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Everything posted by Joker58th

  1. With RocketSoundsEnhancement and its default config, WaterFall and Stock Waterfall Effects installed, the jet engines have both stock sounds and RSE sounds. Can someone help me out? Log File
  2. I can't quite put my finger on it yet, but yeah, there are some inconsistencies here with the burn bar. Sometimes the dots do not line up with the burn bar. Do I follow the dots or the burn bar? Sometimes the burn bar turns red from the left side. Sometimes there is no burn bar at all. If I can narrow it down, I'll post more details.
  3. I'm experiencing the same. It seems the default spring tension is not high enough. What's working for me is to disable auto suspension and increase spring strength to max.
  4. Continuing the ISS build, I added the Quest airlock. Afterwards, I noticed the station starting to wobble so I decreased some of the reaction wheel strength which seemed to help but we'll see. Next up would be the PIRS docking compartment.
  5. Today I added the Destiny module to the ISS. Nothing too exciting. I decided not to follow the exact build order of the real ISS as I'm not interested in moving stuff around after it assembled. Next up looks like the Quest airlock module.
  6. I noticed that some people have asked for procedural or adjustable landing gear, but I haven't seen anyone mention @Shadowmage's amazing mod Kerbal Foundries2. This mod has everything that people have suggested and more. I always used this mod and its dependency KSP Wheel when I played KSP1 with space planes or aircraft contract packs. It would be great if this could be part of the stock KSP2 in the future. Especially, the feature that aligns the wheel to the ground would be very useful.
  7. Tried the Z1 truss a second time and still had the jitter issue even after setting all docking ports to 0%. Enabling time warp worked! Thanks @stephensmat!
  8. I usually do set my docking ports to 0% and I just double checked and found I forgot to set the one on the delivery ship. I'll fix that and try again. Fingers crossed! Thanks for the suggestion! Good suggestion, I totally froze while my station flew apart. If something like that happens again, I'll try this.
  9. Welp, I tried to add the Z1 truss to the ISS. Failed due to bug and blew up my whole station. Thankfully, I just reverted to VAB. Overall, it was a pretty lousy flight any way. My docking control was awful.
  10. Is more info still needed on this? I was working on an ISS build and lost over half of the station. Notice in the top right of the load window the thumb nail shows the entire station I had up to this point. Now it's gone. Some part of it is in the floor.
  11. I added the Zvezda module to the ISS.
  12. Reported Version: v0.1.5 (latest) | Mods: none | Can replicate without mods? Yes OS: Windows 11 | CPU: i7-12700K | GPU: Nvidia RTX 2080 | RAM: 32GB I discovered this issue on an orbital class spacecraft but simplified it to just an issue with the sepratron engine. Steps to replicate: Add sepratron to a probe core Move launch clamp to top of staging order Launch Fire the engine on the pad Exit game to menu being sure to save on exit Load the game you just saved A sound continues to play but does not seem to be the sepratron exactly Video Evidence: Ksp2soundbug.mp4 Craft File: TestBug.json .ipsImage { width: 900px !important; }
  13. Reported Version: v0.1.5 (latest) | Mods: none | Can replicate without mods? Yes OS: Windows 11 | CPU: i7-12700K | GPU: Nvidia GeForce RTX 2080 | RAM: 32GB The borderless setting does not seem to save to the settings.json file. Steps to reproduce: Note FullScreenMode in settings.json file. (Unless you are already in Windowed mode, it will be ExclusiveFullScreen) Launch game. Set Game Screen Mode to Borderless and exit settings. Note settings.json file still says ExclusiveFullScreen. Exiting the game after making the change does not work either. Note: Windowed mode does save and work as expected. If I edit the settings.json file with the "Borderless" setting, it does work the first time the game is launched. It will then revert back to ExclusiveFullScreen after the game is loaded. I wonder if the problem is related to my monitor's native resolution, which is higher than the max 2560x1440 in settings?
  14. Reported Version: v0.1.5 (latest) | Mods: none | Can replicate without mods? Yes OS: Windows 11 | CPU: Intel Core i7-12700K | GPU: NVIDIA GeForce RTX 2080 | RAM: 32GB I can confirm this happening and with a lot less parts and decent spec machine. Definitely the more parts you add, the worse the fps drop.
  15. In anticipation of the upcoming For Science update, I started playing again. Ran into a few bugs (most seem to be already reported) along the way but I managed to get the first two modules of the ISS into orbit. No idea how far I'll try to take this but it was good to get some docking practice. I did enjoy myself.
  16. Reported Version: v0.1.5 (latest) | Mods: none | Can replicate without mods? Yes OS: Windows 11 | CPU: Intel i7-12700K | GPU: Nvidia RTX 2080 | RAM: 32GB I was going to create a bug report but maybe this is also related to this issue. On revert to launch, the engine plate faring looks like a vertical blind. Easy to reproduce.
  17. I am also seeing the 0 dV even though I obviously have some. I cannot create a maneuver node either same yellow box as above. Pretty standard rocket here.
  18. CPU: Intel i7-12700K GPU: NVIDIA GeForce RTX2080 RAM: 32GB This is my first Bethesda game in which I have about 11 hrs so far. I have not experienced any bugs or crashes at this point. Running default High graphics settings at 3440 x 1440 where I'm getting >30fps so far which is very livable. I am enjoying the game. It's kind of weird being on the ground and being able to jump to another planet but I understand the dilemma of spending time being realistic vs playing the content of the game. I am intrigued with Star Citizen for the realism side of things in that regard. The scanning makes me think of No Man's Sky but I'm not sure of the point as yet. Still a lot to learn and experience. One of the things I heard about and am looking forward to is ship building/customizations.
  19. Yeah, looking forward to this one. It's included with GamePass so it's already downloaded and ready to go on my PC. I tinkered with Elite Dangerous and Star Citizen this year as I have not played much of this genre. Hoping Starfield is as immersive as it looks.
  20. Joker58th

    Ladder Bug

    Sorry, I totally missed your posting this video until now. Yeah, this is the way it is for now until they add the option to not stop at the end of a ladder like KSP1. The only think you can do for now is to use the larger folding ladders to minimize how many times you have to press F.
  21. Finished my Apollo 7 weekly challenge. I really enjoyed making this one. Some of the shots are inspired from historical photos. Full album here!
  22. Its not just inline parts. The radial air intake seems to have excessive drag as well. I reported to support but thought I would mention here as well for more visibility. Notice the speed difference in the two shots. These are maximum speeds with afterburner for both examples.
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