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Everything posted by Dimas152

  1. have some issues with VesselMover after i updated it (with CKAN), it doesn't want to load anything from Kerbal Space Program/saves/[insert any save file name here]/ships, it only want to load vessels from Kerbal Space Program/ships directory can't find anything wrong from debug menu
  2. why don't this mod has built-in size tweaker like Kerbal Foundries?
  3. normal planes for normal Kerbals https://kerbalx.com/dimas_1502/Lockheed-Martin-F-22N-Sea-Raptor (why the *f word* i obsessed with internal bays...)
  4. someone had done it before, with built-in radar and ECMs, and gold-ish cockpit interior overlay view
  5. Dimas152


    never seen a mod that have Kerbin and Earth at the same time
  6. the big turboshaft did fits nicely on the size 2 fuselages but, the height of the engine is kinda ugly, maybe you can make a short variant of it also a side cargo door for size 2 would be nice
  7. why not use ion thrusters instead? u can change the thrust limiter into 1000 by editing the .craft file via notepad
  8. because that's KSP, i also accidentally sent a Fairey Gannet to space (sub-orbit)
  9. oh yeah btw the old Mk1 viewer's cockpit 1 IVA looks better than the new one, the dashboard is too high on the new one maybe use the old IVA but with the new features?
  10. updated this few hours ago, yes the redesign is great, but i notice something lost IVA props inside the new Mk1 Non-Com cockpit gone including the new seat, and the sticks doesn't move at all heli sticks doesn't appear too on the Mk1 viewer's cockpit 2 (no pic)
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