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Everything posted by Geonovast

  1. Looking for a bit of info based on actual experience from you guys. I'm currently building a pretty significant upgrade for my main computer, and all that I have left is RAM. I'm looking at 32GB of DDR4-3600. I currently have 32GB of DDR4-2400, in a 4 x8 configuration. I'm not sure what would be better, 4 x 8, or 2 x 16? Googling it there doesn't seem to be much of a difference, but I was wondering if anyone had any insight on it.
  2. If you double click on the image in the editor, you can re-size it. There's also drag handles. (Same image)
  3. You won't be able to do actual emojis, but you could put in pictures of emojis.
  4. Did you get the game and the DLC from the same place? Given that you're unsure how to install the DLC, but were able to install the game, I have a feeling you may have gotten the game from Steam and the DLC from the KSP store? If you got them from different places, this will get a bit more complicated. Also, you may be having issues running the command by clicking on it because it's not set as executable. You can change this by simply right clicking on file, Properties, Permissions, and checking "Allow executing file as a program". At least in MATE, the other Desktop Environments might be worded a bit different, but should be about the same. You can also change it at the command line. Basically just follow @Green Baron's directions above. But before doing this: Type: sudo chmod +x dlc-mhe-[lang] Assuming [lang] needs to be replaced with your language, so it may be dlc-mhe-en if you have the English version.
  5. Basically what I did too. 20 GB isn't swap territory for me yet, but it was going a lot slower than normal. I even changed the nice value to -20, and no change.
  6. For the last week or so, I've been on an STS kick again. Usually watching STS related videos on YouTube while building and launching shuttles in KSP. My wife just walked by my computer while I had this up on the screen. And she said "Still on the shuttles, huh?". We just had a very interesting conversation that ended with me accusing her of not knowing the difference between the Enterprise B and Enterprise C.
  7. I think I may have mis-read or misunderstood how the interaction happened. I think I get it now! Disregard earlier post.
  8. I have no idea. I just didn't want to start pinging mod makers about it since most of them are unlikely to support the 1.3.1 versions.
  9. Since I've decided to do a complete re-design of my shuttle program, I have also decided to, reluctantly, take this opportunity to migrate to 1.4.5.. This was mainly due to KSP creeping up to 20 GB of RAM usage last night, and me deciding to start over with everything current rather than track down an incredibly weird, seemingly intermittent issue that appeared to have something to do with pausing the game for long intervals.
  10. It goes off the highest number in the folder. So if you remove all the pictures, it starts over at 1. You could probably set up a task to run a bat file that moves everything automatically once a day after creating a timestamp named folder.
  11. I'm having an issue with the new parts for US II. When they're put into one of the bay service cores, some of them you can no longer click on. Specifically the Solar Particle Collector, ASERT, Accelerometer/Gravmax, RPWS antenna, PresMat/2Hot. All the other parts I can select fine. If I mouse over any of these parts, it just highlights the core instead. Clicking acts as if I'm trying to click on the core, as if the part wasn't there. Doesn't seem to matter which core they're on (4,6,8). Doesn't matter if there's a fairing or not. Happens in editor and in flight. I can't even click on them to set action groups. Not a mod conflict, I removed everything except US II and Orbital Science, same thing. Is this something on your end, or do I need to bring it to the US II thread?
  12. I have one of these, and am pretty happy with it. I'm sure I could do a lot better for more money, but I got a used one for ~$30. Does what I need it to. https://www.amazon.com/Thrustmaster-T-Flight-Hotas-Flight-Stick-PC/dp/B001CXYMFS I don't think you'll find that attitude here. Plenty of Mac players. If KSP wasn't meant to be on a Mac, they wouldn't have released a version for it! I'm playing on Linux, and there's more than a significant share of Linux players here as well.
  13. Both of the printers I keep at home are being problematic. And I really don't have the patience to deal with them tonight.
  14. Playing around with Cacteye even though I don't need it (Sandbox). Launched my very first telescope. Then, I decided to pull a NASA and immediately make it all but useless. Told it to point at Minmus, with the aperture open. Swept past the sun and the processor instantly exploded. Oh well, I like KAS repairs anyway.
  15. uh.. 4.77/10? I've seen you around a bit.
  16. Made some changes to show a status bar and "real-time" info updates. This was mainly to prevent "A tab is slowing down your browser" messages. This is a little annoying, since processing 10 years at the per second resolution would take several minutes, as it ran its loop 92,106,000 times. I ran a few several day tests and it seems to be pretty accurate. Although it makes some assumptions that I simply cannot accommodate for.
  17. Jumped right in. I was always intrigued by the game's mentions in xkcd, and finally decided to look into. About 5 minutes of looking at a Google image search for KSP and realizing there was a native Linux version, I didn't hesitate to buy. Hooked the first time I hit the space bar, even though I had ZERO clue what I was doing.
  18. Click the "Report Post" button on your original post, and request a moderator to lock the thread.
  19. DSEV gives you a mobile emitter so you can have hologram Kerbal that can change profession. I know it's not an additional Profession, but I think it will add to the roleplay aspect you're looking for.
  20. You could always start a career mode, cheat yourself enough money to upgrade the facilities and to never worry about having enough cash for your rockets, then just use the contracts as mission ideas with no care as to payout.
  21. Yes, but I don't use it for attention as a channel, I just use it to host videos to embed other places. TUBM is TUBM.
  22. I'm not entirely sure where to put this... so general it is. I use TAC LS, and recently installed Universal Storage II. I've been wanting one for a bit, so I wrote a basic estimator for running LS supplies with the resource converters running (like Water Purifiers and such). The converters used in the estimator are the ones used in Universal Storage II. I don't have the ones included with TAC LS itself yet, as I don't use them. I was hoping to get a few people that run the same setup and are willing to try to test it out for me. I don't want to publicly post the tool yet until I've had some help verifying that it's working as intended. It's a single 16kB HTML file that you just run in your browser. Nothing fancy and just runs the calculations with Javascript. It's not so much a calculator as it is a simulator. You provide it with the supplies on board, which converters would be running, how many kerbals, and how many days you want the mission to last. It runs at whatever interval you want (every second, every minute, every hour, every day) although I don't recommend doing anything other than seconds. Anyone interested in trying it out, see if it's worthwhile? Mods - if I need a license for this thing, let me know and I'll get one before I hand it out.
  23. I read this a few days ago, pretty interesting. https://arstechnica.com/science/2016/02/the-audacious-rescue-plan-that-might-have-saved-space-shuttle-columbia/ Since getting back into KSP and doing almost exclusively shuttles, I've been watching a lot of shuttle related videos on youtube while playing KSP. The biggest revelation was that Columbia did not go to the ISS on its final mission. Somehow, for the last 15 tears, I though they did and nothing ever corrected me until now. Weird.
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