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Everything posted by Jognt

  1. Forgive me if I’m missing something obvious, but I can’t find any reference to a module_definitions node in the contracts.cfg, nor its post-mm-patch structure.
  2. Then you've probably installed it incorrectly. I can assure you that it works when installed properly.
  3. I’ve got some ideas for nice icons, but I’m not sure how well I’ll be able to create them. What format would icons have to be in your opinion to be crisp, not oversized, but still maybe compatible with HiDPI screens? oh, and is there a preferred file format/setting?
  4. Well it was mostly because Val decided to instantly be a tourist when she boarded her pod to return home to Kerbin (JNSQ, 2.7x scale). Which was.. frustrating (I mean, “come ON! The only reason you’re not going home, is YOU!”) Thanks for the many options. On the one hand I’d prefer slightly different implementations, but on the other I’m glad I have full control about what existing bits I use
  5. I’ve just disabled the Hab effects since they made no sense to me, but thanks for the suggestion.
  6. There is a bug in the current TWP version that messes up a lot of mods, I suggest rolling back to the previous version until it is dealt with.
  7. Nice idea! Might I suggest using simple iconography? Switching the yes/no/maybe out with colored icons would make it much easier to use. Something like an orbit/landed icon with a home icon for both that are green, yellow, or red depending on if you can do it (and get home). Tooltips could be used for details like how much dV the user is missing.
  8. I had that too. Until I noticed that it doesnt say “dont show again”. It says “show again”. Hope that helps edit: or whatever it shows, it was opposite to what I expected
  9. Cheers! Now to remember removing the rovemate from my personal BV patch! Might I suggest adding it to the rover-variant of the 2.5m landercan? Thank you VERY much for the upgrades, those’ll come in quite nicely!
  10. You said in your edit that it worked now but that you didn’t have enough power. If the problem returned I’ll assume it’s a local error. Good luck.
  11. Disable the motor on some wheels and press the ‘system check’ button in the BV control panel.
  12. It works fine on my 1.7.3 install , other than that I don’t know how to troubleshoot further than ‘reinstall’, sorry.
  13. If any of you use Kopernicus, check the link in my signature. There's a known issue with the current release of Kopernicus that can cause massive lag (scales with partcount, moar parts = moar FPS loss).
  14. Tap the dark circle/star in front of the topic title to go to ‘last unread’
  15. Yes you can. Just tell CKAN to not hide mods marked for previous KSP versions. MFI appears to work just fine on 1.7.3. Ps. It’s considered rude to demand updates. Especially when a few minutes of checking could’ve told you that it works just fine.
  16. Check the link in my signature. It’s a known issue.
  17. Could you upload your log? I suspect that that exception in the console there can shine more light on it.
  18. I recommend you share that feedback in the KS3P thread. It’s received some substantial updates recently and afaik there are indeed some bugs that need fixing, but I’m not sure whether the author of KS3P is aware of the ones you mentioned. He’s a good guy so I’m sure he’ll appreciate all the user feedback he can get.
  19. Yup. When in doubt, checking a mod’s forum thread always helps. Chances are that someone will have asked. With regards to 1.7+, you’re pretty much good to go with all of them. Except the edge cases like Kopernicus, but that’ll give you a dialog box telling you it won’t work if you were to try it on a version of KSP it was not compiled for.
  20. It’s not that they’re incompatible. They’ve just not been specifically marked as *compatible*.
  21. Works fine! Most mods going back to ~1.5 work in 1.7 with no issues.
  22. Tbf.. that’s kind of what anchors are for.
  23. I’ve honestly never seen that myself. That’s... not how it’s supposed to go. Did you use any autostruts and/or alter any game settings that relate to physics? For me personally ‘weird’ problems often occur when using ‘autostrut: heaviest’ and/or ‘autostrut: root’. If you could share the save/settings.cfg (The KSP one) I could see if it also happens here if you want.
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