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Posts posted by MaeharaProjekt

  1. On 9/30/2020 at 10:30 PM, Norcalplanner said:

    I have this working just fine in a 1.10.1 Beyond Home career game.

    It's been more than a year for me since I last used SSTU. Do you find the SSTU solar panels to be functioning properly in 1.10.x or should I just use Shadowmage's fuel tanks and conventional motors?

  2. On 6/12/2020 at 6:41 PM, RoverDude said:

    tbh it's probably something I have to fix.  A lot of these parts need a bit of TLC.

    Speaking of which - I have been spending some quality time with the Packrat Rover that's in this pack. and it is absolutely amazing stuff now :D  Here's a sampling from the changelog:

    • The Packrat seat now has a crew capacity so it can be loaded in the VAB.
    • The Packrat FRONT Chassis has a new bottom attachment node that you can use to snap onto a KAS concrete block as a starting point for KIS/KAS assembly
    • Added some additional nodes to the Packrat to ease assembly with KAS/KIS (no more having to rotate - just cycle through nodes!)
    • Packrats got easier to... pack?  You can now squeeze the Packrat into a pair of KIS SC-62 Containers.
    • Packrat part masses have been normalized to facilitate balanced KIS packing accross two radial containers.
    • The Packrat has had it's stability dramatically increased.  Parts also have a higher mass.
    • The Packrat built in RTG got a power boost to account for the mass increase and resource consumption.

    The handling is absolutely amazing (since it's a set piece with a single configuration, I have a wider array of tricks).  Hugs the ground like a carpet, even at high speed - and if you can slam it enough to get it up on two wheels it almost always drops back on all fours.  Catching air on the mun at the moment and it's probably the funnest thing on four wheels I have played with in KSP.

    I took too long a break from KSP. Even tho I am some months late to comment, this is awesome news!

    Like so many others, I look forward to your latest efforts, RoverDude. Thank you for the incredible mods that you have created for the community.

  3. On 7/13/2019 at 12:13 PM, Tornado77 said:

    Hello, i tried to install Real solar system for 1.7 but i have a problem. When i launch the game, i just have a black screen and the mouse. I have all dependency installed like that.  Also, i have kopernicus for 1.7.1. 

    If you aren't using Kopernicus 1.7.1-5 for KSP 1.7.1, then you might encounter difficulties. Thomas P. ran into some difficulties in releasing for 1.7.1 and he released several consecutive bugfixes that culminated in https://github.com/Kopernicus/Kopernicus/releases/download/release-1.7.1-5/Kopernicus-1.7.1-5.zip.

    If you are on KSP 1.7.3, then you should get Kopernicus 1.7.3-1.

  4. I just took a peek at the release of RSSVE for KSP 1.6.1, from PhineasFreak's GitHub, and it does have an EVE config for clouds. I did not see any release for KSP 1.7.3 tho.

    If you installed EVE manually, then perhaps try removing its default configs before installing RSSVE. If you installed EVE's default config via CKAN, then uninstall it from there.

    PhineasFreak has an installation wiki for RSSVE, located here: https://github.com/PhineasFreak/RSSVE/wiki

    Hopefully, this is of some help.

  5. I ran into the error messages after updating via CKAN to v2.4.3.1 and when I checked the Tweakscale folder in Gamedata, I also found that it was missing Scale.dll. Like @Rafael acevedo I installed from the Github release and now everything is A-Ok.

    If I have time, I will try to replicate the problem with the CKAN update of Tweakscale and report it to the CKAN dev, but someone will probably beat me to it.

  6. 11 hours ago, ssd21345 said:

    nothing bad happen. I also tried run with EVE only+RSSVE or scatterer only to see whether it's Eve problem, but it's scatterer

    and KSRSS doesn't use sigma rescale. It's custom so I don't think I can change it to 1/10th scale

    Re; 1/10th scale - You had mentioned "kerbal size Real solar system" and that is what led me to mention 1/10th scale RSS. I apologize for misinterpreting. While I am not a modder, I was thinking of things that might be of use to Blackrack when you send him your log file and details of how you found the issue. 

    For my own experience, I have not seen high altitude z-fighting since KSP v1.2.2 and Scatterer v0.0320. I realize that Blackrack noted that he had a fix for that problem in Scatterer v0.053 and KSP v1.6.1 and that some players run into it even now while others, like myself, don't.

    I have played KSP with RSS and RSSVE installed a few times over the last 2 years; however, even when doing so, I never saw the z-fighting issue.

    I don't have a good explanation of why I rarely, if ever, encounter these problems. My desktop PC is NOT a gaming rig and does not have high-spec components. It's just a workhorse for photography and technical writing, and it's now older than one of my nephews. :lol:

  7. On 7/19/2019 at 8:47 PM, ssd21345 said:

    Interestingly, on kerbal size Real solar system (Visual Enhancements) if I force d3d11 the problem gets worse, I think this is special case or other mod messing with it

    I realize that this can be a PITA to check, but what happens when you run KSP with only 1/10th scale RSS and its dependencies installed? Leave RSSVE out and then try again with it.

  8. 15 hours ago, akron said:

    Some more updates for y'all.

    A few more tidbits got modeled and some parts on the bus are slowly being tweaked to add more detail to haunt me later.

    A good bit of time got put into the propulsion system, including finishing up the RCS, although the feed line is wrong, I found a better pic and will fix it eventually. You'll see some orange chewy bits; those are fittings for the wiring harness. 

    This final low shot show off the ventral structure and the newly modeled landing radar stuff. The upside down cake/cheese wheel thing is part of the altimeter system, the big brown square is the TLDR (He he, not it's the TDLR, landing radar).


    MMMmmMmmmmmmm! Orange chewy bits! Omnomnom! :D

  9. 2 hours ago, Thrimm said:

    I am quite surprised by the amount of people missing this mod and the traffic this thread experiences recently. I'll do my best to update this mod to work with the latest KSP version AND include recent, work-in-progress changes I wanted to include a long time ago. Stay tuned friends.

    He lives!!! I shall be watching this thread, eager for new developments. :)


  10. On 5/13/2019 at 12:12 PM, theonegalen said:

    Thanks @MaeharaProjekt, now I have another anime to watch. Anything with airplanes. I quite enjoyed the Dragon Pilot one last year.

    You are welcome, but @Violet_Wyvern deserves credit for first posting about the Magnificient Kotobuki.
    I do love enabling other anime-fans though, even as a wingman.
    It does not feature airships, per se, but the 1987 film "Royal Space Force: Wings of Honneamise," DOES have an aircraft carrier, pusher-prop fighters, jet-powered fighters, and even a lovely rocket, inspired by, ironically, by Soyuz. I say "ironically," because the director and senior staff had gone to the USA to visit NASA for source material and watch a shuttle launch (Discovery, for the STS-51-D or STS-51-G mission, I think).

  11. 13 minutes ago, Shadowmage said:


    That is the value that is multiplied by the supported mass (or actually the instantaneous output value of the combined spring+damper calculations).  It -is- a config value, though I might not have specified it in the current part configs.

    The actual calculations using that field/value are done here:




    That value is not used for repulsors, as they do not have any 'damage' module in the part config.


    See the previous answer.  Additionally, the way KSPWheel functions regarding automatic suspension 'spring' value calculation, each repulsor should be able to support the full craft weight at roughly 50% compression.  More replulsors will reduce the compression amount; extreme numbers of wheels/repulsors will mandate that the 'spring' value is reduced on each one so that there is at least some compression / reduce jitter.

    Thank you very much. This is very helpful!

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