVM
  3. This tutorial shows a part by part guide to building stock propellers. The propellers themselves are very reliable.
  4. and the blood surged to her brain, the massive influx of oxygen overloading her cognition, devolving her to a beast of primordial instincts and super-heightened senses. The normally comforting chirping of the KSC's unseen resident birds hammered white hot daggers of pain and noise into her brain, and she fell to the ground screaming. Her lungs, unable to keep up with the insane oxygen demand of her pumping heart, failed to circulate loaded blood vessels to her organs, and everything went a relieving black as Val fainted and died on the taxi strip. ... "What!?" Said Jim.
  5. I would be up for a battle when I get back from holiday on Sunday is anyone wants?
  6. Great entries everyone! @dundun93 I'll put up the poll after you post your plane.
  7. Ahhh, that makes sense. I didn't know the Goliath lined up so perfectly with 2.5m part, I'll have to use that on some of my builds. Sorry Jakalth.
  8. Sure, do you mean a space warship? The earliest I can do it is Sunday though, I'm on holiday.
  9. @Jakalth Can I get a download please? Also, I just noticed that the Wheasley on the back is tweakscaled, do you have a stock version?
  10. AHH! Your profile pic is blue now! "Go away"!?!? How rude! Anyway @DarkOwl57 do you know when we will be getting the next chapter? I need more story.
  11. My puny 5-inch phone screen actually wasn't big enough to show the all the spoilers opened, so that content is lost to me.
  12. Most of them were built for the naval battle club, which is semi-competitive, and measures ships by weight. As rendezvousing without RCS is easy, and monopropellent is just extra weight, I didn't add them. Also it didn't do the aesthetics any favours.
  13. That looks brilliant, I have actually built working torpedoes I could add to it. This will definitely show up in the series.
  14. Great. The tension, I need more chapters! Also, when you mentioned seas and oceans, I immediately thought of the Floating Fortress, do you know if it will show up? Another thing that's nagging me: Where's Jeb?
  15. Hmm. It's technically not a plane or a rocket, but I can't resist posting it here. It's my EX-9 Eos, a space gunship which I affectionately refer to as a cross between the SR-2 Normandy and a Borg Cube. EX-9 Eos Advanced Stealth Gunship The EX-9 Eos is the first of a new generation of scout warship, placing as much importance on stealth and sensor systems as on weapons. With Thermally sealable Engines Pods: (sorry Spartwo, the Ketan is just too cool) EC jamming flares and a 100% reliable planetary scanning system: A prototype long range sensor-masking protocol, (I will keep it workings secret, but I reverse engineered it off the QSS Itself) it will make even locating and rendevousing with it hard. Even if you do, it is the first F-Tech Vessel to feature full light and heavy Kinetic Absorbsion plating and its thin design structure can cause phasing missiles to pass harmlessly through. Though it places more focus on stealth, it certainly dosent skimp on weaponry, featuring three bursts of I-Beams and four G3 Torpedos capable of subduing larger capital ships, all in all giving it an arsenal capable of rivalling an EX-2. If you can get past it's defences and punch through it's armour, it will seperate into two Fully Armoured segments, each with two G3 Torpedos and capale of sustaining power and movement with 4 Ion Engines that can run at full power. (Any parallels you are seeing between this and Nintendo Switch Joy-Cons are completely unfounded. ) With all these features at 40 tons and only 350 parts, it truly is the Dawn of a new class of vessels. (heh. See what I did there, cos Eos is the Greek goddess of the dawn and its funny haha)Action Groups:1: Propulsion Systems2: Short-Range EC Flares3: Planetary Scanner4: Rear Docking Port5-8: G3 TorpedosAbort: Data dump and Emergency Engines Downlo- Actually, I think I'll keep this one to myself.
  16. Challenge: See The System On A Toaster The Kerbol System is a wonderful place, filled with exotic sights, such as the sand dunes of Laythe, the dust storms of Duna, and the tropical temperatures of Moho. However, some people can't see these incredible sights, due to playing the game on a computer with specs akin to a brick phone that's ran out of batteries. That's where you come in. You have to build vessel that can go as far as possible, with the lowest part-count possible. Scoring: The lower the score, the better. Your score is equal to the part count of your vessel on the launch pad, minus points per body you land on. Moho: 15 points Eve: 25 points Duna: 10 points Dres: 15 points Laythe: 25 points Vall: 25 points Tylo: 35 points Bop: 20 points Pol: 20 points Eeloo: 35 points Lowest score wins!
  17. I read the second Great War yesterday, it was very enjoyable to read. If I had to have one minor critique though, it would be that some of the dogfights weren't very descriptive.
  18. I would reccomend sizing it down slightly. Also, you could rework the missiles and build new one with an I-Beam core, and four separatrons instead of two, making them smaller, faster and more damaging. Mounting them under the wings would look better as well.
  19. How dare you! Of course I'm a Hooman! As sure as I have three noses, I'm indigenous to your this planet.
  20. Lots of great submissions, when I get back from holiday I'm going to start working on the series in ernest. I think I'll do a vote on what to name the aircraft carrier, is you have a suggestion, comment it, is you like a suggestion, like it. The suggestion with the most likes wins. (Please don't pull a BoatyMcBoatFace on me)
  21. For me, it would have to be the M-7 Phoenix. I built it waaay back in .22 or .23, and it was the culmination of my VTOL building skills. M-7 145559 conducts a lethal ground strike on a hostile VTOL, piloted by Jebediah Kerman Since I built it 3 years ago, it's gone through countless rebuilds, upgrades and refits, at one point the design was nearly abandoned when I downloaded 1.0 and it ruined its aesthetics and functionality, but after swapping the old texture model wheaslelys to shiny new panthers, and adding a Mk2 short adapter near the engine pod it was ready to go better than before. M-7 287511 Extracting two scientists from hostile territory It's been serving as a light utility ground attack and civilian transport for my entire ksp career, and I have no plans of replacing it any time soon.
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