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Everything posted by invision

  1. no one is forcing you to agree. if you dont like the EULA then you do not have to accept it.
  2. its the game. KSP isnt the best optimized game and runs like crap and gets worse the longer that session goes on for. it doesnt matter what you tweak or the settings it will remain the same. you can try uninstalling the game entirely and start over see if that helps, then add one mod at a time and see if its one of them causing the performance issue. the game would run for me under 30 FPS sometimes using a Ryzen 5 1600 and a gtx 1080 the new 1.4 with a few mods seems to run a lot better with 100+ fps but stutters a lot.
  3. the update just happened give the modders a few weeks to get to it
  4. mission control we got our first flag planting of 1.4
  5. hmmm and here i thought me and squad had very similar taste, turns out they were stealing my ship builds this whole time.
  6. played stock 1.4 ewwwww i feel like 80% of the game is missing with no mods
  7. tearing up the road in dirt rally and hitting those 90 degree pins
  8. download space flight simulator from google app store, it almost feels like a 2d rip off of KSP
  9. there is a trick to do it but your AP has to be right on the tip to meet Jool so its SOI captures you when you are at your lowest speed. otherwise you probably will be going too fast (9k m/s) and risk exploding. where if you meet Jool right at the top of your AP your probably will only be traveling about 5-6k m/s. also dont dip too far down or you will blow up regardless or be sucked into the atmosphere other options include using other moons to manipulate tranfers from one to another but requires a bit of precision then the last resort is using fuel and try to slow down enough Jool wont blow you up
  10. this game definitely needs new textures
  11. only things i can think of is you have a fuel converter and left it on using the ore? it wants the ore in orbit of kerblin?
  12. no one ever told me they like my bottom, i feel insecure now thanks everyone.
  13. single monitor maybe 1 tab open for internet, 20 mods mainly parts mods and the ship in question i believe was about 100 parts/ this is the only game that has issues, any other game i can run maxed out with 120+ fps so its not the pc. the pc is also only used for gaming and youtube it does nothing else. ive found a work around of simply reloading the craft mid play so its not a life or death fix its just odd it even happens. im waiting till 1.4 to release and ill see if anything gets better from there or not.
  14. the screen shots were from a modded game but the same thing happens in stock. my mods are part mods with a light version of EVE for cloud textures, it doesnt hamper the performance as i lose maybe 5 fps from the mod on or off.
  15. happens stock game too tho. in fact stock game stutters and lags bad if you place just a few objects into orbit. the only reason you dont see low FPS during kerblin orbit is because there is nothing in orbit except a space station. the fact is the game while fun and probably one of the better games ives played has issues, its far from perfect and im just pointing out that it could run better. theres no need for anyone to feel offended or need to defend squad. you want to see something else odd? go load any craft and keep selecting "revert to launch" and watch your FPS tank to single numbers and you havent even left the ground yet
  16. cool man more power to you now explain this and pay attention to the FPS so far we have maintained 60+ fps from launch until now now we start to drop FPS even tho nothing has changed, we even got rid of some of the craft and send it to blow up so its not in orbit we land and lose 20 more frames okay now we go to tracking station and load the craft back up
  17. i know how it works ive been building pc's for over 10 years, and there is no entitlement. i simply pointed out KSP does not run very well especially if the mission goes on for hours. the frame rate will start in the hundreds and slowing work it way down to unplayable. this happens on both of my pc's with completely different specs. if you go to the space center mid mission then back to that same craft the game runs fine
  18. why does it run exactly the same on my other pc?
  19. right yet i can run and play any other game with zero issues. i know its hard for people to accept KSP runs like crap
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