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Everything posted by Jognt

  1. My apologies to @Tonka Crash. It was not my intention to doubt the existence of the lag. I experience it myself as well after playing for a few hours. I always attributed it to "Oh well, KSP" but admit I have not done actual testing with/without MemGraph. Since @vardicd experiences something similar without memgraph I am wondering what type of code could cause this. I'm used to restarting KSP once or twice to it's not a big deal for me personally, but I can understand it being very annoying. I did some reading about Unity's GC by the way and I think the values in padheap.cfg are related to spawning objects to manually increase heap space. Apparently different sized objects/heapsizes get treated differently by Unity.
  2. Maybe just “too much heat, too fast”. I feel your pain by the way as I also had a rough start with PBC on JNSQ. Good luck
  3. Where were you reentering from? Bob died yesterday in my JNSQ game without DRE during reentry from the Mun. If it’s from LKO then it’s probably what Starwaster said. If it was from the Mun, welcome to JNSQ
  4. I doubt FAR is hard coded like that so as FAR as I can see there shouldn’t be a problem.
  5. Did you miss the part where @vardicd said he has the same problem even though he doesn’t use memgraph? i understand it’s easy to yell “your mod is broken”, but if you really want to get this sorted I suggest you either use the info and questions provided to help find the cause or to just stop using any mods. With regards to “I don’t care what it was designed to do” -> you’re using a mod for a purpose it was not (mainly) intended. It doesn’t matter that all of us use it for that purpose. [snip]
  6. Thank you for the explanation. Also my apology for missing the distinction between part g-limits and kerbal g-limits.
  7. Could you elaborate* on how the DRE implementation differs from Stock? It's hard to decide which one to prefer when I don't really know how either of them work. Or is the "Kerbals can die" thing the only difference? (in which case, when do they die?) Also, initially you recommend to turn off the stock one, but later you say they complement eachother nicely, which implies them being active side-by-side. Any clarification on that'd be appreciated. o7 * - technical speak appreciated (to help shape the mental image)
  8. That's kinda why the AU definition exists instead of using a fixed number.
  9. From LKO I haven't had any problems yet. My recent return from the Mun with a 20k Pe however resulted in the death of Bob. He died because the craft was wobbling a bit during reentry though, the heatshield was fine. Craft was wobbly because Jeb died, so no SAS. So whatever you do, make sure you can keep it nice and retrograde during reentry. How did Jeb die? -> I was multitasking and crashed Jeb into the Munar surface at 70 km/h with his jetpack. Right after planting a flag that taunted Val's earlier landing -> "Suck on this Val!" - Famous last words Jeb..
  10. Finally got around to some testing, seems to work fine. Here's the patch: @PART:HAS[@MODULE[DMModuleScienceAnimate]]:NEEDS[DMModuleScienceAnimateGeneric]:FINAL { @MODULE[DMModuleScienceAnimate] { @name = DMModuleScienceAnimateGeneric } } Note that it requires @DMagic's "DMModuleScienceAnimateGeneric" mod which you can find on CKAN. Note-2: It only works for the parts that used DMModuleScienceAnimate to begin with. So if they didn't show up before in x science, they still won't show up. But if they do, they'll work.
  11. Interesting train of thought. What it boils down to is whether it's memgraph specific or due to one (or a combination) of its dependencies. @Tonka Crash Keep in mind that memgraph was primarily designed to diagnose GC issues. You still have to deal with any Mono peculiarities even when increasing the padheap (and maybe even exactly when increasing the padheap) How often do you get GC with 4GB of padheap? Because you really are pumping up those numbers which makes me wonder whether you're using it to mask excessive Garbage Creation. Like, how high does "Last" usually go in the Space Center/Flight Scene?
  12. Re: Performance: This is KSP. I'm already sacrificing speed to use these engines because they're just a delight to play with/listen to. IMO tweaking their performance by minimal amounts (compared to stock engines) just for the sake of realism is a waste of time. (from the perspective of someone that really doesn't know anything about engines and aero) Re: z-fighting: I noticed this on many many parts too. Mainly just when i connect two bodyparts together, like a cargobay and a staircase because then I tend to look inside to place stuff and I notice the inner radius of the mesh z- fighting with the inner radius of the other mesh. I haven't (yet?) spotted any obvious z-fighting on the exterior though.
  13. You can safely tell CKAN to mark any 1.7.* mods as compatible. (Settings -> Compatible KSP Versions -> 1.7 [check])
  14. It depends on what you want to use memgraph for. If you’re using it to reduce GC intervals and the default padding amount doesn’t get you in ram-usage trouble then you can just open the settings.cfg, set visible to false and applypadding to true, and never look back as it does it’s thing. I recommend you keep at _least_ 10-15% of your total ram free so windows has room to shuffle stuff around.
  15. Why do I have the sudden urge to see what happens if I Increase every planet’s SOI by 10x...
  16. Ground science has tons of bugs on 1.7.1 though so beware. Also experiment value is bugged on .1 so unless you’re using a mod like science - full reward you won’t be able to gather every drop of science.
  17. Uhm, the game has 1-body physics. Every moon is always in 2 SOIs, that doesn’t crash the game either. I wouldnt be be surprised if Nara would just pop in and out of the SOI like nothing happened. Any craft leaving nara’s SOI in this ‘peekaboo’ period would then be in the other planet’s SOI though.
  18. You don’t need SVE for clouds. I even think it’d cause problems. JNSQ has built in support for stuff like EVE so I’d advise against installing another EVE config. If you’ve installed Kopernicus, modulemanager, and JNSQ and you don’t see changes then it’s most likely an incorrect install.
  19. I'm guessing it says to tap it twice to make sure the button press is registered. Just in case it didn't work the first time. By the way, you can set it to automatically apply the padding and hide the window by default so you don't have to think about it anymore by opening settings.cfg and setting ApplyPadding to true and Visible to false. The default padding is set to 1GB. You can modify this number in the padheap.cfg by adjusting the final number after total: to a higher or lower value. Be sure not to go for crazy numbers that you don't have the spare RAM for. (I adjusted it down to 512 due to ram concerns)
  20. Check out SimpleFuelSwitch’s code. It fixed the PAW problem for SFS recently.
  21. Did you by any chance select "Show overlay" in the mapview resource menu?
  22. You can sort by Install Date in CKAN. Install Date is updated when a mod updates, so it should tell you when you updated what. Can't help with the problem itself, sorry.
  23. I'm guessing the coordinates don't represent a specific distance due to differing planet sizes? If not, how much even is "10 meters" in coordinates? o_O
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