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Everything posted by MiffedStarfish

  1. The video isn't working. Have you tried out my Spitfire II?
  2. Built a 1:1 MiG-17 replica. And discovered the wonder that is BDA manual gunfights.
  3. Oh. Now that's veeeeery interesting. Maybe it could be simplified by building a cage of cubic struts around the scanner, then putting a 2.5m part in front of that? The you have a wheel with perpetual motion.
  4. The tires were stolen by the leader of the enemy side, in a devious plot. Angelo's car probably has a bomb in it.
  5. Here is my entry, the F-Tech G6 F-2 Spitfire II: A Spitfire II on the runway prepping for take-off Spitfire IIs destroying Iron Falcons, it's rival in the skies The F-Tech G6 F-2 Spitfire II is a generation 5 twin engine tailess Air Superiority Fighter. It weighs 11.75 tons, has a part count of 100, and the civilian version can fly at speeds of up to 800m/s, and pull turns at 60Gs. And I have no clue if it will work in FAR. Download: https://www.dropbox.com/s/ouwkg7o7npff5iq/F-Tech G6 F-2 Spitfire II.craft?dl=0 If it works, credit me in the video please.
  6. Using flaps I have managed to make 2 internal bays which carry 2 Hellfires each. This has however, severely decreased Aerodynamics performance. Could I use another variant without internal bays, as I have have shown that I can carry internal missiles? (I will have pics in an hour or so)
  7. Hmm. The episode was good, but the homepage and the forums in the video degraded the quailty quite a bit. Also, if you don't want to do music, you could do voices instead. Just download audacity, record yourself saying a bunch of things, reverse it, up the pitch around 20%, and you have authentic kerbal voices to add to your video.
  8. I guess. I'm a resolute Stock player, (well except for BDA on one of my games) and I prefer the limited parts of stock. It forces you to be more creative. I might download airplane plus, load up the orka, change the cockpit and other parts, then uninstall the mod, and try out the changed Orka. (Oh, little tip for your page, it's handy to have a mod list for each craft.)
  9. I would appreciate it if you could change the cockpit and disable gimbal, I'm about to start working on a ground attack VTOL, and I'm looking for inspiration. I might enter your battle royals once I build up a Air Force big enough that satisfies me.
  10. Don't tell anyone, but my bearing is very similar to Hazard-ishes. I assume the problem with landing it is while you control the engines the main section spins, right? Because I think you can fix that by putting a few reaction wheels on the main section, adding a vertical control point, and then when you come in to land control from the vertical docking port and select radial out from the orientation menu and switch to the engine. This I think keeps the main craft automatically correcting itself so it's parallel to the ground.
  11. @Joseph Kerman If you did that I could upgrade or replace the mechanism with a reinforced bearing from the AS-2 Vulture, if you want?
  12. @Joseph Kerman thanks for the advice. I will probably change the guns to either one centered vertically or two on either side of the nose. (I want at least 2 as I'm using vulcans, which lack the punch of GAU-8s) I've seen that advice about the missiles twice now, I'll do some testing but it's definitely looking like I'll change it to that. I can't put internal storage without a completely new design, and I'd really prefer not to do that. I will if I have to, but the rules are strict enough that every plane is following a Mk2 fulselage delta wing design, as there is not much space for variation, which is kinda boring. And at least one other entry can't do internal storage either. Edit: And the rules 1. And 19. Kinda contradict each other, as Mk2 cargo bays are the only ones that can carry missiles, and they're banned, if I'm reading correctly.
  13. Since it's about a meeting, I say it's fine to have just 2 pictures. The pictures improve the quality drastically, but they only accentuate the writing. And you might be able to edit them in later.
  14. The F-22 is the only plane I'd say. The F-35 software is half written, I don't consider it ready. Internal bays are only used on stealth planes, and since my plane isn't designed to be stealthy, I didn't bother enlarging it to carry bays. The only rule crossed out is the one about GAU-8s, I think.
  15. I've finally got round to making a dedicated plane for this. I don't have pictures now, but I'm very excited about it. It can fly at up to 900m/s with afterburners engaged, pull 40gs in a turn, and carries 4 AMRAAMs, 4 Sidewinders, 3 Vulcan inline cannons, (1 centered and 2 in the wingtips for maximum spread) and possibly more if I want to cram missiles on all the wing space. It's in the final stages of development, I just need to finish arming it, tweak the numbers on the AI pilot, and test. It's kinda like a cross between a F/A-18C Hornet, a SR-71 Blackbird, and a B-2 Spirit. Edit: <whistles> I just read over the rules again, and saw the part limit. Bang on 75 without weapons. The only thing it can't do is internal weapons storage, though that rule doesn't really make sense. Most modern planes don't have internal storage bays.
  16. I haven't tried any of your planes out as they use airplane plus, but I reccomend adding docking ports to your orka to make landing easier.
  17. I'm pretty sure fairings are not breakable like solar panels. I have hit them with 2.5 ton projectiles travelling at 400+m/s designed specifically for blowing up armoured ships, and they werent even scratched.
  18. I was confused by the 3 craft as well, it was a minimum, not a maximum number of crafts. Go ahead.
  19. That's still not really how scoring works... maybe we could have too catergories. "Voted Best" and "Most Functional"
  20. What? Timezones are tricky. For me, I've just had a lie-in and been up half an hour. Here's the poll: http://www.strawpoll.me/13475179
  21. It's not really a fuss... I'd just prefer if it's done today because we're actually on time right now. Are there going to be any last minute entries? As I just made a poll.
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